Clive Bundy Arrested in Oregon-Holdouts Scheduled to Surrender to FBI

They didn't really surrender. Navy Seals invaded the refuge and waterboarded them (illeglly), before threatening to kill them if they did not pretend to surrender. They refused, so the government brought in a hypnotist who put them in a trance, and had them walk out and fromt of the press. However, the government was not satisfied with their performance and is doctoring the videos to make these patriots look like "surrendering monkeys".
Good! He owes all the tax payers of the US money for grazing his cows on federal land. He will get what he deserves, I hope.

Well lets string up Sharpton. He owes more than Bundy. Let's just see you cheer on "tax justice" I'll be waiting to see if and when you care.

Your logical fallacy is noted. However, we didn't string up Cliven Bundy. He broke the law. He prevented federal officers from doing their jobs; he was armed and dangerous and used women & children as his shield. Bundy now emerged from his hole in Nevada and was on his way to join the fray in Oregon. It was the perfect opportunity to arrest him for his crime, and the government took advantage of that opportunity.

JJ MacNab ‏@jjmacnab
The charges against Cliven Bundy. #Oregonstandoff

It's a good thing they legalized weed in Oregon. They're gonna need more room in their prisons for:

- Cliven Bundy
- Ammon Bundy
- Ryan Bundy
- Al Bundy
- Ryan Payne and the rest of his posse
- The Hammonds
- The folks from the CMP who illegally recorded PP
Where was Peg during all this nonsense? If anyone is expecting her to show up and clean that mess up at the refuge HQ and barracks they are going to have a long wait.
What really matters to me is whether or not Burger King is going to raise their prices now that the Bundy's are going to have to pay for grazing their cattle.
They didn't really surrender. Navy Seals invaded the refuge and waterboarded them (illeglly), before threatening to kill them if they did not pretend to surrender. They refused, so the government brought in a hypnotist who put them in a trance, and had them walk out and fromt of the press. However, the government was not satisfied with their performance and is doctoring the videos to make these patriots look like "surrendering monkeys".
I am sure they will be placed in the FMEA camps that were set up for white christians


they will be given post card to write home

Sure would be funny if clive was put in a cell with a black Muslim

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