Clinton loss in West Virginia signals trouble in Rust Belt

Another state that doesn't matter.

They were too stupid to realize coal was over and refused to learn a new trade. Now we will be providing them welfare for generations.

Our coal production is increasing in the US. You're not real bright are you.
Another state that doesn't matter.

They were too stupid to realize coal was over and refused to learn a new trade. Now we will be providing them welfare for generations.

yeah throw them onto welfare and public assistance because they didn't go to Harvard. What a callous POS that Mrs. Tuzla Clinton has turned out to be.
Barack Obama's original quote, which came from a videotaped interview he did with the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board very early in the presidential campaign, January 2008.

"Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket," Obama told the Chronicle . "Coal-powered plants, you know, natural gas, you name it, whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers."

And dopes voted for this!

America enjoys the resources to be the world’s top oil producer, the world’s top natural gas producer, the world’s top coal producer, and the world’s top producer of nuclear energy. The problem is that our own government has stood perversely in the way, preventing America from using its own resources to produce a reliable supply of low-cost energy.

yes, if we let the energy companies run rampant over the environment and consumers, we'd get as much energy as we want. and we'd be paying just as much for it as we do now, if not more.

Historically, nations have gone to war to ensure their access to essential energy supplies, most notably the Japanese in World War II.

Um, yeah, and look how well that worked out for Japan.
Good news. America may be stupid enough to elect Obama twice, and hopefully, not stupid enough to elect 'Her Thighness' Clinton once.


U.S. Democratic White House candidate Hillary Clinton lost a nominating contest to Bernie Sanders in economically struggling West Virginia on Tuesday, a setback that could signal trouble for her in industrial states in the November general election.

The defeat slows Clinton's march to the nomination, but she is still heavily favored to become the Democratic candidate in the Nov. 8 election.

Still, her failure to win over voters deeply skeptical about the direction of the economy underscored the work she will need to do to court working-class voters in the Rust Belt, which includes key states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. West Virginia has one of the highest unemployment rates in country.

Sanders, who has vowed to take his campaign all the way to the Democrats' July 25-28 convention in Philadelphia, said he is the stronger candidate to beat presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in November.

Clinton loss in West Virginia signals trouble in Rust Belt
Remarkable the ignorance among so many as to how presidents are elected.
Good news. America may be stupid enough to elect Obama twice, and hopefully, not stupid enough to elect 'Her Thighness' Clinton once.


U.S. Democratic White House candidate Hillary Clinton lost a nominating contest to Bernie Sanders in economically struggling West Virginia on Tuesday, a setback that could signal trouble for her in industrial states in the November general election.

The defeat slows Clinton's march to the nomination, but she is still heavily favored to become the Democratic candidate in the Nov. 8 election.

Still, her failure to win over voters deeply skeptical about the direction of the economy underscored the work she will need to do to court working-class voters in the Rust Belt, which includes key states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. West Virginia has one of the highest unemployment rates in country.

Sanders, who has vowed to take his campaign all the way to the Democrats' July 25-28 convention in Philadelphia, said he is the stronger candidate to beat presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in November.

Clinton loss in West Virginia signals trouble in Rust Belt
Remarkable the ignorance among so many as to how presidents are elected.

I can tell you one thing Clayton, they are not elected with the baggage and reputation Clinton has

Another state that doesn't matter.

They were too stupid to realize coal was over and refused to learn a new trade. Now we will be providing them welfare for generations.

That is an incredibly simplistic and intellectually shallow view of West Virginia. Do you know anything about the state? Or its people? These are some of the best paying jobs in the state and 30,000 coal miners livelihoods depend on coal. Surely you can understand why they would be wary of Hillary considering her past comments.

By the way, the state is one of the poorest in the nation. We've been supplying them with welfare for generations already. Hell, one of the reasons Byrd was elected time and time again was the fact that he brought home the bacon.
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Good news. America may be stupid enough to elect Obama twice, and hopefully, not stupid enough to elect 'Her Thighness' Clinton once.


U.S. Democratic White House candidate Hillary Clinton lost a nominating contest to Bernie Sanders in economically struggling West Virginia on Tuesday, a setback that could signal trouble for her in industrial states in the November general election.

The defeat slows Clinton's march to the nomination, but she is still heavily favored to become the Democratic candidate in the Nov. 8 election.

Still, her failure to win over voters deeply skeptical about the direction of the economy underscored the work she will need to do to court working-class voters in the Rust Belt, which includes key states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. West Virginia has one of the highest unemployment rates in country.

Sanders, who has vowed to take his campaign all the way to the Democrats' July 25-28 convention in Philadelphia, said he is the stronger candidate to beat presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in November.

Clinton loss in West Virginia signals trouble in Rust Belt
Clinton couldn't win against Obama. Clinton cannot even defeat Sanders, how is she going to defeat Trump?
Another state that doesn't matter.

They were too stupid to realize coal was over and refused to learn a new trade. Now we will be providing them welfare for generations.

So people who have their livelihoods destroyed by the government deserve what they get? There's the liberal compassion we've heard so much about.
More alarming (for Hillary) is Hillary is on a losing streak. She desperately needs a win.
So people who have their livelihoods destroyed by the government deserve what they get? There's the liberal compassion we've heard so much about.

The thing is, it isn't "the government' destroying their livlihood, it's the energy needs of the country. Coal is so 19th century.... you know, kind of like your political philosophy.
More alarming (for Hillary) is Hillary is on a losing streak. She desperately needs a win.

meh, not really. Hillary can lose every primary until California and she'll still walk away with enough delegates to win.
The Democrats have decimated West Virginia. It destroyed its key source of income. Democrat influence there is rapidly waning and will soon be over for good.
Another state that doesn't matter.

They were too stupid to realize coal was over and refused to learn a new trade. Now we will be providing them welfare for generations.

Coal is over?

According to who?

Learn a new trade?

Such as?
Most of the easy to reach coal has been dug up. If you go to an area and start removing something on a large scale over hundreds of years, eventually, what ever you have been removing begins to run out. That's just common sense. Not sure why it had to be explained.

It ran out?

When did that happen?

Of hasn't
America enjoys the resources to be the world’s top oil producer, the world’s top natural gas producer, the world’s top coal producer, and the world’s top producer of nuclear energy. The problem is that our own government has stood perversely in the way, preventing America from using its own resources to produce a reliable supply of low-cost energy. Historically, nations have gone to war to ensure their access to essential energy supplies, most notably the Japanese in World War II.
Peter Ferrara, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” p. 238-239.



Coal Outlook 2016: Near-term Rebound Highly Unlikely - Investing News Network
Another state that doesn't matter.

They were too stupid to realize coal was over and refused to learn a new trade. Now we will be providing them welfare for generations.

I love it when the left tells the truth on rare occasion. The liberals did the same thing to the timber industry under are going to love this the Clinton's destroyed entire towns dependent on the timber industry so they gifted affected states with billions in federal money to help those who's jobs and lives they comes the punch line...and the states confiscated the money and spent it on other crap instead.
So people who have their livelihoods destroyed by the government deserve what they get? There's the liberal compassion we've heard so much about.

The thing is, it isn't "the government' destroying their livlihood, it's the energy needs of the country. Coal is so 19th century.... you know, kind of like your political philosophy.

The indisputable fact is that hundreds of coal fired powered plants have closed only because of the EPA's new regulations.

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