Clive Maund explains the just-started economic collapse of america


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
All this should have happened 10 years ago but Bush and Obozo bailed everybody out.

Clive Maund Technical Analysis

jan 25 2018 What we are about to witness in the markets will be similar to watching a gigantic controlled demolition, like say the World Trade Center controlled demolition in NYC. The initial charge that starts the whole sequence of momentous events is the dollar breakdown of recent days. This was triggered by the imposition of destructive trade tariffs by the Trump Administration who then made it plain they were happy to see the dollar drop to make US exports more competitive.

Actions have consequences, and a falling dollar will make dollar denominated investments less attractive, like the Treasuries, which the US depends on to funnel the rest of the world’s wealth into its coffers – the deal has always been this: the US prints up unlimited quantities of dollars and Treasuries, created electronically with a few keystrokes, and then exchanges them for goods and services from the rest of the world, with most of the inflationary consequences of this pushed off onto the rest of the world. Other countries around the world have until now gone along with this scam, because if they don’t they get cut off from the SWIFT system, subjected to punitive sanctions or even invaded, or a combination of the three.

So, the sequence of events in this controlled demolition in a nutshell is this – the dollar drops hard, Treasuries, which are already very close to breaking down from their long-term uptrend, tank, and interest rates skyrocket. The stockmarket, already massively overstretched, implodes. The speculative urban Real Estate market crashes and gold and silver soar as a safehaven, amplified by acute shortage of physical, most of which now resides in vaults in China. Gold and silver miners, already streamlined and efficient, stand to make fortunes as gold and silver prices race far above their respective AISC (all in sustaining cost) breakeven levels, and gold and silver stocks skyrocket.

When all this happens we can expect the resulting economic privation in the US to send the drug-addled population “loco”, whereupon they will find themselves confronting a police force armed to the teeth with military equipment, and with the legal backing to “do whatever is necessary” afforded by the provisions of the Patriot Acts, and rioters will find that there is practically unlimited accommodation available for them in the extensive network of FEMA camps, where they will have plenty of time to read the detailed provisions of the Patriot Acts, if they can get their hands on a copy, unless of course, they are put to work, perhaps after being detoxed.

Let’s now look at this sequence of impending market events on the charts. We start....
jan 25 2018 What we are about to witness in the markets will be similar to watching a gigantic controlled demolition, like say the World Trade Center controlled demolition in NYC.

So we'll see something imaginary?
jan 25 2018 What we are about to witness in the markets will be similar to watching a gigantic controlled demolition, like say the World Trade Center controlled demolition in NYC.

So we'll see something imaginary?

Young man, it's 16 1/2 years since 911 and EVERYBODY by now knows about Building 7 and knows the events of that day were planned by the Bush gang. Only paid govt shills like yourself say otherwise.
jan 25 2018 What we are about to witness in the markets will be similar to watching a gigantic controlled demolition, like say the World Trade Center controlled demolition in NYC.

So we'll see something imaginary?

Young man, it's 16 1/2 years since 911 and EVERYBODY by now knows about Building 7 and knows the events of that day were planned by the Bush gang. Only paid govt shills like yourself say otherwise.

What does everyone know about building 7?

Planned by the Bush gang? Hilarious.
jan 25 2018 What we are about to witness in the markets will be similar to watching a gigantic controlled demolition, like say the World Trade Center controlled demolition in NYC.

So we'll see something imaginary?

Young man, it's 16 1/2 years since 911 and EVERYBODY by now knows about Building 7 and knows the events of that day were planned by the Bush gang. Only paid govt shills like yourself say otherwise.

What does everyone know about building 7?

Planned by the Bush gang? Hilarious. of the stupidest people to ever post here.....even the board notes that....
All this should have happened 10 years ago but Bush and Obozo bailed everybody out.

Clive Maund Technical Analysis

jan 25 2018 What we are about to witness in the markets will be similar to watching a gigantic controlled demolition, like say the World Trade Center controlled demolition in NYC. The initial charge that starts the whole sequence of momentous events is the dollar breakdown of recent days. This was triggered by the imposition of destructive trade tariffs by the Trump Administration who then made it plain they were happy to see the dollar drop to make US exports more competitive.

Actions have consequences, and a falling dollar will make dollar denominated investments less attractive, like the Treasuries, which the US depends on to funnel the rest of the world’s wealth into its coffers – the deal has always been this: the US prints up unlimited quantities of dollars and Treasuries, created electronically with a few keystrokes, and then exchanges them for goods and services from the rest of the world, with most of the inflationary consequences of this pushed off onto the rest of the world. Other countries around the world have until now gone along with this scam, because if they don’t they get cut off from the SWIFT system, subjected to punitive sanctions or even invaded, or a combination of the three.

So, the sequence of events in this controlled demolition in a nutshell is this – the dollar drops hard, Treasuries, which are already very close to breaking down from their long-term uptrend, tank, and interest rates skyrocket. The stockmarket, already massively overstretched, implodes. The speculative urban Real Estate market crashes and gold and silver soar as a safehaven, amplified by acute shortage of physical, most of which now resides in vaults in China. Gold and silver miners, already streamlined and efficient, stand to make fortunes as gold and silver prices race far above their respective AISC (all in sustaining cost) breakeven levels, and gold and silver stocks skyrocket.

When all this happens we can expect the resulting economic privation in the US to send the drug-addled population “loco”, whereupon they will find themselves confronting a police force armed to the teeth with military equipment, and with the legal backing to “do whatever is necessary” afforded by the provisions of the Patriot Acts, and rioters will find that there is practically unlimited accommodation available for them in the extensive network of FEMA camps, where they will have plenty of time to read the detailed provisions of the Patriot Acts, if they can get their hands on a copy, unless of course, they are put to work, perhaps after being detoxed.

Let’s now look at this sequence of impending market events on the charts. We start....
I have heard this stupid shit since I was 5 years old. And I am 74 years old. Yes, we will make mistakes, and there will be bumps in the road, some major, such as 2008. But I have complete faith that this nation, and the other democratic industrial nations will weather them. Mostly, what I see here are a bunch of incompetent assholes that cannot compete in modern society and want to tear it all down and start over, because that is the only way that they believe they will have a chance.
I have heard this stupid shit since I was 5 years old. And I am 74 years old. Yes, we will make mistakes, and there will be bumps in the road, some major, such as 2008. But I have complete faith that this nation, and the other democratic industrial nations will weather them.

Hey einstein. You saying the american economy can't collapse? It did in the 1930s. You're so dumb you've never heard of the Great Depression.

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