Clinton Reminds World: FBI Director Found ZERO Emails Marked Classified--(To Minority Journalists)


There was no rule in place preventing Hillary from using a private server. What you posted was someone's opinion, not a rule.

You have to be related to Hillary.

"But according to the National Archives and Records Administration, there was a regulation in place governing Clinton's use of personal email for official business while she was secretary of state. And it seems she did not fully abide by this. In a statement issued today, the National Archives notes that it has "reached out to the State Department to ensure that all federal records are properly identified and managed." And the statement says:

Since 2009, NARA's regulations have stated that "Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system."

This rule is clear: If Clinton used personal email to conduct official business—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—all of those emails had to be collected and preserved within the State Department's record keeping system. That makes sense: The whole point of preserving official records of government business is to have this material controlled by the government, not by the individual official or employee. Yet in this case, Clinton and her aides apparently did not preserve all her emails within the system.


Did you realize that this contradicts your claims? I'll highlight the relevant part for you:

—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—

The rest of the analysis is incorrect - Hillary was under no obligation to collect and preserve personal emails on her server - and was the sole arbiter of what was "personal" and what was not.

This has also been confirmed repeatedly.

In addition, you must include a link if you copy and paste. Please add links to your posts in this thread.

There was no rule in place preventing Hillary from using a private server. What you posted was someone's opinion, not a rule.

You have to be related to Hillary.

"But according to the National Archives and Records Administration, there was a regulation in place governing Clinton's use of personal email for official business while she was secretary of state. And it seems she did not fully abide by this. In a statement issued today, the National Archives notes that it has "reached out to the State Department to ensure that all federal records are properly identified and managed." And the statement says:

Since 2009, NARA's regulations have stated that "Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system."

This rule is clear: If Clinton used personal email to conduct official business—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—all of those emails had to be collected and preserved within the State Department's record keeping system. That makes sense: The whole point of preserving official records of government business is to have this material controlled by the government, not by the individual official or employee. Yet in this case, Clinton and her aides apparently did not preserve all her emails within the system.


Did you realize that this contradicts your claims? I'll highlight the relevant part for you:

—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—

The rest of the analysis is incorrect - Hillary was under no obligation to collect and preserve personal emails on her server - and was the sole arbiter of what was "personal" and what was not.

This has also been confirmed repeatedly.

In addition, you must include a link if you copy and paste. Please add links to your posts in this thread.

Is it disgusting to lift out part of a sentence in a disingenuous way to attempt to prove your point. Here is the entire sentence you quoted.

This rule is clear: If Clinton used personal email to conduct official business—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—all of those emails had to be collected and preserved within the State Department's record keeping system.

She chose to delete 33,000 of those emails that were supposed to be collected and preserved within the State Departments record keeping system.

Here is the link I should have posted.

National Archives Releases State Department Letter re: Email Recordkeeping

You have to put a link to wherever you cut and pasted that opinion from, not another site altogether. Please do not violate our Copyright rules.

As for the law you're trying to quote - here it is:

(b) Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system.

36 CFR 1236.22 - What are the additional requirements for managing electronic mail records?

Hillary Clinton's personal emails do not qualify as "Federal records", and therefore she was not obligated to turn them over. You can argue that she may have deleted emails that should be treated as "Federal records" - but that's not illegal either, since legally she is the one who gets to decide which emails are personal and which are not.

If the private email is transmitted under a govt email server, the private email can be reviewed and the employee can be disciplined. That rarely happens but that is the law. So, if she was using a private server, she could easily conclude that none of her emails would ever be under review. I know this is anecdotal but I had to comply with sensitive information with the dept of the interior and was subject to such laws.

Perhaps she could "easily conclude" that, but I don't know what it has to do with what I posted. I'm not particularly interested in what you believe Clinton could have thought. I'm just talking about whether it was illegal or not.
You have to be related to Hillary.

"But according to the National Archives and Records Administration, there was a regulation in place governing Clinton's use of personal email for official business while she was secretary of state. And it seems she did not fully abide by this. In a statement issued today, the National Archives notes that it has "reached out to the State Department to ensure that all federal records are properly identified and managed." And the statement says:

Since 2009, NARA's regulations have stated that "Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system."

This rule is clear: If Clinton used personal email to conduct official business—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—all of those emails had to be collected and preserved within the State Department's record keeping system. That makes sense: The whole point of preserving official records of government business is to have this material controlled by the government, not by the individual official or employee. Yet in this case, Clinton and her aides apparently did not preserve all her emails within the system.


Did you realize that this contradicts your claims? I'll highlight the relevant part for you:

—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—

The rest of the analysis is incorrect - Hillary was under no obligation to collect and preserve personal emails on her server - and was the sole arbiter of what was "personal" and what was not.

This has also been confirmed repeatedly.

In addition, you must include a link if you copy and paste. Please add links to your posts in this thread.
You have to be related to Hillary.

"But according to the National Archives and Records Administration, there was a regulation in place governing Clinton's use of personal email for official business while she was secretary of state. And it seems she did not fully abide by this. In a statement issued today, the National Archives notes that it has "reached out to the State Department to ensure that all federal records are properly identified and managed." And the statement says:

Since 2009, NARA's regulations have stated that "Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system."

This rule is clear: If Clinton used personal email to conduct official business—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—all of those emails had to be collected and preserved within the State Department's record keeping system. That makes sense: The whole point of preserving official records of government business is to have this material controlled by the government, not by the individual official or employee. Yet in this case, Clinton and her aides apparently did not preserve all her emails within the system.


Did you realize that this contradicts your claims? I'll highlight the relevant part for you:

—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—

The rest of the analysis is incorrect - Hillary was under no obligation to collect and preserve personal emails on her server - and was the sole arbiter of what was "personal" and what was not.

This has also been confirmed repeatedly.

In addition, you must include a link if you copy and paste. Please add links to your posts in this thread.

Is it disgusting to lift out part of a sentence in a disingenuous way to attempt to prove your point. Here is the entire sentence you quoted.

This rule is clear: If Clinton used personal email to conduct official business—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—all of those emails had to be collected and preserved within the State Department's record keeping system.

She chose to delete 33,000 of those emails that were supposed to be collected and preserved within the State Departments record keeping system.

Here is the link I should have posted.

National Archives Releases State Department Letter re: Email Recordkeeping

You have to put a link to wherever you cut and pasted that opinion from, not another site altogether. Please do not violate our Copyright rules.

As for the law you're trying to quote - here it is:

(b) Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system.

36 CFR 1236.22 - What are the additional requirements for managing electronic mail records?

Hillary Clinton's personal emails do not qualify as "Federal records", and therefore she was not obligated to turn them over. You can argue that she may have deleted emails that should be treated as "Federal records" - but that's not illegal either, since legally she is the one who gets to decide which emails are personal and which are not.

If the private email is transmitted under a govt email server, the private email can be reviewed and the employee can be disciplined. That rarely happens but that is the law. So, if she was using a private server, she could easily conclude that none of her emails would ever be under review. I know this is anecdotal but I had to comply with sensitive information with the dept of the interior and was subject to such laws.

Perhaps she could "easily conclude" that, but I don't know what it has to do with what I posted. I'm not particularly interested in what you believe Clinton could have thought. I'm just talking about whether it was illegal or not.

Fair enough.
So again, Official Nigerian language English supports entirely the actual evidence that no materials marked "Classified" were sent or received in the investigated Clinton emails. The FBI Director even lapsed into "High Sensitive" types of language in discussing seven threads that included discussions only of "matters" that may or may not have been thought to have merited a marking, "Classified." "Highly Sensitive" is not "Classified," and is widely so-noted in the marking system. The concept of "Release to the Public" is what matters most in the concept "Classified." Even Donald Trump may think that his Tax Returns are "Highly Sensitive." They are not "Classified."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, not Stirred!"
(Would famous William Tell expose the boy to use of an AK-47 to remove fruity things from hair, like NRA clearly believes in: Child Endangerment(?)!)
Was that her lie about her lie about her lie?

Or, was that her lie, about her lie, about her lie, about her lie?
Although he said 3 did have top secret markings. That they found anyway. Liberals simply lie and then believe the lies. And you are insane if you don't.

And this doesn't include a ton that were deleted and not recovered (possibly conveniently not recovered).
Wonder how the FBI could make such a big mistake about what is, and isn't, classified?
So again, Official Nigerian language English supports entirely the actual evidence that no materials marked "Classified" were sent or received in the investigated Clinton emails. The FBI Director even lapsed into "High Sensitive" types of language in discussing seven threads that included discussions only of "matters" that may or may not have been thought to have merited a marking, "Classified." "Highly Sensitive" is not "Classified," and is widely so-noted in the marking system. The concept of "Release to the Public" is what matters most in the concept "Classified." Even Donald Trump may think that his Tax Returns are "Highly Sensitive." They are not "Classified."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, not Stirred!"
(Would famous William Tell expose the boy to use of an AK-47 to remove fruity things from hair, like NRA clearly believes in: Child Endangerment(?)!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, not Stirred!"
(Would famous William Tell expose the boy to use of an AK-47 to remove fruity things from hair, like NRA clearly believes in: Child Endangerment(?)!)[/QUOTE]

Director Comey says that you are nothing but an abject liar. Sorry kid.
Last edited:
I wouldnt' trust her with the dice in an alley crap game
A document does not have to be MARKED classified in order to BE classified. The content makes it classified, not the markings.

I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, I know the rules. If I did what Hillary did I would be typing this in Leavenworth prison.
Actually I found something interesting in her comments I have been waiting to see if anybody picked up on, but so far they haven't. She started off talking about how anybody who works in the government knows what the classified emails look like. How would she know what they look like if she did not send or receive any?

You do realize that there's a separate, closed extranet used entirely for the dissemination of classified material, right?

You do know we are not talking about that system, right?

You do realize that Clinton was required by State Department regulations to use the government system but chose not too, right?

None of that is correct.

Clinton did use the secure system, and was not under any obligation to use a "" email address.

Her private server was not part of the government secure system. get your head out of her ass.
There was a rule in place and I posted it for you twice. Comey confirmed that Hillary didn't lie to the FBI. You are starting to sound like that lying POS Hillary.


There was no rule in place preventing Hillary from using a private server. What you posted was someone's opinion, not a rule.

You have to be related to Hillary.

"But according to the National Archives and Records Administration, there was a regulation in place governing Clinton's use of personal email for official business while she was secretary of state. And it seems she did not fully abide by this. In a statement issued today, the National Archives notes that it has "reached out to the State Department to ensure that all federal records are properly identified and managed." And the statement says:

Since 2009, NARA's regulations have stated that "Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system."

This rule is clear: If Clinton used personal email to conduct official business—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—all of those emails had to be collected and preserved within the State Department's record keeping system. That makes sense: The whole point of preserving official records of government business is to have this material controlled by the government, not by the individual official or employee. Yet in this case, Clinton and her aides apparently did not preserve all her emails within the system.


Did you realize that this contradicts your claims? I'll highlight the relevant part for you:

—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—

The rest of the analysis is incorrect - Hillary was under no obligation to collect and preserve personal emails on her server - and was the sole arbiter of what was "personal" and what was not.

This has also been confirmed repeatedly.

In addition, you must include a link if you copy and paste. Please add links to your posts in this thread.
There was a rule in place and I posted it for you twice. Comey confirmed that Hillary didn't lie to the FBI. You are starting to sound like that lying POS Hillary.


There was no rule in place preventing Hillary from using a private server. What you posted was someone's opinion, not a rule.

You have to be related to Hillary.

"But according to the National Archives and Records Administration, there was a regulation in place governing Clinton's use of personal email for official business while she was secretary of state. And it seems she did not fully abide by this. In a statement issued today, the National Archives notes that it has "reached out to the State Department to ensure that all federal records are properly identified and managed." And the statement says:

Since 2009, NARA's regulations have stated that "Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system."

This rule is clear: If Clinton used personal email to conduct official business—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—all of those emails had to be collected and preserved within the State Department's record keeping system. That makes sense: The whole point of preserving official records of government business is to have this material controlled by the government, not by the individual official or employee. Yet in this case, Clinton and her aides apparently did not preserve all her emails within the system.


Did you realize that this contradicts your claims? I'll highlight the relevant part for you:

—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—

The rest of the analysis is incorrect - Hillary was under no obligation to collect and preserve personal emails on her server - and was the sole arbiter of what was "personal" and what was not.

This has also been confirmed repeatedly.

In addition, you must include a link if you copy and paste. Please add links to your posts in this thread.

Is it disgusting to lift out part of a sentence in a disingenuous way to attempt to prove your point. Here is the entire sentence you quoted.

This rule is clear: If Clinton used personal email to conduct official business—which apparently did not violate any federal rules at the time—all of those emails had to be collected and preserved within the State Department's record keeping system.

She chose to delete 33,000 of those emails that were supposed to be collected and preserved within the State Departments record keeping system.

Here is the link I should have posted.

National Archives Releases State Department Letter re: Email Recordkeeping

You have to put a link to wherever you cut and pasted that opinion from, not another site altogether. Please do not violate our Copyright rules.

As for the law you're trying to quote - here it is:

(b) Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system.

36 CFR 1236.22 - What are the additional requirements for managing electronic mail records?

Hillary Clinton's personal emails do not qualify as "Federal records", and therefore she was not obligated to turn them over. You can argue that she may have deleted emails that should be treated as "Federal records" - but that's not illegal either, since legally she is the one who gets to decide which emails are personal and which are not.

You can't be serious! Everything that Hillary sent on her private server was a Federal record. Here is what she was supposed to do as the head of the State Department. All of her emails to and from her aides are in the custody of the agency.
Hillary did not submit anything to the archivist before she and her lawyers deleted whatever they wanted too.

§ 3303. Lists and schedules of records to be submitted to the Archivist by head of each Government agency

The head of each agency of the United States Government shall submit to the Archivist, under regulations promulgated as provided by section 3302 of this title--

(1) lists of any records in the custody of the agency that have been photographed, microphotographed, or digitized under the regulations and that, as a consequence, do not appear to have sufficient value to warrant their further preservation by the Government;

(2) lists of other records in the custody of the agency not needed by it in the transaction of its current business and that do not appear to have sufficient administrative, legal, research, or other value to warrant their further preservation by the Government; and

(3) schedules proposing the disposal after the lapse of specified periods of time of records of a specified form or character that either have accumulated in the custody of the agency or may accumulate after the submission of the schedules and apparently will not after the lapse of the period specified have sufficient administrative, legal, research, or other value to warrant their further preservation by the Government.

Disposal of Records (44 U.S.C. Chapter 33
A document does not have to be MARKED classified in order to BE classified. The content makes it classified, not the markings.

I held top secret and SAP clearances for years, I know the rules. If I did what Hillary did I would be typing this in Leavenworth prison.

I also held a Top Secret clearance and a Q clearance from the AEC after I got out of the Air Force. If you and I had done what Hillary did, we would probably be cell mates in Leavenworth.
Hillary is now saying she may have short circuited during the questioning. She can't be held responsible for a loose wire.
With the official Nigerian-language version of the email controversy, now being addressed on this message board of truth: What anyone concludes is that detractors of the Clinton email scandal essentially believe that the FBI lied. Secretary Clinton repeats the FBI conclusion that Secretary Clinton had not at all lied in the FBI Investigation of the email controversy. The Detractors claim that the Republican FBI Director is a vicious liar. They make the claim about the Democrat former Secretary of State.

The Iceweasal post just noted is better. Secretary Clinton cannot be jailed over a loose-wire, either. Grizz poster even posted that FBI claimed that I myself had lied to FBI. That is clearly a lie. I haven't had any contact with FBI since the Kent State campus riots of decades ago. Even at the time, I was laughing too hard. They were charging me with rioting. Other protestors went to the main cell. I myself was put into the drunk tank. All the protestors had records erased when ACLU took my case, and won. The matter is not considered classified. It is considered erased.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For a charge of Child Endangerment, shoot bottles of fruity juice, off of the heads of the children with an AK-47!)
Public misstatements are generally not criminal. Trump endorses Ryan and McCain or he does not. Tune in next week(?)! Many misstatements are even called, "flip-flops." The FBI director famously had to qualify his own remarks about what could be inferred from Clinton's public remarks. It was finally noted that nothing marked "Classified" passed through the server, and that even the three dubious markings likely would have gone unnoticed, even at FBI.

In the United States, the presumption of innocence applies. Even posts suggesting that classified information doesn't have to be marked to be so thought: Still weighs more toward the presumption of innocence. Nothing criminal can be inferred. People accused still have rights to legal counsel and due process.

In our Nigerian-language thread, we can also note that Clinton's husband is often regarded the first African American President of the United States(?). It is not to be unnoticed that Mrs. Clinton could be said being treated as though she too, was African American--maybe even born in Kenya(?).

So in our Nigerian-language thread: Secretary Clinton is the first female nominated for President, by either major party, in U. S. History. It is seen how she is being treated, accordingly. Presumption of Innocence does not apply to aggressive females, anyone easily see. Angela Davis was nominated by Peace and Freedom Party, and barely got much attention at all, herself. That would be a black woman nominee: Completely(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(One Mascale believes that Old Testament of White Eyes, better said: "The Moses Atrocity," after Deuteronomy 23:19-20! Don't you wish that everyone would concede that the atrocity is not about a deity(?)! (Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire, still shooting fruity things out of hair of young warriors, worldwide--and set to music(?)!)
With the official Nigerian-language version of the email controversy, now being addressed on this message board of truth: What anyone concludes is that detractors of the Clinton email scandal essentially believe that the FBI lied. Secretary Clinton repeats the FBI conclusion that Secretary Clinton had not at all lied in the FBI Investigation of the email controversy. The Detractors claim that the Republican FBI Director is a vicious liar. They make the claim about the Democrat former Secretary of State.

The Iceweasal post just noted is better. Secretary Clinton cannot be jailed over a loose-wire, either. Grizz poster even posted that FBI claimed that I myself had lied to FBI. That is clearly a lie. I haven't had any contact with FBI since the Kent State campus riots of decades ago. Even at the time, I was laughing too hard. They were charging me with rioting. Other protestors went to the main cell. I myself was put into the drunk tank. All the protestors had records erased when ACLU took my case, and won. The matter is not considered classified. It is considered erased.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(For a charge of Child Endangerment, shoot bottles of fruity juice, off of the heads of the children with an AK-47!)

"Comey began his address by explaining what investigators found. He said that the probe showed that 110 emails in 52 email chains were determined to include classified information at the time they were received. Within those emails, eight chains contained information that was "top secret" at the time they were sent, 36 had "secret" information and eight more had "confidential" information, the FBI director said."

Comey says you are a liar, she indeed DID have much more than "classified" emails and information on her server. I know the truth isn't what you want to hear but you look pretty silly here.

As an aside I must say that the drunk tank fits you.
In this Nigerian Language thread, clearly not understood at FOXTV News, or RNC: Then no one seems to notice that FBI filed no charges, based on the investigation. And noted already, I myself have had no contact with FBI for decades.

Note that the liar in the matter of the previous post is Grizz poster, who maybe wants to personally believe that FBI in fact filed charges. Not shown in any court of law, Grizz poster notes all kinds of wild allegations of secrets, classified information--and likely evidence that they are rapists, that they bring crime and drugs, and include even 2 bil. terrorists(?). Some of them may even be disabled. Worldwide billions likely know that FBI filed no charges.

FBI filed no charges. There were ZERO documents marked "Classified."

In the United States, the same outcome of an investigation can happen for everyone. Recently, at DNC convention, a maligned U. S. household had to show this to the very same world, and using the official language of Nigeria(?).

Secretary Clinton, it also noted, is in fact an aggressive female in the United States. Grizz poster will likely have to be regarded threatened by just that matter, too.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Understanding the Final Solution to the Presbyterian Question: "Just where is all this money going to come from(?)!" Don't you wish everybody knew?!)

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