Clocks, Cheese & Open Borders


Sep 23, 2010
[ame=]The Third Man......The.Cuckoo Clock - YouTube[/ame]​

In addition to cuckoo clocks, the Swiss are known for cheese with holes in it, and bankers who did right well before, during, and after WWII:

Nazi Gold, Jewish Accounts, and Swiss Banks
Dateline: 07/23/97

Nazi Gold, Jewish Accounts, and Swiss Banks

At last, the Swiss are doing something useful:

. . . Swiss government on Wednesday announced a new policy to cap residence permits for all of Western Europe. Switzerland, which is not part of the EU but joined the Schengen bloc that allows freedom of movement of people across European borders, says that it is being overwhelmed by arrivals from across the continent, to the tune of 80,000 people each year.

So it is invoking a “safeguard clause” it negotiated during the 1999 Schengen treaty talk, which it already implemented for eight Central and Eastern European states. Now, as of May 1, residence permits for the citizens of 17 older EU states, from Germany to Spain, will be capped at 53,700 for a year.

Switzerland shuts the door on EU migrants: A new 'us vs. them' in Europe?
By Sara Miller Llana, Staff writer / April 25, 2013

Switzerland shuts the door on EU migrants: A new 'us vs. them' in Europe? -

Switzerland taking control of its immigration policy flies in the face of everything the open-borders crowd has been pushing for decades.

I don’t know if there is a connection, but Switzerland did not join the United Nations until 2002:

After nearly two centuries of neutrality, Switzerland became the 190th member of the United Nations on Tuesday with the unanimous support of the General Assembly.


. . . Switzerland was the only nation to decide to join the United Nations after a popular referendum. . .

After years of neutrality, Switzerland joins United Nations
By Vanessa Arrington
The Associated Press

Nation & World | After years of neutrality, Switzerland joins United Nations | Seattle Times Newspaper

I can’t help thinking the vote to join the UN would be different were it held today.

Happily, Ann Coulter, and many others, are addressing the evils in Democrat-controlled immigration policies. See Ann’s take on immigrants who commit murder. Note that Democrats think disarming law-abiding Americans is more important than fixing the immigration problem they created:

Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration act so dramatically altered the kinds of immigrants America admits that, since 1969, about 85 percent of legal immigrants have come from the Third World. They bring Third World levels of poverty, fertility, illegitimacy and domestic violence with them. When they can't make it in America, they simply go on welfare and sometimes strike out at Americans.

April 24, 2013


Few Americans want to stop all immigration. Most simply want sane immigration policies ENFORCED. Most Americans sure as hell do NOT want to give illegals a “pathway to citizenship” (AMNESTY) irrespective of what media polls, Democrats and their RINO stooges like Marco Rubio and John McCain say.

Personally, I would tie immigration to unemployment. The day unemployment rises above 4 percent I would shut down immigration until it falls back below 4 percent.

Finally, Emma Lazarus’ sonnet The New Colossus contributes much to the immigration garbage many Americans believe. This excerpt from Wikipedia is most informative:


Bronze plaque inside the Statue of Liberty​

Author John T. Cunningham wrote that "The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the statue. However, it was Lazarus's poem that permanently stamped on Miss Liberty the role of unofficial greeter of incoming immigrants".

Paul Auster wrote that "Bartholdi's gigantic effigy was originally intended as a monument to the principles of international republicanism, but 'The New Colossus' reinvented the statue's purpose, turning Liberty into a welcoming mother, a symbol of hope to the outcasts and downtrodden of the world".

The New Colossus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I’ve come across a few geniuses on message boards who truly believe that the “tired and poor” crap is in the Constitution and/or the Declaration of Independence:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Instead of a monument to republicanism and individual liberty, Lady Liberty has morphed into an invitation to the wretched refuse of the world who come here not to be free, or to work for themselves. Instead, they come with their hands out to big government.

Incidentally, Socialists raise holy hell every time they uncover a reference to God or religion on public property; especially in the public schools. But have you ever heard them call for the removal of the plaque containing The New Colossus?

Just so my remarks are not misunderstood, I would not shed a tear if the Statue of Liberty came down so long as that terrible, terrible, concept in Lazarus’ sonnet is also destroyed. Remove The New Colossus and there is no one who loves Lady Liberty more than I.

There is another aspect of the Statue of Liberty that needs to be examined. Lady liberty is becoming a symbol for promoting democracy around the world. Unfortunately, symbols that begin life as monuments often come to represent the opposite of their original intent. Lady Liberty standing for democracy is the sickest perversion of all. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Libya surely know they can thank democracy advocates for the Arab Spring. It’s frightening to think the people in our intelligence community do not know it. My point: If promoting democracy influences thinking in every intelligence agency decision they are bound to make mistakes not easily corrected.
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Given that so many of us are the progeny of the poor tired huddled masses who yearned to breathe free, your objections are noted with less sympathy that they might reasonable deserve.

It is a mistake (politically speaking) to attack immigration generally.

Better perhaps to attack bad immigration policies that exist today and leave past immigration to history, eh?
Given that so many of us are the progeny of the poor tired huddled masses who yearned to breathe free, your objections are noted with less sympathy that they might reasonable deserve.

It is a mistake (politically speaking) to attack immigration generally.

To editec: You’re missing the point. The earliest waves of immigrants came here to work for themselves and their families. The XVI Amendment began eroding the beauty of controlled immigration. The welfare state finished the job. Note that LBJ’s War on Poverty coincides with this from the OP:

Teddy Kennedy's 1965 immigration act so dramatically altered the kinds of immigrants America admits that, since 1969, about 85 percent of legal immigrants have come from the Third World. They bring Third World levels of poverty, fertility, illegitimacy and domestic violence with them. When they can't make it in America, they simply go on welfare and sometimes strike out at Americans.

Also, many immigrants with illnesses were not allowed in. Kennedy’s bill changed that. Now, immigrants come here specifically to get free medical care.

Here’s the hidden truth about the Third World poor. They may be illiterate, but every one of them knows what they can get for free before they come here. Just listen to Hussein’s aunt if you want to understand the attitude of illegal immigrants:

[ame=]Obama's Illegal Aunt: "You Have The Obligation to Make Me a Citizen" - YouTube[/ame]​

Better perhaps to attack bad immigration policies that exist today and leave past immigration to history, eh?

To editec: That’s a non-starter so long as Democrats have any say in immigration policies. If they don’t get it their way —— it’s no way Jose. Proof: Once again fixing immigration means amnesty and open borders as it did when they lied to Ronald Reagan.

More to the point, attacking bad immigration policies does not go to the root of the problem. The bums in Washington love that approach because they get to jerk the public around. The history of “immigration reform” shows that they’ve been jerking for decades. And let’s not forget that Kennedy’s 1965 bill was immigration reform.

Dismantling the welfare state is the only way to implement the immigration polices most Americans yearn for. And the only to do that is to repeal the XVI Amendment. Do that, and you cutoff the parasite immigrants as well as help those who come here to work for themselves and their families as legal immigration was intended.
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Why am I not surprised:

Back in the 1980s, the country faced a familiar dilemma to the one it faces today — the border was insecure and too many illegal immigrants had moved into the United States.

At the time, the proposed solution was a bill crafted by then Wyoming Republican Sen. Alan Simpson and Kentucky Democratic Rep. Romano Mazzoli. Signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1986, it instantly granted 3 million illegal immigrants legal status.


As a general proposition, the Simpson-Mazzoli bill is at once tough, fair and humane. First, tough. The United States cannot conceivably let in all the worldwide millions who want in. That means controlling our own borders and that, in turn, means something called employer sanctions. Federal law must forbid hiring illegal immigrants and also provide employers with a way to identify who they are. The Simpson-Mazzoli bill would do both. Without being specific, it calls for the gradual development of a limited, reasonable process of identification.


Similarly, that Times editorial board is now arguing for the same exact thing 30 years later, despite clear evidence that the 1986 law failed to keep the “worldwide millions” out.

NY Times editors make same arguments for immigration reform they did ahead of 1986 amnesty
12:23 AM 04/28/2013
Jeff Poor

NY Times editors make same arguments for immigration reform | The Daily Caller

An overwhelming majority of Americans oppose amnesty. Every American understands that another amnesty will be the end of controlled immigration in addition to granting yet another amnesty in a generation or so. The first amnesty opened the door to an additional 20 million illegals not the 11 million the government is pushing. A third amnesty will bring at least 30 million more.

Not surprisingly, nobody in government or the media mentions this: Every Democrat, and more than a few RINO, have been selling the UN’s manmade global warming garbage since the Soviet Union imploded. Their story is: We want to leave a pristine world to our children and grandchildren.

In addition to saving the world for the children who aren’t aborted/murdered by Planned Parenthood, rank & file environmental freakazoids weep while uttering the mantra: Polluters are fouling the nest.

I wish I could ask American fools what the hell do you think opens borders will do your children and grandchildren not to mention how much more a second and third amnesty will foul the nest?

I’d also like to see the American public give the Gang of Eight this choice. Pick one: You can have open borders or environmental crapola but not both.
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