Clinton Foundation Refuses to Release Names of 1,076 Secret Foreign Donors

What do you think the whole server BS was about? Crooked Hillary was trying to avoid FOIA requests. Why do people do such things? Because they have something to hide.

Bold Assertion as premise....

I'm guessing you are a Breitbart reader...

Nope, never read Breitbart nor listen to Rush, Hannity or Beck. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what was going on.

State Dept: FOIA officers didn’t know, didn’t ask about Clinton’s use of private email

, never read Breitbart

Exclusive Video: Veteran Forcibly Dragged from Air Force Ceremony for Mentioning God

That didn't take long......

I didn't post that, what in the hell is your point?

You didn't?

Who is Freewill and what is he/she doing with your handle?

Well I got to admit you kinda got me on that one. Took me awhile to find it and I don't remember posting it. But I will bet it was a link through another site, Drudge, cause I don't go read breitbart.
But I don't Fuck Bugs as you do!
Did you mean "Bug's"?

But Bripat is here to run the anchor leg of the 4xMoron relay...

IT's cute the way you are trying so hard to convince people that you're smart.


It is entirely irrelevant to the fact that you are the fora's premier cretin....

The adults are trying to talk, child. Go play with your toys.
Take another gander at your avatar, Imbecile...
That's a pic, moron, not reality.
Screw the 'tax returns' distraction! Here's the real secrecy / 'I've got a secret' story libs are trying to bury!

E-mails, insults, anti-Semitic, anti-jew, anti-LGBT, anti-black, anti-female...the libs tried to hide it all...but cry out for meaningless tax returns while trying to keep their identity / dirty little secrets hidden...and FAILING!

Not when they are paying for quid pro quo from the Secretary of State.
The evidence of which is?
See the video "Clinton Cash"

That stuff is idiot bait.....

In other words, it's truth.

Stay Useful, Idiot.....

You can't dispute it, so all you can do is name call. That's the story of your life, isn't it?
Screw the 'tax returns' distraction! Here's the real secrecy / 'I've got a secret' story libs are trying to bury!

E-mails, insults, anti-Semitic, anti-jew, anti-LGBT, anti-black, anti-female...the libs tried to hide it all...but cry out for meaningless tax returns while trying to keep their identity / dirty little secrets hidden...and FAILING!


Let's see the Clinton donors list then after the audit they can see the tax returns, which are none of their business.

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