Clinton doing better than expected despite Trump's battering of her

The race seems to be tightening as Clinton still holds on to the important swing states.

Betting line in Vegas is 65 to 35 in favor of Clinton.

RCP below
NC Trump by 4
NJ Clinton by 11
VA tied
CA Clinton by 14
FL Clinton by 1
OH Clinton by 5
NH Clinton by 2
AZ Trump by 4
GA Trump by 3
RCP Average 5/13 - 5/19 -- -- 43.4 43.2 Trump +0.2
ABC News/Wash Post 5/16 - 5/19 829 RV 3.5 46 44 Trump +2
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 5/15 - 5/19 1000 RV 3.1 43 46 Clinton +3
Rasmussen Reports 5/17 - 5/18 1000 LV 3 42 37 Trump +5
FOX News 5/14 - 5/17 1021 RV 3 45 42 Trump +3

And just why does this matter to you?

Why does it not matter to you. Be specific.
The race seems to be tightening as Clinton still holds on to the important swing states.

Betting line in Vegas is 65 to 35 in favor of Clinton.

RCP below
NC Trump by 4
NJ Clinton by 11
VA tied
CA Clinton by 14
FL Clinton by 1
OH Clinton by 5
NH Clinton by 2
AZ Trump by 4
GA Trump by 3
RCP Average 5/13 - 5/19 -- -- 43.4 43.2 Trump +0.2
ABC News/Wash Post 5/16 - 5/19 829 RV 3.5 46 44 Trump +2
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 5/15 - 5/19 1000 RV 3.1 43 46 Clinton +3
Rasmussen Reports 5/17 - 5/18 1000 LV 3 42 37 Trump +5
FOX News 5/14 - 5/17 1021 RV 3 45 42 Trump +3

Clinton's doing better than expected? :p It hasn't even really started yet.

Not surprising. A lot of people hate Clinton, but a lot more hate Trump

Not surprising. A lot of people hate Clinton, but a lot more hate Trump
Yep it's a toss up of who do you think isn't the biggest piece of crap.

Not surprising. A lot of people hate Clinton, but a lot more hate Trump
I read somewhere the other day that according to polling, if it weren't for Trump, Clinton would be the least popular candidate in history.


If the Democratic Party had a brain they would run Sanders instead of Clinton, but no one ever accused today Democratic Party being very bright as of late!

Sanders has not had to withstand a negative campaign... Clinton has done 25 years at one...

Despite what theTrump nutjobs say... Clinton has a good history in governance.. She might not be the best campaigner but she looks like she would be a very good president...

The band of cock gobblers is out shredding.
The race seems to be tightening as Clinton still holds on to the important swing states.

Betting line in Vegas is 65 to 35 in favor of Clinton.

RCP below
NC Trump by 4
NJ Clinton by 11
VA tied
CA Clinton by 14
FL Clinton by 1
OH Clinton by 5
NH Clinton by 2
AZ Trump by 4
GA Trump by 3
RCP Average 5/13 - 5/19 -- -- 43.4 43.2 Trump +0.2
ABC News/Wash Post 5/16 - 5/19 829 RV 3.5 46 44 Trump +2
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 5/15 - 5/19 1000 RV 3.1 43 46 Clinton +3
Rasmussen Reports 5/17 - 5/18 1000 LV 3 42 37 Trump +5
FOX News 5/14 - 5/17 1021 RV 3 45 42 Trump +3

Clinton's doing better than expected? :p It hasn't even really started yet.

Not surprising. A lot of people hate Clinton, but a lot more hate Trump

Not surprising. A lot of people hate Clinton, but a lot more hate Trump
Yep it's a toss up of who do you think isn't the biggest piece of crap.

Not surprising. A lot of people hate Clinton, but a lot more hate Trump
I read somewhere the other day that according to polling, if it weren't for Trump, Clinton would be the least popular candidate in history.


If the Democratic Party had a brain they would run Sanders instead of Clinton, but no one ever accused today Democratic Party being very bright as of late!

Sanders has not had to withstand a negative campaign... Clinton has done 25 years at one...

Despite what theTrump nutjobs say... Clinton has a good history in governance.. She might not be the best campaigner but she looks like she would be a very good president...

The band of cock gobblers is out shredding.
Clinton and Trump? they certainly are
Battering? Is that what the whiny left is calling it? The campaign ain't even started. Wait until the media starts doing it's job and Hillary has to answer the tough questions.

I am thinking that the MSM will start doing their job sometime around next February. At which time they will apologize for not bring up the information earlier.

What the hell Jake are you just mailing it in? What does "better than expected" even mean? 6 months ago she was expected to breeze into the nomination. While the fix has always been in she certainly will win but not in a breeze, unless that breeze is coming from the outhouse.

Jake, just try a little harder, that is all we can ask.

What the hell Jake are you just mailing it in? What does "better than expected" even mean? 6 months ago she was expected to breeze into the nomination. While the fix has always been in she certainly will win but not in a breeze, unless that breeze is coming from the outhouse. Jake, just try a little harder, that is all we can ask.
With the likes of you and your ilk posting, I don't have to try harder.
Expectation were that Hillary would win easily but she can't even put Bernie away. I don't know if she will have the energy to beat Trump.

So you don't think a woman is up to being treated like a man while running for President? Why is that, Jake? Somehow if Fiorina had won the Republican nod, I don't think that would have been a standard for you ...
Salient points, if you please:

(1) HRC's current problem is not that she used a personal server for official business. It goes deeper than that. Others before and after her have occasionally exchanged "government" communications on their personal email accounts, which they were using as a matter of convenience. HRC was DETERMINED to use a personal email account instead of the State Department server, which she knew would keep all of her communications permanently. So it was her PLAN AND INTENTION from the beginning to withhold and conceal a large portion of her official communications, and despite being told that this was illegal, she held to that plan. No other SoS had any such devious program in mind, it was merely convenience that occasionally got tripped up.

(2) Betting odds are not the same as a likelihood of victory, and in many cases are unrelated to the percentage chance of victory. Betting odds are based on one thing: How the payoff must be distorted in order to get an equal amount of money bet on both possible outcomes. Five months is an eternity in politics, and today's polls are near meaningless, as are today's "betting odds."

(3) Hillary's prospects at this time have very little to do with her qualifications, popularity, capabilities, or any of that. There are huge blocks of voters who vote almost unanimously for the Democrat candidate, no matter who it is. Blacks, government workers, Hispanics, gays & lesbians (not huge by any means), people in the arts, social sciences, and education, union members, welfare recipients, and so on. Hillary's job is to get all of these constituencies to show up on November 1. If they do, then the Republican candidate will have to get 95% of everyone else in order to win, which won't happen. It is her race to lose, which she may very well do. "Vote for me, I'm somewhat less disgusting than my opponent," doesn't seem like a winner to me.

(4) Hillary is physically not well. She is an OLD 68, and no one familiar with her medical condition would be the least bit surprised if she is unable to complete 4 years in office. Hence, her VP selection is almost as important as her own candidacy.

(5) Trump could win if he makes a wise VP choice, and if he works with the Republicans to develop a platform that the public will embrace (Like Gingrich's Contract With America). Which is why many people expect Gingrich to be a major player over the next couple months.
The news coverage of this latest kerfuffle is a great example of the bias of the MSM.

The ATTORNEY FUCKING GENERAL of the State Department says that HRC intentionally and emphatically broke the law. Told the people at the State Department to go fuck off when they told her she couldn't use her own server.

She says she didn't do anything wrong.

The MSM treats both assertions as having equal merit.

Think about that.

("I never had sexual relations with that women - Miss Lewinsky").

("I always opposed NAFTA").

Is there a pattern here?

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