Clinton's HAITI Cash Machine..How Clinton cronyism took advantage of Suffering Black people

Moonglow, your post was most informative.

Sadly, you failed to point out that nowhere does it say that President Bush did not get one single cent out of the campaign. Not one.
Moonglow, your post was most informative.

Sadly, you failed to point out that nowhere does it say that President Bush did not get one single cent out of the campaign. Not one.
I believe that Bush was part of the deal, but was trying to play like a subchapter S partner...
Moonglow, your post was most informative.

Sadly, you failed to point out that nowhere does it say that President Bush did not get one single cent out of the campaign. Not one.
I believe that Bush was part of the deal, but was trying to play like a subchapter S partner...

90 year old H.W. Bush had very little involvement in anything but being a figure to help raise money for the suffering Haitian people The Clinton's funneled money to friends and family intended for the Haitian people

Hillary Clinton’s Latest Scandal - A Haiti Gold Mine Deal | Caribbean and Latin America Daily News - News Americas Now
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How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

It filtered money through Haiti and back to itself.

The Haitians were initially sympathetic to the Clintons. One may say they believed in the message of “hope and change.” With his customary overstatement, Bill told the media, “Wouldn’t it be great if they become the first wireless nation in the world? They could, I’m telling you, they really could.” I don’t blame the Haitians for falling for it; Bill is one of the world’s greatest story-tellers. He has fooled people far more sophisticated than the poor Haitians. Over time, however, the Haitians wised up. Whatever their initial expectations, many saw that much of the aid money seems never to have reached its destination; rather, it disappeared along the way.

Where did it go? It did not escape the attention of the Haitians that Bill Clinton was the designated UN representative for aid to Haiti. Following the earthquake, Bill Clinton had with media fanfare established the Haiti Reconstruction Fund. Meanwhile, his wife Hillary was the United States secretary of state. She was in charge of U.S. aid allocated to Haiti. Together the Clintons were the two most powerful people who controlled the flow of funds to Haiti from around the world. Haitian deals appeared to be a quid pro quo for filling the coffers of the Clintons. The Haitian protesters noticed an interesting pattern involving the Clintons and the designation of how aid funds were used. They observed that a number of companies that received contracts in Haiti happened to be entities that made large donations to the Clinton Foundation.

The contract was supposed to be given through the normal United Nations bidding process, with the deal going to the lowest bidder who met the project’s standards. UN officials said, however, that the contract was never competitively bid for. Clayton offered to build “hurricane-proof trailers” but what they actually delivered turned out to be a disaster. The trailers were structurally unsafe, with high levels of formaldehyde and insulation coming out of the walls. There were problems with mold and fumes. The stifling heat inside made Haitians sick and many of them abandoned the trailers because they were ill-constructed and unusable.

Clintons don’t care about Haiti. Yet it seems clear that Haitian welfare is not their priority. Their priority is, well, themselves. The Clintons seem to believe in Haitian reconstruction and Haitian investment as long as these projects match their own private economic interests. They have steered the rebuilding of Haiti in a way that provides maximum benefit to themselves. No wonder the Clintons refused to meet with the Haitian protesters. Each time the protesters showed up, the Clintons were nowhere to be seen. They have never directly addressed the Haitians’ claims

Read more at: How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians, by Dinesh D'Souza, National Review
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A Clinton Presidency Will Be A Disaster For The Caribbean

Based on the destructive policies of Bill and Hillary Clinton towards Haiti and Honduras, both in and out of political office, a Hillary Clinton presidency would be a disaster for the Caribbean Basin. The Clintons’ use of poverty- and earthquake disaster-ridden Haiti as a personal cash cow stands as one of the most egregious examples in recent history of American politicians using the misery of others to line their own pockets. After helping Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide regain power after a 1991 military coup, sanctioned by the Central Intelligence Agency, ousted him, the Clintons have done everything possible to ensure that Aristide and his progressive populist political party have not been returned to power.

The reason why the Clintons have suppressed the will of the Haitian people is chiefly based on Arkansas crony capitalism. The US Agency for International Development (USAID), the infamous cipher for CIA covert activities, and members of the Arkansas Rice Growers Association (ARGA), who are political cronies of the Clintons, have wreaked havoc on Haiti’s once thriving rice growing business. Once a net exporter of highly-nutritional rice, a combination of USAID policies and one-sided Clinton-era trade deals destroyed the Haitian rice industry and made the country dependent on expensive and non-nutritional genetically-engineered bleached white rice from Arkansas agri-businesses. These agri-businesses have contributed generously to the political campaign coffers of both Bill and Hillary Clinton. In 2008, the soaring price of rice worldwide and price-fixing by US agri-businesses linked to the Clintons resulted in food riots breaking out in Haiti.

It is now well-known from public disclosures of Mrs Clinton’s and other emails that the William J Clinton Foundation is a criminal «pay-to-play» extortion racket. In 2010, no sooner had Hillary Clinton turned her plane around on a trip to Australia and New Zealand to head back to Washington to deal with the Haiti situation, her husband launched the following high-tech appeal on the web site of his William J Clinton Foundation: «Text ‘HAITI’ to ‘20222’ and $10 will be given to the Clinton Foundation’s Haiti Relief Fund, charged to your cell phone bill». Clinton also solicited for donations of up to $1000 for the Clinton Foundation’s Haiti Relief Fund. Bill Clinton already had too much influence over Haiti’s affairs. Little of the donations to the Clinton coffers ever made it to Haiti’s most needy people, most of whom had lost their homes and possessions in the devastating Haitian quake.

A Clinton Presidency Will Be A Disaster For The Caribbean | Zero Hedge
You are you, not any 'we'. When you actually write something with real evidence. "WE" will let you know.

Now shake your tiny little fists.
You are you, not any 'we'. When you actually write something with real evidence. "WE" will let you know.

Now shake your tiny little fists.

Read through the thread fake...The Haitians know the Clintons better than you:slap:

The Haitians suffered, as the Clinton's crony friends, who contributed to the Clinton foundation, made millions:mad:

But they dont matter as they are the wrong black people and are just eggs for the Clinton omlette
The Haitians know the Clintons better than you:slap:

"What the Clintons have done in Haiti is UNBELIEVABLE!"

Lol, apparently he is very unfamiliar with the Clintonistas.

Billions in fraud is the normal day for them.

Right now they are engaged in a HUGE hostile take over of the $18 trillion corporation; USA Inc.
Those are fascist opinions without proof. JB is good at that.

Your posts are those of a dumb-ass. no substance..Stick to the facts old man..The Clinton foundation friends and donors made big money while the Haitians and learn

Your are merely mumbling opinions with no facts.

That is factual.

Facts are facts gramps, you support corruption and crony government, because you make money off of the suffering of poor people


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