Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

For Christ's sake, between Bloomberg doing an obviously slanted poll where even a majority of white men say that they wont vote for Trump, to Hillary's 24/7 nonstop press corpse ignoring her criminal investigation, ignoring her repeated gaffes, her obvious corruption, covering for Bills sexual philandering by attacking his victims, to the RINOs in the GOP attacking Trump 24/7 without stop from Speaker Ryan to the Loser in Cheif Mittens Romney, I am surprised Trump is not down by 40%.

People do not get serious about who they vote for until about two weeks before the election then its all 'OMG, the electorate flipped on us!' like in 1980 and 2000.

Trump is going to win, so get used to saying President Donald J. Trump, losers.
Those polls were conducted before the Obama sanctioned slaughter in Orlando. Obama is busy making excuses for Islamic terrorism. Wait for some polls that incorporate the anger of the American people at the events in Orlando
Doomberg? as if that family has any credibility?

When the GOP Establishment is attacking their own candidate, they suddenly transform into the Arbiters of Truth, in the view of these rabid Marxist shit4brains in the Democratic Party.

The rest of the time it's 'Oh, you quoting Bloomberg again? Cant you find a real news source?'
Only 12%?!?

its still early .. give her another month to hit 20

Those polls were conducted before the Obama sanctioned slaughter in Orlando. Obama is busy making excuses for Islamic terrorism. Wait for some polls that incorporate the anger of the American people at the events in Orlando

You are one crazy fuck, aren't you? Do you have a drool shield for your keyboard?
"Crazy" for posting the obvious truth? Anyone supporting the continued importation of these bloodthirsty savages is a crazy fuck.
Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

Source: Bloomberg
Democrat Hillary Clinton has opened up a double-digit lead nationally over Republican Donald Trump, whose negatives remain unusually high for a presidential candidate amid early indications that the Orlando terrorist attack has had little direct impact on the 2016 race.

A new Bloomberg Politics national poll shows Clinton leading Trump 49 percent to 37 percent among likely voters in November's election, with 55 percent of those polled saying they could never vote for the real-estate developer and TV personality.

Read the questions and methodology here.

Most national polls in late May and early June showed a closer race, but they were taken before criticism intensified of Trump's charge that a U.S. judge overseeing fraud cases against Trump University is biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage. Fifty-five percent of likely voters in the new poll said they were very bothered by those comments.

Read more: Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

Clintons kicking ass!!! Every poll the pass 2 weeks shows her ahead.

National polls are useless in Presidential elections.
Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

Source: Bloomberg
Democrat Hillary Clinton has opened up a double-digit lead nationally over Republican Donald Trump, whose negatives remain unusually high for a presidential candidate amid early indications that the Orlando terrorist attack has had little direct impact on the 2016 race.

A new Bloomberg Politics national poll shows Clinton leading Trump 49 percent to 37 percent among likely voters in November's election, with 55 percent of those polled saying they could never vote for the real-estate developer and TV personality.

Read the questions and methodology here.

Most national polls in late May and early June showed a closer race, but they were taken before criticism intensified of Trump's charge that a U.S. judge overseeing fraud cases against Trump University is biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage. Fifty-five percent of likely voters in the new poll said they were very bothered by those comments.

Read more: Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

Clintons kicking ass!!! Every poll the pass 2 weeks shows her ahead.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. Trump has chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at.

73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump

Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

And if Ronald Reagan wouldn't have voted for Donald Trump, there are millions of Republicans that won't be voting for him either.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republicans for Hillary? -
Michael Reagan--states father Ronald Reagan would have never voted for Trump

Bloomberg ? Isn't that the Billionaire nutbag that bans big soda's and spends 50 million of his own money to get rid of the 2nd Amendment ?
Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

Source: Bloomberg
Democrat Hillary Clinton has opened up a double-digit lead nationally over Republican Donald Trump, whose negatives remain unusually high for a presidential candidate amid early indications that the Orlando terrorist attack has had little direct impact on the 2016 race.

A new Bloomberg Politics national poll shows Clinton leading Trump 49 percent to 37 percent among likely voters in November's election, with 55 percent of those polled saying they could never vote for the real-estate developer and TV personality.

Read the questions and methodology here.

Most national polls in late May and early June showed a closer race, but they were taken before criticism intensified of Trump's charge that a U.S. judge overseeing fraud cases against Trump University is biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage. Fifty-five percent of likely voters in the new poll said they were very bothered by those comments.

Read more: Clinton Has 12-Point Edge Over Trump in Bloomberg National Poll

Clintons kicking ass!!! Every poll the pass 2 weeks shows her ahead.

National polls are useless in Presidential elections.

But they have a significant influence nonetheless – on how campaigns are managed, potential funding and donations, and the perception of the voters.

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