Clinton Struck Deal with Obama State Dept to Keep Her Records Illegally Secret


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Wowzers. Corruption Extradinaire. Records are property of The People.
Once again Judicial Watch doing the job the media used to do.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton struck a deal with the State Department while serving in the Obama administration that allowed her to take ownership of records she did not want made public, according to recently released reports.

Clinton and her then-deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin were permitted to remove electronic and physical records under a claim they were “personal” materials and “unclassified, non-record materials.”

Judicial Watch made the revelation after filing a FOIA request with the State Department and obtaining a record of the agreement.

The newly released documents show the deal allowed Clinton and Abedin to remove documents related to particular calls and schedules, and the records would not be “released to the general public under FOIA.” Abedin, for instance, was allowed to remove electronic records and five boxes of physical files, including files labeled “Muslim Engagement Documents.”

Clinton Struck Deal With Obama State Dept. to Choose Which Records to Remove And Keep Private
Gee, surprise, surprise.

It usually takes a while, but eventually the truth / facts come out.

The fact that Hillary was going to be the DNC 2016 Presidential Candidate was decided not long after Barry defeated her in 2008. If he was popular and ran for a 2nd term, Hillary would wait. Secretary of State was her short-term 'consolation prize'.

She was going to be the 2016 nominee, however, NO MATTER WHAT. It was 'Her Turn'.

The fact that it happened to be Sanders who got screwed in inconsequential. No matter who it was, they were going to be screwed....especially after Barry left the DNC $24 million in debt and Hillary stepping in and 'buying' the DNC.

I don't think Barry even knew, though, how hard it was going to be to pull off making sure Hillary won the nomination. Thanks to her insatiable greed (influence peddling, etc) and arrogance / ignorance / disregard for the law (Server crimes / scandal) it took almost the entire Obama administration - WH, FBI, DOJ, etc... - to keep her out of jail and from being pressured out of the she should have been.

In the end, though, the American people made the same decision about Hillary as they just did about Moore - There was just completely too much shit to deal with to be able to 'hold their nose and swallow' (vote for her).

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