Clinton Staff Shake Up?

Sounds about right.
Anything less then the total destruction of her opponents is failure.
If so, very bad move.

Politico is reporting that a half dozen "insiders" are confirming that a bad loss in NH will result in a shake up of staff and strategy.

This is a very Bad idea this early for Secretary Clinton; which probably means she will do it.


it hasn't happened yet. and these unnamed "insiders" really aren't a source.

Granted. If it was Beirbart or any number of other rags, I'd discount it. Politico...six sources; knowing her penchant for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and saying stuff she needn't say (ala "I didn't inhale)...I think they are strongly considering it. I hope it doesn't happen.

I think she may be thinking about how she didn't do it in 08 and what happened as a result. Someone needs to tell the Secretary that Bernie is not a buzzsaw and that when he doesn't have 6 months to campaign and get his message will be much different. When they start having contests every other week and multiple times a month, Bernie's "army" will fade and she will have momentum and the nomination sewn up in short order.

She was running such a great campaign too. Its a shame if/when it happens.

what i just heard her say is not that she's going to start firing people but that if she doesn't get the results she wants she will "re-evaluate" her campaign direction. i don't think that's unreasonable. but the reality is that her problem is media aggrandizing of partisan lunacy.

Would you be so kind as to explain what you mean when you say that Mrs. Clinton's problem is media aggrandizing of partisan lunacy.

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