"Clock boy" update: He's going to Saudia Arabi for Mecca; Being coached by sister in interviews

They would have done the same with any kid who brought a fake project clock to school that resembled a bomb.
And the fact that you're giving the kid a pass because he's a muslim is disturbing to say the least.

Giving him a "pass"? What does he need a "pass" for? He didn't do anything wrong.

I would give that same "pass" to any kid that brought that clock to school and got into trouble for it - it's just a fucking kid and their hobby project. I used to do that same shit when I was a kid - taking apart old electronics, re-wiring them, putting things together. That's something that we should encourage kids to do, not wish death on them for it.

What do you think would happen if a kid brought a toy gun to school?
Wouldnt you think a fake bomb would be even worse?
The kid did not make the clock,he admitted he knew it would cause a stir,and he set the alarm to go off in the middle of class after being told by a teacher to put it away and dont show it to anyone else.
This whole thing is such an obvious set up you'd have to be blind not to see it.

So you now support kids getting in trouble for bringing fake guns to school? I thought that you guys were outraged over that, the number of threads about pop-tart guns could have fooled me.

If it was all a "set up" to reveal closeted bigots, it seems to have worked pretty well on you, although from your posts here I would say that you left that closet a long time ago.

Dont blame me for your liberal policies I didnt make em.

"My liberal policies" made you so sad and pathetic that you felt the need to attack a child for his religion, wish death upon him, and declare him a terrorist?

No, I don't think so.

First of all I never wished death on the little shit.
And second,admitting he brought a fake bomb to school does in fact make him a terrorist.
Liberals bamboozled by a 14 year old Jr. Jihadist and his agitator father.
What a bunch of ignoranuses.

Go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of shit. Seriously.

Does attacking 14 year olds make you feel like a man?

Since when has age been a factor when it comes to Jihadist or kids shooting up a school?

Yet, this kid didn't shoot up a school, or become a "Jihadist". Which is what makes you a disgusting, pathetic excuse for a man.
You're not even worth responding to.
Do you think everything with wires and circuits is a bomb?

Can't imagine your terror at a maker fair

So where was the science fair Jr. Jihad boy was attending?

"Jihad Jr."?

Jesus Christ, you guys are fucking sick.

You dumbass,the kid ADMITTED that he knew it would cause a scene!!!
What the fuck more do you want?

Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
Giving him a "pass"? What does he need a "pass" for? He didn't do anything wrong.

I would give that same "pass" to any kid that brought that clock to school and got into trouble for it - it's just a fucking kid and their hobby project. I used to do that same shit when I was a kid - taking apart old electronics, re-wiring them, putting things together. That's something that we should encourage kids to do, not wish death on them for it.

What do you think would happen if a kid brought a toy gun to school?
Wouldnt you think a fake bomb would be even worse?
The kid did not make the clock,he admitted he knew it would cause a stir,and he set the alarm to go off in the middle of class after being told by a teacher to put it away and dont show it to anyone else.
This whole thing is such an obvious set up you'd have to be blind not to see it.

So you now support kids getting in trouble for bringing fake guns to school? I thought that you guys were outraged over that, the number of threads about pop-tart guns could have fooled me.

If it was all a "set up" to reveal closeted bigots, it seems to have worked pretty well on you, although from your posts here I would say that you left that closet a long time ago.

Dont blame me for your liberal policies I didnt make em.

"My liberal policies" made you so sad and pathetic that you felt the need to attack a child for his religion, wish death upon him, and declare him a terrorist?

No, I don't think so.

First of all I never wished death on the little shit.
And second,admitting he brought a fake bomb to school does in fact make him a terrorist.

When did he "admit" that he brought a "fake bomb" to school?

Does calling this kid names make you feel big and strong, you pathetic piece of shit?
Giving him a "pass"? What does he need a "pass" for? He didn't do anything wrong.

I would give that same "pass" to any kid that brought that clock to school and got into trouble for it - it's just a fucking kid and their hobby project. I used to do that same shit when I was a kid - taking apart old electronics, re-wiring them, putting things together. That's something that we should encourage kids to do, not wish death on them for it.

What do you think would happen if a kid brought a toy gun to school?
Wouldnt you think a fake bomb would be even worse?
The kid did not make the clock,he admitted he knew it would cause a stir,and he set the alarm to go off in the middle of class after being told by a teacher to put it away and dont show it to anyone else.
This whole thing is such an obvious set up you'd have to be blind not to see it.

So you now support kids getting in trouble for bringing fake guns to school? I thought that you guys were outraged over that, the number of threads about pop-tart guns could have fooled me.

If it was all a "set up" to reveal closeted bigots, it seems to have worked pretty well on you, although from your posts here I would say that you left that closet a long time ago.

Dont blame me for your liberal policies I didnt make em.

"My liberal policies" made you so sad and pathetic that you felt the need to attack a child for his religion, wish death upon him, and declare him a terrorist?

No, I don't think so.

First of all I never wished death on the little shit.
And second,admitting he brought a fake bomb to school does in fact make him a terrorist.
You're not even worth responding to.
Do you think everything with wires and circuits is a bomb?

Can't imagine your terror at a maker fair

So where was the science fair Jr. Jihad boy was attending?

"Jihad Jr."?

Jesus Christ, you guys are fucking sick.

You dumbass,the kid ADMITTED that he knew it would cause a scene!!!
What the fuck more do you want?

Again, link?

I'll tell you the same fucking thing....read the Goddamn threads.
Do you think everything with wires and circuits is a bomb?

Can't imagine your terror at a maker fair

So where was the science fair Jr. Jihad boy was attending?

"Jihad Jr."?

Jesus Christ, you guys are fucking sick.

You dumbass,the kid ADMITTED that he knew it would cause a scene!!!
What the fuck more do you want?

Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then
So where was the science fair Jr. Jihad boy was attending?

"Jihad Jr."?

Jesus Christ, you guys are fucking sick.

You dumbass,the kid ADMITTED that he knew it would cause a scene!!!
What the fuck more do you want?

Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then

I'm not digging through pages of shit for you.
Do it your damn self ya lazy fuck.
Hell,use the fucken google like everyone else.
"Jihad Jr."?

Jesus Christ, you guys are fucking sick.

You dumbass,the kid ADMITTED that he knew it would cause a scene!!!
What the fuck more do you want?

Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then

I'm not digging through pages of shit for you.
Do it your damn self ya lazy fuck.
Hell,use the fucken google like everyone else.

Why should we do your work for you?
"Jihad Jr."?

Jesus Christ, you guys are fucking sick.

You dumbass,the kid ADMITTED that he knew it would cause a scene!!!
What the fuck more do you want?

Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then

I'm not digging through pages of shit for you.
Do it your damn self ya lazy fuck.
Hell,use the fucken google like everyone else.
i'm not looking for something that i believe doesn't exist. if you claim it does, you should be able to provide it.
You dumbass,the kid ADMITTED that he knew it would cause a scene!!!
What the fuck more do you want?

Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then

I'm not digging through pages of shit for you.
Do it your damn self ya lazy fuck.
Hell,use the fucken google like everyone else.

Why should we do your work for you?

I already know whats been discovered.
You're the ones who are ill informed.
Go read the threads like I did,do some searches.
Apparently, this is the quote:

“I closed [the ‘clock’] with a cable, I didn’t want to lock it to make it seem like a threat. So I just used a simple cable so it won’t look that much suspicious.”

According to Breitbart and Herewegoagain, that's him "admitting" that he "made a fake bomb".


Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then

I'm not digging through pages of shit for you.
Do it your damn self ya lazy fuck.
Hell,use the fucken google like everyone else.

Why should we do your work for you?

I already know whats been discovered.
You're the ones who are ill informed.
Go read the threads like I did,do some searches.
i see lots of claims. i see no proof. if you know it exists, you should be able to provide it. i'm unable to give you proof that it doesn't, since such a thing does not exist.
so - why would you believe something just because it's been repeated on a message board a bunch of times? lots of shit get's repeated here that isn't true
You dumbass,the kid ADMITTED that he knew it would cause a scene!!!
What the fuck more do you want?

Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then

I'm not digging through pages of shit for you.
Do it your damn self ya lazy fuck.
Hell,use the fucken google like everyone else.
i'm not looking for something that i believe doesn't exist. if you claim it does, you should be able to provide it.

It's not my problem you jumped into a thread without reading it and started spewing your drivel.
It up to you to know where the conversation has gone.
What do you think would happen if a kid brought a toy gun to school?
Wouldnt you think a fake bomb would be even worse?
The kid did not make the clock,he admitted he knew it would cause a stir,and he set the alarm to go off in the middle of class after being told by a teacher to put it away and dont show it to anyone else.
This whole thing is such an obvious set up you'd have to be blind not to see it.

So you now support kids getting in trouble for bringing fake guns to school? I thought that you guys were outraged over that, the number of threads about pop-tart guns could have fooled me.

If it was all a "set up" to reveal closeted bigots, it seems to have worked pretty well on you, although from your posts here I would say that you left that closet a long time ago.

Dont blame me for your liberal policies I didnt make em.

"My liberal policies" made you so sad and pathetic that you felt the need to attack a child for his religion, wish death upon him, and declare him a terrorist?

No, I don't think so.

First of all I never wished death on the little shit.
And second,admitting he brought a fake bomb to school does in fact make him a terrorist.

When did he "admit" that he brought a "fake bomb" to school?

Does calling this kid names make you feel big and strong, you pathetic piece of shit?
It seems that there are those here who cannot acknowledge a geeky smart kid brought a contraption to school and caused the school authorities and police look like buffoons. They have to double down on the buffoonery.

Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then

I'm not digging through pages of shit for you.
Do it your damn self ya lazy fuck.
Hell,use the fucken google like everyone else.

Why should we do your work for you?

I already know whats been discovered.
You're the ones who are ill informed.
Go read the threads like I did,do some searches.


You don't "know" shit, clown - and you're proving that point with every post.

I found where you claimed he supposedly "admitted" that he "made a fake bomb".

Guess what? He didn't.
"Jihad Jr."?

Jesus Christ, you guys are fucking sick.

You dumbass,the kid ADMITTED that he knew it would cause a scene!!!
What the fuck more do you want?

Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then

I'm not digging through pages of shit for you.
Do it your damn self ya lazy fuck.
Hell,use the fucken google like everyone else.
So you made stuff up and when called to produce evidence get foul mouthed. Color me surprised.
Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then

I'm not digging through pages of shit for you.
Do it your damn self ya lazy fuck.
Hell,use the fucken google like everyone else.

Why should we do your work for you?

I already know whats been discovered.
You're the ones who are ill informed.
Go read the threads like I did,do some searches.


You don't "know" shit, clown - and you're proving that point with every post.

I found where you claimed he supposedly "admitted" that he "made a fake bomb".

Guess what? He didn't.

He knew exactly what he was doing. Why would he think he needed to make it look less suspicious?
Of course you probably dont know his fathers history in Irving either do you?
Apparently, this is the quote:

“I closed [the ‘clock’] with a cable, I didn’t want to lock it to make it seem like a threat. So I just used a simple cable so it won’t look that much suspicious.”

According to Breitbart and Herewegoagain, that's him "admitting" that he "made a fake bomb".

Indeed....and now he's gone all foul-mouthed on us.
You dumbass,the kid ADMITTED that he knew it would cause a scene!!!
What the fuck more do you want?

Source? Have you read anything about this case or do you always just jump in with your denials with zero knowledge?
This has all been posted numerous times in various threads...read em.
it should be easy to provide then

I'm not digging through pages of shit for you.
Do it your damn self ya lazy fuck.
Hell,use the fucken google like everyone else.
So you made stuff up and when called to produce evidence get foul mouthed. Color me surprised.

It's all in the threads they refuse to read.

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