Clinton doing better than expected despite Trump's battering of her

The fact that this career criminal is even being allowed to run as president should shake the faith we have in this country.

You are a despicable misogynist to talk about Hillary like that. Sure, four people died because of her tardiness to send relief. Sure her husband was enabled by her compliance to commit rape.

But all that and more is not enough to call her a criminal. Let the voters decide.

For the mentally challenged and common sense deprived liberal, the above was meant as a joke.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Battering??? Those are butterfly kisses. Wait til we get about two months out it's going to get U-G-L-Y on both sides. American Politics has always been dirty and this year it's going to take the cake.
Polls say this! Polls say that!
All you have to do is look at the betting odds. Hillary is a 70% favorite to win the election. Trump has a real electoral college problem.
The race seems to be tightening as Clinton still holds on to the important swing states.

Betting line in Vegas is 65 to 35 in favor of Clinton.

RCP below
NC Trump by 4
NJ Clinton by 11
VA tied
CA Clinton by 14
FL Clinton by 1
OH Clinton by 5
NH Clinton by 2
AZ Trump by 4
GA Trump by 3
RCP Average 5/13 - 5/19 -- -- 43.4 43.2 Trump +0.2
ABC News/Wash Post 5/16 - 5/19 829 RV 3.5 46 44 Trump +2
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 5/15 - 5/19 1000 RV 3.1 43 46 Clinton +3
Rasmussen Reports 5/17 - 5/18 1000 LV 3 42 37 Trump +5
FOX News 5/14 - 5/17 1021 RV 3 45 42 Trump +3

And just why does this matter to you?

Clinton doing better than expected despite Trump's battering of her

TRANSLATION: She's losing.
Not surprising. A lot of people hate Clinton, but a lot more hate Trump
Battering? Is that what the whiny left is calling it? The campaign ain't even started. Wait until the media starts doing it's job and Hillary has to answer the tough questions.

Frankly, I am waiting for them to break out those Howard Stern interviews with Donald Trump--LOL

She's going to be your president so TS.... see how far whitewater gets you

She will never be my President. Like that Kenyan asshole the stupid Moon Bats elected she may occupy an office but she doesn't represent real America. She would represent the filthy ass greedy scumbags of this country.

If the Democratic Party had a brain they would run Sanders instead of Clinton, but no one ever accused today Democratic Party being very bright as of late!

Sanders has not had to withstand a negative campaign... Clinton has done 25 years at one...

Despite what theTrump nutjobs say... Clinton has a good history in governance.. She might not be the best campaigner but she looks like she would be a very good president...
Every battered woman deserves to be believed.

Except this one...

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