"Clock boy" update: He's going to Saudia Arabi for Mecca; Being coached by sister in interviews

There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

This whole thing was a scam.

A "scam"?

How so? What has this kid gained? What was the "scam"?

Have you read nothing about this story?
Ahmed Mohamed: Homemade clock boy quits Texas school - BBC News
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban on conversation with Irving teen Ahmed Mohamed and what he should have done

An update on clock boy....the most heroic person who has ever breathed Texas air:

- Mark Cuban spoke with him by phone. Said Ahmed was very bright and talkative about science stuff. However....Cuban said when he asked Ahmed about the incident with the clock....he could hear the sister whispering answers to him. Same sister who happened to be around with her camera to photo him in his NASA shirt in the office. (Folks...the family planned this shit stop being duped)

-His Dad has pulled him out of school and is taking him to Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage to Mecca....where I'm sure fellow Muslims will encourage him to forgive Texans. (Same Dad who is running for president of state terror sponsor Sudan).

At this rate....the Dems are gonna seek to lift the 35 year age minimum for president so Ahmed can run in 2016!!
You RWrs and your hyperbole. :lol:

He went from a totally anonymous 14 year old in Texas....to being invited to the White House by the President and being invited as a special guest of the United Nations. All for gutting a cheap Walmart clock and shoving it's parts into a metal box.

What Texan has ever achieved more with less?

He was also invited to visit MIT, NASA and Facebook Mark Z. Very popular kid.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

This whole thing was a scam.

A "scam"?

How so? What has this kid gained? What was the "scam"?

What has he gained?

-Scholarship offers to expensive private schools
- Fame that will get him a college scholarship
- Fame that will help his dad's run for president of Sudan
- A civil rights lawsuit for $$$
- Political points his dad will use in his ongoing fight against the Irving TX mayor
- A trip to the White House
- A trip to the UNITED
- A trip to Mecca where he'll get a martyrs welcome

But other than that....yeah...he gained nothing.
Ahmed Mohamed: Homemade clock boy quits Texas school - BBC News
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban on conversation with Irving teen Ahmed Mohamed and what he should have done

An update on clock boy....the most heroic person who has ever breathed Texas air:

- Mark Cuban spoke with him by phone. Said Ahmed was very bright and talkative about science stuff. However....Cuban said when he asked Ahmed about the incident with the clock....he could hear the sister whispering answers to him. Same sister who happened to be around with her camera to photo him in his NASA shirt in the office. (Folks...the family planned this shit stop being duped)

-His Dad has pulled him out of school and is taking him to Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage to Mecca....where I'm sure fellow Muslims will encourage him to forgive Texans. (Same Dad who is running for president of state terror sponsor Sudan).

At this rate....the Dems are gonna seek to lift the 35 year age minimum for president so Ahmed can run in 2016!!
well I hope he hangs out by the cranes in Mecca

Wishing death on a 14 year old just because he's a Muslim?

There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

This whole thing was a scam.

A "scam"?

How so? What has this kid gained? What was the "scam"?

What has he gained?

-Scholarship offers to expensive private schools
- Fame that will get him a college scholarship
- Fame that will help his dad's run for president of Sudan
- A civil rights lawsuit for $$$
- Political points his dad will use in his ongoing fight against the Irving TX mayor
- A trip to the White House
- A trip to the UNITED
- A trip to Mecca where he'll get a martyrs welcome

But other than that....yeah...he gained nothing.

So you think that when he brought his clock to school, it was all part of a secret Muslim plan to get invited to the White House?
Ahmed Mohamed: Homemade clock boy quits Texas school - BBC News
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban on conversation with Irving teen Ahmed Mohamed and what he should have done

An update on clock boy....the most heroic person who has ever breathed Texas air:

- Mark Cuban spoke with him by phone. Said Ahmed was very bright and talkative about science stuff. However....Cuban said when he asked Ahmed about the incident with the clock....he could hear the sister whispering answers to him. Same sister who happened to be around with her camera to photo him in his NASA shirt in the office. (Folks...the family planned this shit stop being duped)

-His Dad has pulled him out of school and is taking him to Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage to Mecca....where I'm sure fellow Muslims will encourage him to forgive Texans. (Same Dad who is running for president of state terror sponsor Sudan).

At this rate....the Dems are gonna seek to lift the 35 year age minimum for president so Ahmed can run in 2016!!

Pamella Gellar was on the Amy and Dan radio show here in Chicago. The boy's father is an activist who debated Robert Spencer, and expert on muslim terrorism…..so this kids family is not a normal family.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

This whole thing was a scam.

A "scam"?

How so? What has this kid gained? What was the "scam"?

What has he gained?

-Scholarship offers to expensive private schools
- Fame that will get him a college scholarship
- Fame that will help his dad's run for president of Sudan
- A civil rights lawsuit for $$$
- Political points his dad will use in his ongoing fight against the Irving TX mayor
- A trip to the White House
- A trip to the UNITED
- A trip to Mecca where he'll get a martyrs welcome

But other than that....yeah...he gained nothing.

So you think that when he brought his clock to school, it was all part of a secret Muslim plan to get invited to the White House?

No. I think it was a stunt his dad and sister put him up to. His dad has a long running fued with the mayor of Irving TX accusing the mayor of being anti Muslim. He wants to sue the mayors police department.

His plan succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. And poor Ahmed didnt know exactly what he was doing. Hence the look he's giving his sister when she took that photo of him in cuffs....that look of "You didn't tell me THIS would happen!!".

That's what I believe.
There's just no way his dad's prominence in the Muslim activism world....and this incident....are a coincidence. Not to mention his sister coaching his interviews....and her happening to be right there waiting with a camera when he was detained.

The more I read up on this....the more I believe Ahmeds dad and sister planned this shit.....and he's no more than an awkward teen who didn't realize that doing what his dad and sister said to do was going to create such a mess.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

This whole thing was a scam.

A "scam"?

How so? What has this kid gained? What was the "scam"?

What has he gained?

-Scholarship offers to expensive private schools
- Fame that will get him a college scholarship
- Fame that will help his dad's run for president of Sudan
- A civil rights lawsuit for $$$
- Political points his dad will use in his ongoing fight against the Irving TX mayor
- A trip to the White House
- A trip to the UNITED
- A trip to Mecca where he'll get a martyrs welcome

But other than that....yeah...he gained nothing.

So you think that when he brought his clock to school, it was all part of a secret Muslim plan to get invited to the White House?

No. I think it was a stunt his dad and sister put him up to. His dad has a long running fued with the mayor of Irving TX accusing the mayor of being anti Muslim. He wants to sue the mayors police department.

His plan succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. And poor Ahmed didnt know exactly what he was doing. Hence the look he's giving his sister when she took that photo of him in cuffs....that look of "You didn't tell me THIS would happen!!".

That's what I believe.

So you think it was a "scam" designed to out closeted bigots?

Looks like it worked on you guys.
Looks like a setup to create a victim. The kid was most likely used by his family and didn't even know it, just like the suicide bombers they train at their camps. I hope the entire family moves to Saudi Arabia and doesn't come back.
This whole thing was a scam.

A "scam"?

How so? What has this kid gained? What was the "scam"?

What has he gained?

-Scholarship offers to expensive private schools
- Fame that will get him a college scholarship
- Fame that will help his dad's run for president of Sudan
- A civil rights lawsuit for $$$
- Political points his dad will use in his ongoing fight against the Irving TX mayor
- A trip to the White House
- A trip to the UNITED
- A trip to Mecca where he'll get a martyrs welcome

But other than that....yeah...he gained nothing.

So you think that when he brought his clock to school, it was all part of a secret Muslim plan to get invited to the White House?

No. I think it was a stunt his dad and sister put him up to. His dad has a long running fued with the mayor of Irving TX accusing the mayor of being anti Muslim. He wants to sue the mayors police department.

His plan succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. And poor Ahmed didnt know exactly what he was doing. Hence the look he's giving his sister when she took that photo of him in cuffs....that look of "You didn't tell me THIS would happen!!".

That's what I believe.

So you think it was a "scam" designed to out closeted bigots?

Looks like it worked on you guys.

Yes. I think it's a scam to out who they think are closeted bigots. So they had Ahmed bring a device to school and start showing it to people.....knowing it looked like a device that would never be allowed on a plane, or military base, or courtroom, or police station, or....well....anywhere that screens what you can bring in.

It's no different than if a redneck white kid ran into an AME church wearing a rebel flag shirt and trench coat. You know the reaction he would get. And rightfully so.
Ahmed Mohamed: Homemade clock boy quits Texas school - BBC News
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban on conversation with Irving teen Ahmed Mohamed and what he should have done

An update on clock boy....the most heroic person who has ever breathed Texas air:

- Mark Cuban spoke with him by phone. Said Ahmed was very bright and talkative about science stuff. However....Cuban said when he asked Ahmed about the incident with the clock....he could hear the sister whispering answers to him. Same sister who happened to be around with her camera to photo him in his NASA shirt in the office. (Folks...the family planned this shit stop being duped)

-His Dad has pulled him out of school and is taking him to Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage to Mecca....where I'm sure fellow Muslims will encourage him to forgive Texans. (Same Dad who is running for president of state terror sponsor Sudan).

At this rate....the Dems are gonna seek to lift the 35 year age minimum for president so Ahmed can run in 2016!!

Pamella Gellar was on the Amy and Dan radio show here in Chicago. The boy's father is an activist who debated Robert Spencer, and expert on muslim terrorism…..so this kids family is not a normal family.
lol. if anything that just shows how moderate his family is.
these are the moderate muslims you claim you are looking for. look how you treat them.
Looks like a setup to create a victim. The kid was most likely used by his family and didn't even know it, just like the suicide bombers they train at their camps. I hope the entire family moves to Saudi Arabia and doesn't come back.

Yep. The more i read...the more it seems that way. They send their kids to be suicide bombers. Disgusting. It seems Ahmed didnt know what he was being told to do.

Look at his face in that photo....which his sister just happened to be there with her camera ready. He's looking at her like "You didn't tell me THIS was gonna happen "
Ahmed Mohamed: Homemade clock boy quits Texas school - BBC News
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban on conversation with Irving teen Ahmed Mohamed and what he should have done

An update on clock boy....the most heroic person who has ever breathed Texas air:

- Mark Cuban spoke with him by phone. Said Ahmed was very bright and talkative about science stuff. However....Cuban said when he asked Ahmed about the incident with the clock....he could hear the sister whispering answers to him. Same sister who happened to be around with her camera to photo him in his NASA shirt in the office. (Folks...the family planned this shit stop being duped)

-His Dad has pulled him out of school and is taking him to Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage to Mecca....where I'm sure fellow Muslims will encourage him to forgive Texans. (Same Dad who is running for president of state terror sponsor Sudan).

At this rate....the Dems are gonna seek to lift the 35 year age minimum for president so Ahmed can run in 2016!!

Pamella Gellar was on the Amy and Dan radio show here in Chicago. The boy's father is an activist who debated Robert Spencer, and expert on muslim terrorism…..so this kids family is not a normal family.
lol. if anything that just shows how moderate his family is.
these are the moderate muslims you claim you are looking for. look how you treat them.

This whole thing was a scam.

A "scam"?

How so? What has this kid gained? What was the "scam"?

What has he gained?

-Scholarship offers to expensive private schools
- Fame that will get him a college scholarship
- Fame that will help his dad's run for president of Sudan
- A civil rights lawsuit for $$$
- Political points his dad will use in his ongoing fight against the Irving TX mayor
- A trip to the White House
- A trip to the UNITED
- A trip to Mecca where he'll get a martyrs welcome

But other than that....yeah...he gained nothing.

So you think that when he brought his clock to school, it was all part of a secret Muslim plan to get invited to the White House?

No. I think it was a stunt his dad and sister put him up to. His dad has a long running fued with the mayor of Irving TX accusing the mayor of being anti Muslim. He wants to sue the mayors police department.

His plan succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. And poor Ahmed didnt know exactly what he was doing. Hence the look he's giving his sister when she took that photo of him in cuffs....that look of "You didn't tell me THIS would happen!!".

That's what I believe.

So you think it was a "scam" designed to out closeted bigots?

Looks like it worked on you guys.
By bigot you mean people who worry that a group who swears to kill all non-members might be dangerous?
This whole thing was a scam.

A "scam"?

How so? What has this kid gained? What was the "scam"?

What has he gained?

-Scholarship offers to expensive private schools
- Fame that will get him a college scholarship
- Fame that will help his dad's run for president of Sudan
- A civil rights lawsuit for $$$
- Political points his dad will use in his ongoing fight against the Irving TX mayor
- A trip to the White House
- A trip to the UNITED
- A trip to Mecca where he'll get a martyrs welcome

But other than that....yeah...he gained nothing.

So you think that when he brought his clock to school, it was all part of a secret Muslim plan to get invited to the White House?

No. I think it was a stunt his dad and sister put him up to. His dad has a long running fued with the mayor of Irving TX accusing the mayor of being anti Muslim. He wants to sue the mayors police department.

His plan succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. And poor Ahmed didnt know exactly what he was doing. Hence the look he's giving his sister when she took that photo of him in cuffs....that look of "You didn't tell me THIS would happen!!".

That's what I believe.

So you think it was a "scam" designed to out closeted bigots?

Looks like it worked on you guys.

They would have done the same with any kid who brought a fake project clock to school that resembled a bomb.
And the fact that you're giving the kid a pass because he's a muslim is disturbing to say the least.
Looks like a setup to create a victim. The kid was most likely used by his family and didn't even know it, just like the suicide bombers they train at their camps. I hope the entire family moves to Saudi Arabia and doesn't come back.

Yep. The more i read...the more it seems that way. They send their kids to be suicide bombers. Disgusting. It seems Ahmed didnt know what he was being told to do.

Look at his face in that photo....which his sister just happened to be there with her camera ready. He's looking at her like "You didn't tell me THIS was gonna happen "
so you think it's odd that a teenage girl would carry a cell phone?
A "scam"?

How so? What has this kid gained? What was the "scam"?

What has he gained?

-Scholarship offers to expensive private schools
- Fame that will get him a college scholarship
- Fame that will help his dad's run for president of Sudan
- A civil rights lawsuit for $$$
- Political points his dad will use in his ongoing fight against the Irving TX mayor
- A trip to the White House
- A trip to the UNITED
- A trip to Mecca where he'll get a martyrs welcome

But other than that....yeah...he gained nothing.

So you think that when he brought his clock to school, it was all part of a secret Muslim plan to get invited to the White House?

No. I think it was a stunt his dad and sister put him up to. His dad has a long running fued with the mayor of Irving TX accusing the mayor of being anti Muslim. He wants to sue the mayors police department.

His plan succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. And poor Ahmed didnt know exactly what he was doing. Hence the look he's giving his sister when she took that photo of him in cuffs....that look of "You didn't tell me THIS would happen!!".

That's what I believe.

So you think it was a "scam" designed to out closeted bigots?

Looks like it worked on you guys.

They would have done the same with any kid who brought a fake project clock to school that resembled a bomb.
And the fact that you're giving the kid a pass because he's a muslim is disturbing to say the least.
how did it resemble a bomb?
Looks like a setup to create a victim. The kid was most likely used by his family and didn't even know it, just like the suicide bombers they train at their camps. I hope the entire family moves to Saudi Arabia and doesn't come back.

Yep. The more i read...the more it seems that way. They send their kids to be suicide bombers. Disgusting. It seems Ahmed didnt know what he was being told to do.

Look at his face in that photo....which his sister just happened to be there with her camera ready. He's looking at her like "You didn't tell me THIS was gonna happen "
You're right, and his statement was written by somebody else (probably his sister). Why can't these scumbags just let their kids grow up normally? Why do they have to drag them into their sick world of violence and hatred?
Looks like a setup to create a victim. The kid was most likely used by his family and didn't even know it, just like the suicide bombers they train at their camps. I hope the entire family moves to Saudi Arabia and doesn't come back.

Yep. The more i read...the more it seems that way. They send their kids to be suicide bombers. Disgusting. It seems Ahmed didnt know what he was being told to do.

Look at his face in that photo....which his sister just happened to be there with her camera ready. He's looking at her like "You didn't tell me THIS was gonna happen "

The kid was in on it. He admitted knowing it was going to cause a stir,and he set the alarm to go off in the middle of class.

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