Clinton Recalls All Ambassadors: Dollar Is Dead


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

This is a conspiracy that has many twists and turns, so try to follow along: Washington DC has recalled all ambassadors/envoys in an unprecedented move: News

Washington recalls all ambassadors, envoys

US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is convening an unprecedented mass meeting of US ambassadors and diplomatic offices abroad.

According to AP, the top envoys from nearly all of America's 260 embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries will be gathering at the State Department; an unprecedented move.
The gathering comes at a time of massive demonstrations against the US stooge Hosni Mubarak in Egypt that could reshape dynamics in the Middle East.

Although the meeting has been called to apparently discuss US foreign policy priorities for 2011, Washington officials said Clinton plans to meet personally with ambassadors to hear about developments on the ground, besides exchange of views regarding concerns about the WikiLeaks revelations.
These ambassadors are called to Washington over China's move to replace the massively-overprinted Fed Fiat Dollar as the world's global reserve currency!

[ame=""]Yuan Reserve Currency Rumor[/ame]

This information is released as a 'rumor,' but China has been working behind the scenes to convert worthless paper dollars into gold in anticipation of the dollar's ultimate removal from world currency reserve status. The truth of this story just happens to coincide with the report of Dollar Devaluation from David from my Pole Shift Topic (here):

[ame=""]David: Pole Shift/Dollar Devaluation Warning Video[/ame]

David warns that the US dollar is frozen in overseas markets in expectation of devaluation to 30 percent of current levels, which seems to be happening on his 40-day time frame. A lot of people are running around trying to discredit the pole shift/dollar devaluation stories as a clever hoax, but then we have GodLikeProduction owners threatened with death for running these same stories (my topic).

The smart money is going into silver right now (my topic), so everybody has been warned.


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Doubt if it would work as it would require more metals to be used to mint more coins for change...
Eliminating $1 Bills Could Save Billions
March 08, 2011 — Washington has come down with a case of fiscal fever as the Obama administration proposes everything from spending freezes on domestic programs to selling off unused government property to bring the budget back in line. Now, one study argues that the government can save billions of dollars simply by making a change to the currency itself.
Earlier this month, the U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a formal proposal to the Treasury and Federal Reserve noting that if it eliminated the $1 bill and replaced it with the $1 coin, the country could save roughly $5.5 billion during the next 30 years. The reason, according to the agency’s report, is that dollar bills have a shorter lifespan than dollar coins because they wear much faster, which in turn requires the government to spend more to print new bills. The GAO estimates that phasing out dollar bills in favor of coins would require a four-year transition period, during which the government invests in the new currency, but following that, the government would save an expected $522 million each year from the change.

Unfortunately, as the GAO notes, there is one problem with the plan: When given a choice between dollar coins and dollar bills, Americans always choose bills. “GAO has noted in past reports that efforts to increase the circulation and public acceptance of the $1 coin have not succeeded, in part, because the $1 note has remained in circulation,” the agency wrote in its report. So if we are ever going to make the switch to dollar coins, as other countries like Canada have done, the GAO suggests the only way to do so is to phase dollar bills out of circulation altogether.

Before you start hoarding your dollar bills though, keep in mind that the GAO has made similar proposals four times during the past two decades, and obviously dollar bills are still in circulation. The only difference this time is that the overall climate in Washington is more geared toward budget cutbacks now, but given that it would take several years for the savings to kick in, this seems unlikely as well. Still, we’d like to pose the question to readers. Would you be willing to eliminate dollar bills and switch to coins if it meant improving the country’s balance sheet?

Hi Waltky:

Doubt if it would work as it would require more metals to be used to mint more coins for change...

The Rothschild-owned Fed continues printing the worthless fiat dollar to oblivion to pay for the monstrous and out-of-control USA National Debt and bankster bailouts and the people of the world just keep accepting worthless paper in exchange for their goods and services anyway. The dollar should be dead already, but the deluded world is so very slow to realize that the ponzi scheme has run its course. Hyperinflation is at our doorstep and people seem slow to realize what is even happening right before their eyes.

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