Clinton's HAITI Cash Machine..How Clinton cronyism took advantage of Suffering Black people

Clinton's money making machine off of suffering black people:mad:

The Clinton Foundation has been a questionable entity in Haiti as it spent tens of millions on phone calls, $70,000,000 on wages and enough to send the population of Washington, DC to Haiti on American Airlines.

The one Clinton Foundation Project that I can remember, other than investing $2.500,000 in a 5 Star luxury hotel, was a school project in Leogane, costing something like $6,000,000.00. This involved in moving a half-dozen FEMA trailers, left over from the New Orleans disaster, to Haiti as school rooms.

These had already been banned in the States because of toxix materials, in their construction. As a result – coupled with the fact they had no air conditioning, the student never sat inside. The made them sick.

So they say outside.

A $6,000,000 boondoggle that should have cost nothing

]We could have received the trailers, as donations.
Our friends would have transported them to Haiti, and on to Leogane for nothing.

And then there is the big industrial park in northern Haiti. Cynics suggest the Clintons benefted financially from this.
Some suggest Clinton purchased 4000 acres on the St. Marc Road for future sale.The people of Haiti do not like Bill Clinton.

HUGE SCANDAL AT CLINTON FOUNDATION The New York Times takes down the Clinton Foundation. This could be devastating for Bill and Hillary-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth | HAITIAN-TRUTH.ORG Proud to be Haiti's most informative NEWS site
Hati has a long history of bribery and corruption. Back in the '80s I had to try to do business there. It looked like there was a deal but, a few days later when I had moved on to another country, a very high Hatian government official went to great effort to locate me by telephone and explain very carefully how much of a "commission" would be required if the deal were to go forward.

The dead was dead - the company I represented had a very firm policy about that shit.

Yes, Hati. A country Hillary surely must love.

But, hey, I'm sure that from her perspective it's just respecting the culture of the country ......

BTW, a German company got the business. Germany talks a good position on bribery then shuts up and pays.

Pay to play is the Clinton way

I heard a caller on the radio sum Bill's wife up this way...

1. "....several pop stars including Mariah Carey, Beyoncé, Usher and Lionel Richie have taken lucrative gigs performing for the members of Libyan dictator Muammar al-Qaddafi's family.

....reportedly paid Carey $1 million to sing four songs at the previous year's New Year's party, also in St. Barts." Beyoncé, Mariah Carey and Usher Performed at Qaddafi Family Parties


3. If Qaddafi had paid that $1 million to the Clinton Foundation......
.....he'd be alive today.

The subject of this thread is an absolute game-changer in this election. If this level of corruption is revealed and broadcast on the MSM - It's over.

MSM wont broadcast anything that's not in Hillary's favor.

They even edited her fainting video to support their story that she's fine.
How convenient:eusa_think:....

In interviews with The Washington Post, both Rodham and the chief executive of Delaware-based VCS Mining said they were introduced at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative — an offshoot of the Clinton Foundation that critics have long alleged invites a blurring of its charitable mission with the business interests of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their corporate donors.

Asked whether he attends CGI meetings to explore personal business opportunities, Rodham responded, “No, I go to see old friends. But you never know what can happen.”

All sides deny that the Clintons had any role in Rodham’s appointment to the VCS advisory board

Role of Hillary Clinton’s brother in Haiti gold mine raises eyebrows
The crooks love Hillary..the Clintons should be in prison with this guy

Hillary helped 'crook' get $10 million for Haiti scam
500 earthquake victims without homes as Clinton Foundation donor steals cash


Meet convicted felon Claudio Osorio, the Miami man serving a 12-year prison sentence who scammed American taxpayers out of $10 million and Haiti earthquake victims out of 500 homes – all with the help of the Clintons.

Osorio, 54, a pal of Bill and Hillary Clinton and President Obama, is a Clinton Foundation donor. He even hosted fundraisers for them at his waterfront home in Florida.

After the catastrophic 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Osorio collected millions from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, a federal agency that operates under the U.S. State Department.

And the Clinton State Department helped him get the $10 million for his phony project because he was a donor to the foundation. In fact, the Associated Press reported Tuesday that at least 85 Clinton Foundation donors met with Hillary at the State Department.

Osorio’s case was particularly egregious because the scam defrauded taxpayers and hundreds of homeless earthquake victims.


According to a document posted online by the Washington Free Beacon, an OPIC official said Osorio’s company had “U.S. persons of political influence that are able to assist in advancing the company’s plans.”

The document continued: “For instance, former President Bill Clinton is personally in contact with the Company to organize its logistical and support needs. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made available State Department resources to assist with logistical arrangements.”

Furthermore, the Clinton Global Initiative “indicated that it would be willing to contract to purchase 6,500 homes in Haiti from InnoVida within the next year.”

Within 24 hours of the OPIC recommendation, Osorio received approval for his plans.

But the Haiti project never happened.

The 500 families would never live in their new homes.

And taxpayers would never recoup the $10 million.

Hillary helped ‘crook’ get $10 million for Haiti scam
Will the Clintons do it again?...Don't doubt if Hillary is elected.....

Haitians fear Clintons will 'scam' them again
Foundation accused of looting impoverished nation after 2010 earthquake


NEW YORK – Hurricane Matthew has reopened the debate over whether Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation provided true disaster relief for the people of Haiti after the 2010 earthquake or mostly enriched themselves at the expense of the suffering Haitian people.

Crossing Haiti with a vengeance, Hurricane Matthew last week killed 877 people in the impoverished island nation and left tens of thousands homeless. It also reignited a cholera outbreak that has killed another 17 people as floodwater mixed with sewage.

Former President Bill Clinton on Oct. 4 wrote a sympathetic offer of renewed charitable assistance on Twitter: “Praying for everyone impacted by #HurricaneMatthew. Here’s how you can help in Haiti.”

Clinton’s tweet prompted one Twitter user to respond, “Is this a joke, you looted Haiti once already.” Another said, “Clintons still scamming off poor Haiti after a natural disaster.”

Read more at Haitians fear Clintons will ‘scam’ them again
They are democrats. They are masters of taking advantage of black people.

They have ways gotten away with it.

The libs wont touch this. they're too busy running their personal attack machine.

I agree with you.

It's a very sad state of affairs when Americans even consider voting for scum like Clinton.

Both of the Clintons belong in jail.

If Hillary wins that will be even more of an indication of how far our society has fallen. To accept corruption as the norm, means that all those who voted for Hillary are enablers, and no better than the Clintons. Our country is a corrupt banana republic
Bill shaking his finger and lying again:rolleyes:...Tens of thousands still living in temporary shelters as Clinton friends get rich

The Clinton brand of crony capitalism.... Do we really want these people back in the White house?

Hundreds of families have been forced off the land to make room for Caracol. The Clintons led the aggressive push to make garment factories to better Haiti’s economy, but what it really created was wealth for foreign companies. This trend was echoed when the Clintons helped launch a Marriott hotel in the capital, which has really only benefited wealthy foreigners and the Haitian elite.

Mark D’Sa, Senior Advisor for Industrial Development in Haiti at the U.S. Department of State, said that many of the Clintons’ promises remain unfulfilled and many more projects are “half-baked.” Haiti remains the most economically depressed country on the continent.

Hillary (and Bill) Clinton’s Past in Haiti
Haiti and Hillary are made for each other.

For a couple of years before I retired I had to try to do business with the government of Haiti. After one visit, having moved on to another country, I received a very polite call at my hotel (don't tell me Haiti doesn't have excellent intelligence gathering - I mean, to have found me). It was a very high government official informing me as to how, to get the contract, it would be necessary to appoint him as a "distributor" that he might receive a 25% "commission" on the deal. Under U.S. law I had to decline - and watched the business go to a German company.

Yes, The "H"s are MADE for each other. Hillary. Haiti.
First off, it was the Clinton-Bush Haiti Relief Fund...

Bush and Clinton the saviors

As a good neoliberal never letting a serious crisis go to waste, Bill Clinton, saw the 2010 earthquake as a great opportunity. As Dady Chery notes:

[At the beginning of the U.S. Occupation in 1915] a treaty was forced on Haiti that created the post of US High Commissioner, to run the country alongside its hand-picked “Haitian” president… Control of the country’s finances, public works, and public health services were transferred to southern US Democrats who had supported Wilson’s campaign, in much the same way that these are transferred today to USAID and non-governmental organizations (NGO). The idea then was the same as now: all Haiti’s economy should serve the US, and nearly all US dollars paid as wages in Haiti should return to the US.

Clinton saw in the earthquake of 2010 his opportunity to become the new US High Commissioner of Haiti… Within four months of the earthquake, he formed the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti (CIRH): a strictly pay-to-play group of officials/rich businessmen from the MINUSTAH countries and others who agreed to contribute armed personnel from their countries or money … in return for a piece of the action in Haiti. After some arm twisting and bribery, the Haitian parliament was forced to declare a state of emergency for 18 months during which Clinton and his CIRH gang could do as they pleased with regard to reconstruction, without risk of liability. One year and a half came and went, and when the Haitian Senate observed that nothing much had been accomplished, the state of emergency was not renewed, and the CIRH was alleged to be fraudulent. (Dady Chery, Haiti: Time for Clinton and Co to Pack and Go, News Junkie Post, December 15, 2014)

Bill Clinton’s nefarious influence on the country is not new. A study of the economic liberalization strategies imposed by the U.S. on Haiti in the 1980s and 1990s showed that “President Clinton and other recent White House tenants condemn[ed] Haiti to a future of endemic poverty through a self-serving U.S. rice export policy”:

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), among other agencies, encouraged Haiti to start exporting manufactured and processed agricultural products, in tandem with emphasizing the need to import grain staples on the international market… U.S. experts worked to disassemble Haiti’s rural economy, even though USAID officials recognized that such a move could increase poverty and contribute to a decline in average Haitian income and health standards. By 2003, approximately 80% of all rice consumed in Haiti was imported from the United States.” (Leah Chavla, Bill Clinton’s Heavy Hand on Haiti’s Vulnerable Agricultural Economy: The American Rice Scandal, Council on Hemispheric Affairs, April 13, 2010.)

Haiti’s earthquake was an opportunity for “business”. Several industries —mining, garment, tourism, only to name a few— profited from the disaster. Donations have favoured businesses in the donor countries more than Haitians themselves and several projects have seen cost overruns and others ended up being useless due to the critical lack of infrastructure.

It is a well-known and documented fact in independent media circles that international aid is nothing but business masquerading as charity. Approximately 80% of the aid money dedicated to developing countries ends up in the coffers of businesses and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from the donor countries. Far from helping, this dynamic only creates a relationship of dependency hampering, even preventing the “recipient” country from developing the very structures which could liberate it from this colonial relationship.

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