Clinton Reminds World: FBI Director Found ZERO Emails Marked Classified--(To Minority Journalists)

Actually I found something interesting in her comments I have been waiting to see if anybody picked up on, but so far they haven't. She started off talking about how anybody who works in the government knows what the classified emails look like. How would she know what they look like if she did not send or receive any?

You do realize that there's a separate, closed extranet used entirely for the dissemination of classified material, right?

You do know we are not talking about that system, right?

You do realize that Clinton was required by State Department regulations to use the government system but chose not too, right?

We really don't know what she did when she was sitting at a desk in the State Department. At least not that I have heard in relation to this story.

We actually do know exactly what she did in her office.

She had a SIRPNet terminal, and a laptop (NIRPNet) which she usually did not use - she preferred to use her Blackberry, in an area outside of her office that was built to be outside of the SCIF.
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......

The doctor is correct. Federal computers are so outdated that most cannot handle the volume of email generated by employees. This is the result of budget cuts. The system is a porous as a sponge. Hillary's personal server was probably better protected than the government's because she could afford state of the art equipment.
Large parts of earth are inhabited by people who are not white. Secretary Clinton went to a confab of such peoples--who are journalists--and reminded everyone that the FBI Director found ZERO emails marked classified. State Department is consistent in its own report that none of the subject emails should have been marked officially classified, at the time. The link is about that, mostly. White people are troubled, in recent weeks, with usual English language transcripts about. The good news is that English, however, is the official language of Nigeria.

It is not year clear just when Fox News plans to move to Nigeria.

It is not clear, given the massive turnarounds in the jobs reporting number and revisions, out just today, just how high in fact the Obama approval ratings may now jump(?). . .or something. There was a movie filmed at Venice Beach about other things that White people seem to be unable to do.

Secretary Clinton would now be said patient, in all of this confusion.

Obama approval ratings, too: Can jump!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many more fruity things, in William Tell boy's hair: Likely explaining why there is strong support for NRA, supporting Amendment Two.. .(and for atomic nuclear cannon ownership, in private hands(?))!)
If Clinton had not violated security regulations by using a private server for State Department business, none of this discussion about how many of the classified document were clearly marked secret or partially marked secret. The fact that she did ignore national security regulations is clear evidence that by reason of her judgement and character she is unfit to be privy to top secret documents.
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......


I would put quite a bit of money on my home server being more secure from hacking than almost any public government server.

They do it for y'all behind the scenes, constant updates-imorovements-software-staff 24/7. Maybe you know what you are doing and got deep pockets. If you follow the rules you don't have to concoct rube-goldberg setup. She was ridin' dirty, git caught. Give it up. She deleted all incriminating.
Large parts of earth are inhabited by people who are not white. Secretary Clinton went to a confab of such peoples--who are journalists--and reminded everyone that the FBI Director found ZERO emails marked classified. State Department is consistent in its own report that none of the subject emails should have been marked officially classified, at the time. The link is about that, mostly. White people are troubled, in recent weeks, with usual English language transcripts about. The good news is that English, however, is the official language of Nigeria.

It is not year clear just when Fox News plans to move to Nigeria.

It is not clear, given the massive turnarounds in the jobs reporting number and revisions, out just today, just how high in fact the Obama approval ratings may now jump(?). . .or something. There was a movie filmed at Venice Beach about other things that White people seem to be unable to do.

Secretary Clinton would now be said patient, in all of this confusion.

Obama approval ratings, too: Can jump!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many more fruity things, in William Tell boy's hair: Likely explaining why there is strong support for NRA, supporting Amendment Two.. .(and for atomic nuclear cannon ownership, in private hands(?))!)
If Clinton had not violated security regulations by using a private server for State Department business, none of this discussion about how many of the classified document were clearly marked secret or partially marked secret. The fact that she did ignore national security regulations is clear evidence that by reason of her judgement and character she is unfit to be privy to top secret documents.

No such "national security regulations" exist.
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......


I would put quite a bit of money on my home server being more secure from hacking than almost any public government server.

They do it for y'all behind the scenes, constant updates-imorovements-software-staff 24/7. Maybe you know what you are doing and got deep pockets. If you follow the rules you don't have to concoct rube-goldberg setup. She was ridin' dirty, git caught. Give it up. She deleted all incriminating.

You have a staggeringly naive view of the US government's IT staff.

Most federal offices are using computers from the early 90s.
You do realize that there's a separate, closed extranet used entirely for the dissemination of classified material, right?

You do know we are not talking about that system, right?

You do realize that Clinton was required by State Department regulations to use the government system but chose not too, right?

None of that is correct.

Clinton did use the secure system, and was not under any obligation to use a "" email address.

I disagree.

"Although some former secretaries of state occasionally used personal emails for official business, Clinton is the only one who never once used an email address in the era of email. Some have questioned whether that practice violated rules regulating email use, transparency, records management or security.

So it seems she didn’t break a rule simply by using a personal email to conduct business. Rather, by using personal emails exclusively, she skirted the rules governing federal records management, Cox said.

A federal record is any documentary material, regardless of physical form, made or received by a government agency, according to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which oversees federal record keeping. Records are preserved as evidence of the agencies’ activities, decisions and procedures. Each agency is responsible for maintaining its records in accordance with regulations.

It would have been a violation of the NARA's rules in the Code of Federal Regulations for Clinton to use personal email exclusively, Metcalfe said. The code requires federal agencies to make and preserve records that duly document agency activity, so that they are readily available when needed -- such as for FOIA requests or congressional inquiries. Using personal email exclusively is contrary to proper record preservation.


Whether or not you (or any pundits on the internet) "disagree", it's already been determined (repeatedly) that Clinton did not violate any rules or laws by using a personal server.

I posted the rules she violated.

The code requires federal agencies to make and preserve records that duly document agency activity, so that they are readily available when needed -- such as for FOIA requests or congressional inquiries. Using personal email exclusively is contrary to proper record preservation.
yourself with this post.

She had a SIRPNet terminal, and a laptop (NIRPNet) which she usually did not use - she preferred to use her Blackberry, in an area outside of her office that was built to be outside of the SCIF.

This is from the Washington post that gave Hillary 4 Pinochios for her lie. She is in the running for the Liar of the Year award unless Obama gets it again.

"Here’s how Comey put it in his lengthy statement when he announced the completion of the investigation: “Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”

Comey said “seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters.”
You do know we are not talking about that system, right?

You do realize that Clinton was required by State Department regulations to use the government system but chose not too, right?

None of that is correct.

Clinton did use the secure system, and was not under any obligation to use a "" email address.

I disagree.

"Although some former secretaries of state occasionally used personal emails for official business, Clinton is the only one who never once used an email address in the era of email. Some have questioned whether that practice violated rules regulating email use, transparency, records management or security.

So it seems she didn’t break a rule simply by using a personal email to conduct business. Rather, by using personal emails exclusively, she skirted the rules governing federal records management, Cox said.

A federal record is any documentary material, regardless of physical form, made or received by a government agency, according to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which oversees federal record keeping. Records are preserved as evidence of the agencies’ activities, decisions and procedures. Each agency is responsible for maintaining its records in accordance with regulations.

It would have been a violation of the NARA's rules in the Code of Federal Regulations for Clinton to use personal email exclusively, Metcalfe said. The code requires federal agencies to make and preserve records that duly document agency activity, so that they are readily available when needed -- such as for FOIA requests or congressional inquiries. Using personal email exclusively is contrary to proper record preservation.


Whether or not you (or any pundits on the internet) "disagree", it's already been determined (repeatedly) that Clinton did not violate any rules or laws by using a personal server.

I posted the rules she violated.

The code requires federal agencies to make and preserve records that duly document agency activity, so that they are readily available when needed -- such as for FOIA requests or congressional inquiries. Using personal email exclusively is contrary to proper record preservation.
yourself with this post.

She had a SIRPNet terminal, and a laptop (NIRPNet) which she usually did not use - she preferred to use her Blackberry, in an area outside of her office that was built to be outside of the SCIF.

This is from the Washington post that gave Hillary 4 Pinochios for her lie. She is in the running for the Liar of the Year award unless Obama gets it again.

"Here’s how Comey put it in his lengthy statement when he announced the completion of the investigation: “Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”

Comey said “seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters.”

I'm having a hard time understanding your post here - it seems to be a mixture of cut-and-pastes.

Regardless of whether or not using a personal server is "contrary to record preservation", it doesn't change the fact that there were no rules in place at the time against using a personal server for email.

This has been confirmed by the State department, the White House, and Comey.

The rest of your post seems to be on a different topic altogether - whether or not Hillary sent or received classified information on her personal server - which is not what I'm talking about.
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......


I would put quite a bit of money on my home server being more secure from hacking than almost any public government server.

How much would you put on HIllary's server being secure in 2009?

I have no idea, but it was almost certainly more secure that the State dept's servers.
Large parts of earth are inhabited by people who are not white. Secretary Clinton went to a confab of such peoples--who are journalists--and reminded everyone that the FBI Director found ZERO emails marked classified. State Department is consistent in its own report that none of the subject emails should have been marked officially classified, at the time. The link is about that, mostly. White people are troubled, in recent weeks, with usual English language transcripts about. The good news is that English, however, is the official language of Nigeria.

It is not year clear just when Fox News plans to move to Nigeria.

It is not clear, given the massive turnarounds in the jobs reporting number and revisions, out just today, just how high in fact the Obama approval ratings may now jump(?). . .or something. There was a movie filmed at Venice Beach about other things that White people seem to be unable to do.

Secretary Clinton would now be said patient, in all of this confusion.

Obama approval ratings, too: Can jump!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many more fruity things, in William Tell boy's hair: Likely explaining why there is strong support for NRA, supporting Amendment Two.. .(and for atomic nuclear cannon ownership, in private hands(?))!)

And of the 33,000 she many of those were classified....?
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......


I would put quite a bit of money on my home server being more secure from hacking than almost any public government server.

They do it for y'all behind the scenes, constant updates-imorovements-software-staff 24/7. Maybe you know what you are doing and got deep pockets. If you follow the rules you don't have to concoct rube-goldberg setup. She was ridin' dirty, git caught. Give it up. She deleted all incriminating.

You have a staggeringly naive view of the US government's IT staff.

Most federal offices are using computers from the early 90s.

Final final. I have been working in huge multi-billion dollar companies. The firewall is intense as is login. PC hooked up not so much matter? I know nothing about Govt other than seemingly endless budgets. I doubt it "open".
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......

The doctor is correct. Federal computers are so outdated that most cannot handle the volume of email generated by employees. This is the result of budget cuts. The system is a porous as a sponge. Hillary's personal server was probably better protected than the government's because she could afford state of the art equipment.
So are you saying all federal employees should decide for themselves when it is ok to violate security regulations or are you saying it is only ok for Democrats?

Perhaps you remember when Bill Clinton's national security adviser was caught stealing an destroying classified documents.

"Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger, a former White House national security adviser, plans to plead guilty to a misdemeanor, and will acknowledge intentionally removing and destroying copies of a classified document about the Clinton administration's record on terrorism."

Berger Will Plead Guilty To Taking Classified Paper (

Did Bill or Hillary send him on this mission? Clearly both Clinton's are people of low character who should not be trusted with classified documents or trusted to exercise good judgement or even to obey the law.
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......


I would put quite a bit of money on my home server being more secure from hacking than almost any public government server.

They do it for y'all behind the scenes, constant updates-imorovements-software-staff 24/7. Maybe you know what you are doing and got deep pockets. If you follow the rules you don't have to concoct rube-goldberg setup. She was ridin' dirty, git caught. Give it up. She deleted all incriminating.

You have a staggeringly naive view of the US government's IT staff.

Most federal offices are using computers from the early 90s.

Final final. I have been working in huge multi-billion dollar companies. The firewall is intense as is login. PC hooked up not so much matter? I know nothing about Govt other than seemingly endless budgets. I doubt it "open".

The larger a network is, the more points of penetration.
Large parts of earth are inhabited by people who are not white. Secretary Clinton went to a confab of such peoples--who are journalists--and reminded everyone that the FBI Director found ZERO emails marked classified. State Department is consistent in its own report that none of the subject emails should have been marked officially classified, at the time. The link is about that, mostly. White people are troubled, in recent weeks, with usual English language transcripts about. The good news is that English, however, is the official language of Nigeria.

It is not year clear just when Fox News plans to move to Nigeria.

It is not clear, given the massive turnarounds in the jobs reporting number and revisions, out just today, just how high in fact the Obama approval ratings may now jump(?). . .or something. There was a movie filmed at Venice Beach about other things that White people seem to be unable to do.

Secretary Clinton would now be said patient, in all of this confusion.

Obama approval ratings, too: Can jump!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many more fruity things, in William Tell boy's hair: Likely explaining why there is strong support for NRA, supporting Amendment Two.. .(and for atomic nuclear cannon ownership, in private hands(?))!)
If Clinton had not violated security regulations by using a private server for State Department business, none of this discussion about how many of the classified document were clearly marked secret or partially marked secret. The fact that she did ignore national security regulations is clear evidence that by reason of her judgement and character she is unfit to be privy to top secret documents.

No such "national security regulations" exist.
Indeed there are.

Yes, the occasional use of a personal email account is permitted in certain circumstances, such as emergencies. As we wrote, the IG report said it found “many examples of staff using personal email accounts to conduct official business.” But, as we also wrote, the National Archives and Records Administration requires all work-related emails to be properly preserved. Federal rules required Clinton to preserve work emails and turn them over before leaving office, but she did not turn over her emails until 21 months after she left office.

A Guide to Clinton’s Emails

Her behavior was clearly in violation of the State Department's security regulations and her reckless disdain for security regulations clearly shows she laks both the judgement and character to be trusted with classified documents.
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......


I would put quite a bit of money on my home server being more secure from hacking than almost any public government server.

How much would you put on HIllary's server being secure in 2009?

I have no idea, but it was almost certainly more secure that the State dept's servers.

I will accept 'you have no idea."
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......


I would put quite a bit of money on my home server being more secure from hacking than almost any public government server.

How much would you put on HIllary's server being secure in 2009?

I have no idea, but it was almost certainly more secure that the State dept's servers.

I will accept 'you have no idea."


You've made it pretty clear that you've got significantly less of an "idea" of how all of this works, cowboy.

But whatever makes you feel better.
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......

The doctor is correct. Federal computers are so outdated that most cannot handle the volume of email generated by employees. This is the result of budget cuts. The system is a porous as a sponge. Hillary's personal server was probably better protected than the government's because she could afford state of the art equipment.

Didn't she say she was using Bill's old computer setup?
We know for a fact that during Hillary's time as SoS, the "official" State Department email servers were repeatedly penetrated by hackers, including by foreign agents.

Arguing that they are "secure" is just silly.
Yep. me & paul can run home brew just as good & safe from hack as a giant Fed bureaucracy with IT experts & equipment grow on trees. Try again doc.......

The doctor is correct. Federal computers are so outdated that most cannot handle the volume of email generated by employees. This is the result of budget cuts. The system is a porous as a sponge. Hillary's personal server was probably better protected than the government's because she could afford state of the art equipment.

Didn't she say she was using Bill's old computer setup?

No, she used Bill's old domain.


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