Clinton-Obama's Russian Hoax is Over!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
How do we know?

A quick look at the following websites:

BBC, ABC News, CNN, CBS News, NBC News, MSNBC News shows that you'll be hard pressed to find a story about Trump Russia Collusion on their Front Pages.

So it's over, and the RATS know it's over. All the Left has left is to try to deflect, conceal and obstruct the upcoming Investigations in to The DNC, Clinton, Obama, and Crooked Cronies in the FBI and DOJ that need purged to restore The American People's Faith in their Government.

Besides that, people like Schiff, Comey and others have already leaked every single petty detail they could, except for talking about actual Evidence. The only surprises left to discuss, are ones the Media does not want to discuss which are revelations and facts, the paper trail, and financial transactions associated with a level of political skullduggery, NEVER SEEN IN AMERICA, in Clinton & Obama's Campaign to Launch a Propganda War against a duly elected president and their solicitation of Russian Agents to assist them.

All that is left to discuss is the Left's deflections, concealment, and obstruction of The Investigations to come in to Clinton Inc. & Company. It's like a poor tortoise flipped over on it's shell. It's only a matter of time until the sun bakes the shit out of the left, and they and their lying narrative and their corrupt party are done.

The Democrat Party should have been content to lose and have being accused of cheating a little, but instead, they tried to keep their hoax going in the slim chance they could find something to frame The Trump Campaign with in their Espionage & Propaganda Operations to unseat a duly elected president and nullify an election!
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