Clinton will end her campaign and back Barack Obama on Saturday

I must have missed the memo that said you're only allowed to be angry at discrimination and past treatment if you're black. How 'bout the fact that HER HUSBAND IS THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT???? That couldn't have happened 40 years ago. And she never suffered from Jim Crow laws and she went to Princeton and Harvard.

It's one thing to want a better world. It's another to be pissed off at the world.

ill remind you of that the next time I hear the holocaust brought up for the Nth time.

Say, Jill, WHEN did YOU get your American rights validated in respect to black Americans? How many WOMEN were busy being hosed the fuck down the street in YOUR generation? See any women being chased by dogs for the sake of toilets and water fountains? Michelle Obama's words ARE reflective of a current reality that YOU enjoyed quite a few years prior than theirs.

And, the queen of england never suffered from sexism either, Jill.. I guess that means the shit just doesn't happen.


I realize that the 90s seems like a long time ago this side of the bush regime but racism wasn't solved the day blacks could finally go to college. FOR THE MOST PART, eh Archie Bunker? Had it been that case that Obama were, say, the third or FOURTH black president, or fucking major party nominee for that matter, you may have a point. As it is, there is a reason, beyond your goofy opinon, why Barack Obama is treating historic ground. And, it's not because someone flipped a switch and racism disappeared 40 fucking years ago.

Hey, I never said racism ended 40 years ago. Racism still exists because people have differing opinions, different cultures. It will never go away. But to say that whites are the only racists is a load of bullshit, and you know it as well as I do.
I couldn't agree more. I'm angry that slavery and racism happened, too. But it certainly isn't my fault, nor should I be held accountable or in contempt for it.

No one is nominating Obama to get back at whitey for slavery. But, to disregard the significance of this occasion because YOU are too sensitive to acknowledge the historic fact of black life in America is BEYOND petty.

Have I invited you to vote for John Mccain lately? Please, feel free to vote your conscience.
I hate the thought that human beings were treated as less than human. Hate it. But I also hate the fact that my family had to run from pogroms... .and the fact that people blow stuff up b/c they don't like what people are born or where they live. I think Michelle's anger is pervasive.

But...again... I don't think Barack Obama has any of that. And I'm not voting against him because I don't like his wife.

Yet, how much shit will YOU rationalize exactly because of old shit jill? Don't get all high and fucking mighty when ive SEEN your diatribes based on the same type of historic rationalization.
Yet, how much shit will YOU rationalize exactly because of old shit jill? Don't get all high and fucking mighty when ive SEEN your diatribes based on the same type of historic rationalization.

from mr diatribe... :clap2:
No one is nominating Obama to get back at whitey for slavery. But, to disregard the significance of this occasion because YOU are too sensitive to acknowledge the historic fact of black life in America is BEYOND petty.

Have I invited you to vote for John Mccain lately? Please, feel free to vote your conscience.

Except for Rev. WRight, and Obama's family....
from mr diatribe... :clap2:

gosh. did we skip to the demonization part already?

whatsa matter Jill? Did I remind you of your own range of historic excuses? For real, it's a goddamn riot that you would talk shit on ANYONE who brings up the past during a rather significant achievement for African Americans. For christs sake, you STILL have tears in your eyes 60 years later and don't expect a black American woman to react in kind?

You people looking to talk shit on Michelle Obama are fucking DESPERATE for anything.
Except for Rev. WRight, and Obama's family....

ok so what. a handful of people compared to how many, AS A MATTER OF FACT, that won't vote for him solely because he is black? You people act like racism is just a fucking footnote of ancient history when it's clearly not.
Obviously. Listen to a black preacher ranting about how whites need to be brought down and you can see it's alive and well.
ok so what. a handful of people compared to how many, AS A MATTER OF FACT, that won't vote for him solely because he is black?

And how many people will vote for him solely because he IS black?

To give you an estimate: look at the sudden surge of newly registered black voters.

Racism works both ways.
Obviously. Listen to a black preacher ranting about how whites need to be brought down and you can see it's alive and well.

yea, baba.. black preachers were probably not saying the exact same thing back when the status quo accepted attack dogs and hoses for blacks too.

Again, Wright's opinion, as much as they chaffe to you, reflect a FACT of our culture. From his perspective i'd be saying the same thing. if you think that blacks should be busy rolling over and accepting their history a bit more casually then I suggest you read a single zionist thread and apply consistent logic.
And how many people will vote for him solely because he IS black?

To give you an estimate: look at the sudden surge of newly registered black voters.

Racism works both ways.

AND even if that were 100% accurate why don't you tell me how a sample of 20% of the population voting FOR a black man compares with another sample of an easy 70% of whites who WONT vote for a black man. Wanna tell me which is a larger sample?

oh noe0z! blacks have a role model outside of the music and sports industries! the world as we know it will cease to exhist!

yea, baba.. black preachers were probably not saying the exact same thing back when the status quo accepted attack dogs and hoses for blacks too.

Again, Wright's opinion, as much as they chaffe to you, reflect a FACT of our culture. From his perspective i'd be saying the same thing. if you think that blacks should be busy rolling over and accepting their history a bit more casually then I suggest you read a single zionist thread and apply consistent logic.

So, you would claim that the government invented AIDS to kill black people and that America deserved 9/11?

No wonder you support Obama, you're just as unpatriotic as he is.
So, you would claim that the government invented AIDS to kill black people and that America deserved 9/11?

No wonder you support Obama, you're just as unpatriotic as he is.

is that any more far fetched than small box blankets on the trail of tears or tuskeegee VD experiments?

trust me, this side of farcical 04 rightwingers pretending they have a monopoly on patriotism I could really give two shits about who you think meets the criteria.

Hell, given how much speculation goes on about how the CIA funds it's little clandestine missions and the sudden appearance of crack in the 80s, a derivative of EXACTLY what Noriega had his paws on, you might wanna reconsider that soap box you are standing on.
But, speaking of AIDS, we sure as fuck DO know how slow the US is to respond to citizens that fall outside the status quo, don't we?

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