Clinton Shows How It Is Done

Clinton camp issues a statement of regret for saying half of Trump's supporters are deplorable.

Check out @HillaryClinton's Tweet: Hillary Clinton on Twitter

When you overstate something, all you have to do is clarify.
Hillary appears to be in full self destruct mode now. Rather than attempt to give voters affirmative reasons for voting for her, she is basing her whole campaign on these simple minded slurs against Trump.

shirley you jest.

The problem is this is now Hillary's whole campaign. If you don't give voters affirmative reasons to vote for you, you lose.

you are projecting just like tribblehead has from day one.
That's why she is sinking in the polls.

That's why she is sinking in the polls.


Hillary Clinton may not have shined Wednesday night in a town hall about national security and America’s armed forces, but one force is with her: Electoral College math.

A new examination of the Electoral College map by the news, polling and market research organization Morning Consult gives Clinton 321 votes to 195 for Donald Trump if the election were held today. A candidate needs 270 votes to win the presidency.

While Clinton holds only narrow, within-the-margin-of-error leads in battleground states such as Florida, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, Morning Consult has seen voter sentiment shifting since its last deep look at the Electoral College in July.

Source: Morning Consult, September 8, 2016 analysis.
That's why she is sinking in the polls.


Hillary Clinton may not have shined Wednesday night in a town hall about national security and America’s armed forces, but one force is with her: Electoral College math.

A new examination of the Electoral College map by the news, polling and market research organization Morning Consult gives Clinton 321 votes to 195 for Donald Trump if the election were held today. A candidate needs 270 votes to win the presidency.

While Clinton holds only narrow, within-the-margin-of-error leads in battleground states such as Florida, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, Morning Consult has seen voter sentiment shifting since its last deep look at the Electoral College in July.

Source: Morning Consult, September 8, 2016 analysis.
In the more poll-obsessed corners of the internet, we’ve been arguing about Hillary Clinton’s decline in the polls against Donald Trump. Everyone seems to agree that Clinton’s lead is down quite a bit in national polls, to an average of around 3 percentage points from a peak of about 8 points shortly after the Democratic convention. But there’s a debate about how this translates to the state level.

My position is that a decline in Clinton’s national polls necessarily means that she’s declined in the states. There’s just no way around this; as we learned on Schoolhouse Rock, the United States is composed of 50 states and the District of Columbia. Perhaps it’s possible Clinton’s declined more in noncompetitive states than competitive ones — for instance, if Trump’s gains have mostly come from Republicans, widening his margins in red states but less in purple states. But that sort of conclusion is usually wishful thinking.

Election Update: The Swing States Are Tightening, Too

As Hillary continues to sink in the polls, it is only a matter of time until she loses electoral votes is what Nate Silver is saying.
I'll leave it up to more objective right wingers on determining their chances of a Trump win....


Minnesota (2) Clinton +8.0
Virginia (4) Clinton +5.8
Nevada (2) Clinton +5.5
Pennsylvania (8) Clinton +5.5
New Hampshire (5) Clinton +5.3
Colorado (3) Clinton +3.7
Wisconsin (5) Clinton +3.3
Michigan (4) Clinton +3.0
Florida (7) Clinton +1.6
North Carolina (9) Clinton +1.2

Ohio (5) Trump +0.4
Arizona (7) Trump +2.4
Iowa (4) Trump +2.5
Georgia (2) Trump +3.5
I'll leave it up to more objective right wingers on determining their chances of a Trump win....


Minnesota (2) Clinton +8.0
Virginia (4) Clinton +5.8
Nevada (2) Clinton +5.5
Pennsylvania (8) Clinton +5.5
New Hampshire (5) Clinton +5.3
Colorado (3) Clinton +3.7
Wisconsin (5) Clinton +3.3
Michigan (4) Clinton +3.0
Florida (7) Clinton +1.6
North Carolina (9) Clinton +1.2

Ohio (5) Trump +0.4
Arizona (7) Trump +2.4
Iowa (4) Trump +2.5
Georgia (2) Trump +3.5
These numbers are down significantly from a month ago, and there is no indication Hillary's downward drift is going to abate.
Sorry, but Hillary cannot take this back. We now know how she REALLY FEELS.

She only wants to be president for some of the people.
the debates are going to say much about each candidates qualifications. he's toast.
USA Today notices that Sen. Hillary Clinton has begun referring explicitly to her appeal among white voters while on the campaign trail:

Hillary Rodham Clinton vowed Wednesday to continue her quest for the Democratic nomination, arguing she would be the stronger nominee because she appeals to a wider coalition of voters — including whites who have not supported Barack Obama in recent contests.

“I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,” she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article “that found how Sen. Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”

Clinton: Obama Not Winning Over "Hard-Working Americans, White Americans" | Huffington Post

Thus identifying Hillary as one of the deplorables when running against a black man.
These numbers are down significantly from a month ago, and there is no indication Hillary's downward drift is going to abate.

To help your wishful delusion, try rounding up some conservative virgins to sacrifice on the altar located somewhere in Trump Towers' basement.
Yeah, when Libs get caught breaking the law, doing wrong, insulting Americans, and/or doing something they know will hurt them in regards to vote, they quickly - without meaning - issue a statement that says, "Sorry - my bad" then declare THEMSELVES 'That's the end of it - time to move on" and expects the sheep to do so.


Not quite the way Trump did the birther thing. He just said he wouldn't talk about it. No apology---- nothing.
I don't know why that stupid fucktard hitlery ever brought it up....
It's interesting that a few years back, Trump was roasted on Comedy Central and there wasn't one joke about him being racist.

If it were done today, most of the jokes would be about him being racist.

It's pretty amazing how racist Trump has become since running for President. He was able to hide it very well for many years.

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