"Clock boy" update: He's going to Saudia Arabi for Mecca; Being coached by sister in interviews

Ahmed Mohamed: Homemade clock boy quits Texas school - BBC News
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban on conversation with Irving teen Ahmed Mohamed and what he should have done

An update on clock boy....the most heroic person who has ever breathed Texas air:

- Mark Cuban spoke with him by phone. Said Ahmed was very bright and talkative about science stuff. However....Cuban said when he asked Ahmed about the incident with the clock....he could hear the sister whispering answers to him. Same sister who happened to be around with her camera to photo him in his NASA shirt in the office. (Folks...the family planned this shit stop being duped)

-His Dad has pulled him out of school and is taking him to Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage to Mecca....where I'm sure fellow Muslims will encourage him to forgive Texans. (Same Dad who is running for president of state terror sponsor Sudan).

At this rate....the Dems are gonna seek to lift the 35 year age minimum for president so Ahmed can run in 2016!!
You RWrs and your hyperbole. :lol:

He went from a totally anonymous 14 year old in Texas....to being invited to the White House by the President and being invited as a special guest of the United Nations. All for gutting a cheap Walmart clock and shoving it's parts into a metal box.

What Texan has ever achieved more with less?


Bingo. With only one exception to your post. It's a Radio Shack clock mid 80's.

Kid didn't build jack shit.
Actually I can corroborate one aspect of Cuban's story. I heard an interview with Achmed on CBC yesterday. At least it was supposed to be an interview; ended up very short. After about two questions he says, "I'm going to put my sister on now" and she takes the phone and says "we're going to have to call you back, he's got a lot of calls to take" or words to that effect. Same sister? I dunno. But clearly there's a script management going on for whatever reason and it seems to be consistently from a sister.

Sister is code for pops.

A most interesting family.
well, it's pretty obvious why he is hated by RWrs here.

Oh puleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze. Come on bod. This is scripted. I have no idea on the why. Or where this is supposed to go but when you have an activist (self admitted) father and a campaign against the mayor and then you have a kid taking the guts out of a Radio Shack clock identified as being from the mid 80's and making like a hoax bomb there is more than meets the eye here.

It's definitely more than a coincidence.

No freaking guff!
The boy is a freshman in HS...if he was your son would you want him talking to the press all the time?

Yeah, who wouldn't let their child be questioned and cross examined without them being present?

I'll tell you who.....Terrorists! Thats who!
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

He's an awkward teenager. Just like the Columbine shooters were.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

LOL...They always see harrassing everyone else is no biggie....Until they have to face the dreaded TSA agent then they are all like "Why do I have to take off my shoes?!?!?! Gaaaawd"

And thats after they advocated for everyone else to be cool with being "inconvenienced" as they call it....
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

This whole thing was a scam.
The boy is a freshman in HS...if he was your son would you want him talking to the press all the time?

Yeah, who wouldn't let their child be questioned and cross examined without them being present?

I'll tell you who.....Terrorists! Thats who!

Anyone whose kid has nothing to hide...and who isn't worried about what the kid might say.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

He's an awkward teenager. Just like the Columbine shooters were.

The problem is that you dont support going after awkward white kids because of it
Actually I can corroborate one aspect of Cuban's story. I heard an interview with Achmed on CBC yesterday. At least it was supposed to be an interview; ended up very short. After about two questions he says, "I'm going to put my sister on now" and she takes the phone and says "we're going to have to call you back, he's got a lot of calls to take" or words to that effect. Same sister? I dunno. But clearly there's a script management going on for whatever reason and it seems to be consistently from a sister.

Sister is code for pops.
Muslim females can be three times that antagonist males are. Females are second class in the society and if they are unwed and not a virgin they are not worth the food to feed them. Some Muslim females try to show their worth by being hyper-Muslim. Either that or being a Muslim female just makes them mad at the world. Islam is a destabilizing system on all levels.
The boy is a freshman in HS...if he was your son would you want him talking to the press all the time?

Yeah, who wouldn't let their child be questioned and cross examined without them being present?

I'll tell you who.....Terrorists! Thats who!

Anyone whose kid has nothing to hide...and who isn't worried about what the kid might say.

Or someone who doesnt care about their child...because others wouldnt allow anyone to speak to them without them being there. Cops know that
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

LOL...They always see harrassing everyone else is no biggie....Until they have to face the dreaded TSA agent then they are all like "Why do I have to take off my shoes?!?!?! Gaaaawd"

And thats after they advocated for everyone else to be cool with being "inconvenienced" as they call it....

That's human nature. Everyone wants cops to stop the maniac who blows them off the road and cuts them off and is riding their bumper. Until that day they're running late....and they're speeding...and they get stopped.
In this picture Ahmed is actually looking at his sister.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

He's an awkward teenager. Just like the Columbine shooters were.

Go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of shit. You epitomize the absolute worst aspects of this country, and I'm ashamed to live in the same country as you.

Does attacking an innocent kid to make you feel big and powerful?
The boy is a freshman in HS...if he was your son would you want him talking to the press all the time?

Yeah, who wouldn't let their child be questioned and cross examined without them being present?

I'll tell you who.....Terrorists! Thats who!

Anyone whose kid has nothing to hide...and who isn't worried about what the kid might say.

Or someone who doesnt care about their child...because others wouldnt allow anyone to speak to them without them being there. Cops know that

In Texas...teens get interviewed every Friday after emotional events without parents...football games. They do fine. Teens go to job interviews without parents. No problem. Many parents want their teen boys to be a man and speak to people. Not be a child anymore.

But....Ahmeds family? They're coaching him. For a teen who is 100% innocent...they sure are worried about him speaking to people without their coaching.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

This whole thing was a scam.

A "scam"?

How so? What has this kid gained? What was the "scam"?
In this picture Ahmed is actually looking at his sister.

And you know what that look is? Him thinking "You (sister) never told me it would cause THIS to happen"!!

His family put him up to this. It's getting more clear by the day. The more clear it becomes...the more I really think Ahmed didnt realize what he was doing....but his family did.

Just like in the Middle East when Muslims send their children up to troops wearing a suicide vest and blow them up. His dad and sister sent Ahmed to do this stunt...and I'm really thinking he didn't know what would happen. THAT makes more sense than anything.

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