Clinton Was Advocate for BLM and LGBT in 2016...and Lost. Biden/Harris Doing Same in 2020


May 23, 2014
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
I see the Democrats making a lot of mistakes, particularly by trying to continue the civil unrest in Democrat cities. I don't think BLM has any real support for their group. I think most whites are against them, and probably many minorities as well.
Hillary didn't support BLM. It helped her lose.

You won't convince us in Cleveland about that one. When she came here to campaign, an invitation was issued to her by the head of the Cleveland Police union for a meeting. Her campaign declined stating she didn't have enough time to meet with them. However she found enough time to meet with the BLM leader of our city.
Hillary didn't support BLM. It helped her lose.

You won't convince us in Cleveland about that one. When she came here to campaign, an invitation was issued to her by the head of the Cleveland Police union for a meeting. Her campaign declined stating she didn't have enough time to meet with them. However she found enough time to meet with the BLM leader of our city.

If you say so it must be true.
Burn! Loot! Murder!

Burn! Loot! Murder!

Burn!!! Loot!!! MURDER!!!
Hillary didn't support BLM. It helped her lose.

You won't convince us in Cleveland about that one. When she came here to campaign, an invitation was issued to her by the head of the Cleveland Police union for a meeting. Her campaign declined stating she didn't have enough time to meet with them. However she found enough time to meet with the BLM leader of our city.

If you say so it must be true.

How about if the news and the head of the union say it?

Look at all you hatefuel fucks talking shit about HRC. She was, and is a better man than any of you ever could aspire to be.
Hillary didn't support BLM. It helped her lose.

You won't convince us in Cleveland about that one. When she came here to campaign, an invitation was issued to her by the head of the Cleveland Police union for a meeting. Her campaign declined stating she didn't have enough time to meet with them. However she found enough time to meet with the BLM leader of our city.

If you say so it must be true.

How about if the news and the head of the union say it?

The police union had already voted to back Trump. Why would they then expect Hillary to meet with them?

Hillary was very good at pandering.
Bush92 us such a ****. Where's those coal mining jobs? 200, last time I checked. Are you better off when DJT starting destroying the Republic, or better off with DJT as POTUS and sending a sound US economy in to the toilet?
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
It doesn't seem to be a winning strategy for the Dim Dems, does it? You're supposed to learn from your mistakes so you won't repeat them. It hasn't happened with these fools.
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
2020 is not like it was in 2016.
Trump/Pence will get even FEWER votes in November 2020 than their opponents because:
1) Voters now know Trump’s “MAGA” was a joke;
2) Trump has shown everyone that his big ego comes before the country he was elected to serve;
3) Trump has demonstrated his incompetence in government administration versus his mixed success/failures in business;
4) More chauvinistic men will vote for Biden then H. Clinton.
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
2020 is not like it was in 2016.
Trump/Pence will get even FEWER votes in November 2020 than their opponents because:
1) Voters now know Trump’s “MAGA” was a joke;
2) Trump has shown everyone that his big ego comes before the country he was elected to serve;
3) Trump has demonstrated his incompetence in government administration versus his mixed success/failures in business.
4) More chauvinistic men will vote for Biden then H. Clinton.
You're not very Koalafied to make these assumptions.
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
Feel free to do so. You won't be able to use it for anything.
Bush92 us such a ****. Where's those coal mining jobs? 200, last time I checked. Are you better off when DJT starting destroying the Republic, or better off with DJT as POTUS and sending a sound US economy in to the toilet?
Hillary said she would put coal miners out of work and the Biden- Albatross ticket wants a green energy bill that will cost even more jobs. Chinese virus slowed economy, but they are communist do Democrats over the moon with joy about COVID 19.
Trump focused on blue collar workers and US. jobs in 2016. Hillary supported cop killers and dick suckers and lost. Why do Democrats think it will work in 2020? Bradley Effect will lock-in by Election Day.
2020 is not like it was in 2016.
Trump/Pence will get even FEWER votes in November 2020 than their opponents because:
1) Voters now know Trump’s “MAGA” was a joke;
2) Trump has shown everyone that his big ego comes before the country he was elected to serve;
3) Trump has demonstrated his incompetence in government administration versus his mixed success/failures in business.
4) More chauvinistic men will vote for Biden then H. Clinton.
You're not very Koalafied to make these assumptions.

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