Clinton Shows How It Is Done

Not quite the way Trump did the birther thing. He just said he wouldn't talk about it. No apology---- nothing.

Oh, but rest assured that the issue WILL come up at each debate...(if Trump shows up, that is)
Clinton camp issues a statement of regret for saying half of Trump's supporters are deplorable.

Check out @HillaryClinton's Tweet: Hillary Clinton on Twitter

When you overstate something, all you have to do is clarify.
I didn't think it was too much of a stretch. No one wants to think they are bad people but maybe they need to stop letting hateful assholes near the microphones.

but maybe they need to stop letting hateful assholes near the microphones.

Like Hillary and Trump?
They are both only symptoms of the reality show drama that has infected our politics. Too many people want their leaders to embody their negativity rather than their optimism, remember optimism? Just telling some people that things are not really that bleak will make them fly into a frenzy of horror stories and dark predictions of eminent, inevitable collapse. I can't get behind any of that shit.
Clinton camp issues a statement of regret for saying half of Trump's supporters are deplorable.

Check out @HillaryClinton's Tweet: Hillary Clinton on Twitter

When you overstate something, all you have to do is clarify.

As you regressives remind us so often, you can't unring the bell. The bitch is a hater and just let it slip in public.
Clinton camp issues a statement of regret for saying half of Trump's supporters are deplorable.

Check out @HillaryClinton's Tweet: Hillary Clinton on Twitter

When you overstate something, all you have to do is clarify.

You liberals are a hoot. She says something deplorable and rather then concentrate on that you want to praise her just because she said sorry. Lol
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Bubba doubles down on stupid...calls the 'coal people" of W Virginia and Kentucky ingrates and mocks them. Seriously, demoquacks this is not how you get people to vote for you.

In an apparent attempt to support his wife’s commitment to “put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business” Bill Clinton declared yesterday that the coal people don’t appreciate all that he did for them when he was president.

Bill Clinton Mocks ‘The Coal People’ In West Virginia, Kentucky For Supporting Trump

: Bill Clinton Mocks ‘The Coal People’ In West Virginia, Kentucky For Supporting Trump [VIDEO]
It was absolutely wrong to say half of his supporters are deplorable. The number is more like 96%, and the other 4% is just really really dumb.
Now all that needs to be done is for the democrats to start rounding up the dissidents.
Bill Clinton Mocks ‘The Coal People’ In West Virginia, Kentucky For Supporting Trump

Yes, it is MUCH BETTER to lie to coal miners that under a Trump administration, coal will be the "NEW" source of energy and there's gonna be lots and lots of jobs for them......after all, they're only coal miners, and lying to them is perfectly "acceptable".....
Bill Clinton Mocks ‘The Coal People’ In West Virginia, Kentucky For Supporting Trump

Yes, it is MUCH BETTER to lie to coal miners that under a Trump administration, coal will be the "NEW" source of energy and there's gonna be lots and lots of jobs for them......after all, they're only coal miners, and lying to them is perfectly "acceptable".....

Wooooosh right over your head as usual. He basically called them ingrates and then wonders why they despise him and his hag of a wife? Here is a novel thought, people don't like being talked down to from someone wanting their vote.
Can't take the heat? lol

Your guy insults, attacks and demeans nearly everyone and you support him. don't be surprised when someone points out the truth about many of these so called supporters.

It's one think to attack Trump, but for her to attack his supporters is beyond the pale.
Clinton camp issues a statement of regret for saying half of Trump's supporters are deplorable.

Check out @HillaryClinton's Tweet: Hillary Clinton on Twitter

When you overstate something, all you have to do is clarify.

You liberal are a hoot. She says something deplorable and rather then concentrate on that you want to praise her just because she said sorry. Lol

Being able to say "sorry" is a vital leadership skill, bro.

If she really means it, she should've call the press conference and say it in person.

Before the "statement" she writes: "I won't stop calling out bigotry and racist rhetoric in this campaign."

First, the bigotry and racist rhetoric is pretty much coming from her.
Second, she apologizes for saying "half", when she really meant "every one".
Third, nobody but her is using so called "alt-right" term. If she think that term is somehow offensive, let her keep using it. I'll be happy to be part of it.
Fourth, she's "determined to bring our country together", well Hillary, we see exactly how.

Shut up, c*nt.

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