
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

How much did Bill agree to pay Lynch?
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

B'loney. Phone calls are recorded by the NSA.
The Birth of Fox News

Nixon: "The press is killing us on Watergate and Vietnam."

John Ehrlichman: "The only way for us to survive this is if we can turn the public against the press."

Nixon: "We need them to see that the country is controlled by the Jew-run liberal media."

Nixon: "We need our own news channel, our own paper. We need to be able to twist everything the other side does into a scandal, and report it around the clock."
The Birth of Fox News

Nixon: "The press is killing us on Watergate and Vietnam."

John Ehrlichman: "The only way for us to survive this is if we can turn the public against the press."

Nixon: "We need them to see that the country is controlled by the Jew-run liberal media."

Nixon: "We need our own news channel, our own paper. We need to be able to twist everything the other side does into a scandal, and report it around the clock."

How'd that work out for Nixon?
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

B'loney. Phone calls are recorded by the NSA.

pre paid cell phones are not registered with a phone company .... noentheless ponder this ..

IF Bill Clinton wanted a cell that couldn't be traced back to him, ONE of Hillary's 300+ staffers could go buy a pp phone, who uses a BOGUS name, gives it to another staffer, who gives it to a campaign head quarters in another state, who gives it to Hillarys campaign Manager, who gives it to Hillary , who gives it to Bill, making the phone virtually untraceable .... unless you're Abbey on NCIS.
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

B'loney. Phone calls are recorded by the NSA.

pre paid cell phones are not registered with a phone company .... noentheless ponder this ..

IF Bill Clinton wanted a cell that couldn't be traced back to him, ONE of Hillary's 300+ staffers could go buy a pp phone, who uses a BOGUS name, gives it to another staffer, who gives it to a campaign head quarters in another state, who gives it to Hillarys campaign Manager, who gives it to Hillary , who gives it to Bill, making the phone virtually untraceable .... unless you're Abbey on NCIS.

Ah, so you think they should just be like drug dealers, that's fitting.
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

B'loney. Phone calls are recorded by the NSA.

pre paid cell phones are not registered with a phone company .... noentheless ponder this ..

IF Bill Clinton wanted a cell that couldn't be traced back to him, ONE of Hillary's 300+ staffers could go buy a pp phone, who uses a BOGUS name, gives it to another staffer, who gives it to a campaign head quarters in another state, who gives it to Hillarys campaign Manager, who gives it to Hillary , who gives it to Bill, making the phone virtually untraceable .... unless you're Abbey on NCIS.

they would need two phones.
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

B'loney. Phone calls are recorded by the NSA.

pre paid cell phones are not registered with a phone company .... noentheless ponder this ..

IF Bill Clinton wanted a cell that couldn't be traced back to him, ONE of Hillary's 300+ staffers could go buy a pp phone, who uses a BOGUS name, gives it to another staffer, who gives it to a campaign head quarters in another state, who gives it to Hillarys campaign Manager, who gives it to Hillary , who gives it to Bill, making the phone virtually untraceable .... unless you're Abbey on NCIS.

they would need two phones.

And the conspiracy to put this in place would have to be conducted over traceable email and phone calls to begin with.
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

B'loney. Phone calls are recorded by the NSA.

pre paid cell phones are not registered with a phone company .... noentheless ponder this ..

IF Bill Clinton wanted a cell that couldn't be traced back to him, ONE of Hillary's 300+ staffers could go buy a pp phone, who uses a BOGUS name, gives it to another staffer, who gives it to a campaign head quarters in another state, who gives it to Hillarys campaign Manager, who gives it to Hillary , who gives it to Bill, making the phone virtually untraceable .... unless you're Abbey on NCIS.

they would need two phones.

And the conspiracy to put this in place would have to be conducted over traceable email and phone calls to begin with.

Agreed, so they set up a meeting in a secure plane.
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

B'loney. Phone calls are recorded by the NSA.

pre paid cell phones are not registered with a phone company .... noentheless ponder this ..

IF Bill Clinton wanted a cell that couldn't be traced back to him, ONE of Hillary's 300+ staffers could go buy a pp phone, who uses a BOGUS name, gives it to another staffer, who gives it to a campaign head quarters in another state, who gives it to Hillarys campaign Manager, who gives it to Hillary , who gives it to Bill, making the phone virtually untraceable .... unless you're Abbey on NCIS.
The only people that go to those lengths,are crooks and drug runners
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

B'loney. Phone calls are recorded by the NSA.

pre paid cell phones are not registered with a phone company .... noentheless ponder this ..

IF Bill Clinton wanted a cell that couldn't be traced back to him, ONE of Hillary's 300+ staffers could go buy a pp phone, who uses a BOGUS name, gives it to another staffer, who gives it to a campaign head quarters in another state, who gives it to Hillarys campaign Manager, who gives it to Hillary , who gives it to Bill, making the phone virtually untraceable .... unless you're Abbey on NCIS.

Ah, so you think they should just be like drug dealers, that's fitting.

hardly, but if indeed there was ill intent, covering it up would be easy to do .. and Lynch wouldn't need a pp phone either.
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

B'loney. Phone calls are recorded by the NSA.

pre paid cell phones are not registered with a phone company .... noentheless ponder this ..

IF Bill Clinton wanted a cell that couldn't be traced back to him, ONE of Hillary's 300+ staffers could go buy a pp phone, who uses a BOGUS name, gives it to another staffer, who gives it to a campaign head quarters in another state, who gives it to Hillarys campaign Manager, who gives it to Hillary , who gives it to Bill, making the phone virtually untraceable .... unless you're Abbey on NCIS.

Ah, so you think they should just be like drug dealers, that's fitting.

hardly, but if indeed there was ill intent, covering it up would be easy to do .. and Lynch wouldn't need a pp phone either.

Yes, it's easy to believe that you are That Dumb.

If Bubba used a PP, and Lynch used her standard phone, the conversation would be trackable via Lynch's phone. It's the same stupidity that caused hiLIARy to think her emails were destroyed because she deleted her copies.
RW's lack the ability to process complex thought. I'm done.
if either was trying to hide a discussion regarding Hillary, or anything else for that matter


Helloooooooo, earth to RW's .

Phones can be tapped. Phone conversations can be overheard.

Helloooooooo, earth to RW's, pre paid cell phones can't be tapped.
If the conversation was benign why would you need a prepaid cell phone?

if the convo was covert why would an ex POTUS meet at an airport, drive to the tarmac, get out of a car guarded by secrete service agents,, and get on a plane that wasn't about to take off.
You only need one thing for a conversation to be private. PRIVACY. And they had it.
We will never know what was spoken was a stupid thing to do for both of them.Rational people on both sides of the fence agree to that.
The argument that it was no big deal fails,its just that simple.
Helloooooooo, earth to RW's, pre paid cell phones can't be tapped.
If the conversation was benign why would you need a prepaid cell phone?

Ummm....that's why they didn't use one. Hello!!!!!
I don't care what was said, it was a breach of public trust and borderline unethical. Her resignation should have been requested.

Nope. It was a stupid thing POLITICALLY. It had nothing to do with her ethics. She is entirely ethical. Her resignation is in no way necessary.

Next outrage.
It certainly DID have everything to do with ethics. As AG, she has an obligation to be unbiased, real and perceived.

Perceived? Silly nutter.

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