Clones, Cyborgs, and Artificial Intelligence


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2013
The Bee Hive State
That tree of knowledge and man's many inventions.


The eye thing is weird how she presses her temple and it goes back up. LOL wtf?!
I am just going to have this here to post clone, cyborg, a.i. stuff too Like a file but trolls are welcome and expected.


We have a couple of these bots on here. They mine for data and information about how humans view current events.

There is one that posts OP's, and another that sticks to the Biden thread. But? It is hard to tell. I could be wrong.

I don't think this member is a real human, IMO.

Talk to it sometime, read some of its threads, post to it, tell me what you think.


We have a couple of these bots on here. They mine for data and information about how humans view current events.

There is one that posts OP's, and another that sticks to the Biden thread. But? It is hard to tell. I could be wrong.

I don't think this member is a real human, IMO.

Talk to it sometime, read some of its threads, post to it, tell me what you think.

I believe it.

He says the main thing stumping a.i. from passing as a human is humor they don't have the humor concept down to a human-like level yet they are still learning humor.
He says the main thing stumping a.i. from passing as a human is humor they don't have the humor concept down to a human-like level yet they are still learning humor.

I'd say that a lot of conservatives might be AI, because while they are lacking in humor, many of them aren't smart enough to qualify as entry level AI.
Thank you. At least SOMEONE was smart enough to know it was a joke.
I can never know when a republican or democrat is joking when they make pointed statements it comes off as hackery but I do the same thing so I can't really complain, trollaway was also meant to be funny. I am in a conspiracy thread haha.
I'm sorry if I was rude or hurt your feelings.

You don't even have to worry about it. I was in the Navy for over 20 years, and grew a thick skin from all the ragging we did on each other, as well as from the infrequent ass chewings I had administered to me by Chiefs.

Trust me................if I think you're being rude or trying to hurt my feelings, you will know that I've taken offense, as I tend to return a bit better than what was given to me. If you only mildly irritated me, I can be extremely condescending and will talk to you like you are child, and it will escalate from there, depending on how much I think you were trying to be rude.

But, if I call you a colon jousting, sperm burping gutter bitch, or a lowborn Polish gutter slut, or some other term just as endearing, know that I feel you were trying to offend me.

Colon jouster, rump ranger and turd burglar are some of my other favorites when I think someone is trying to be offensive.

But, I didn't respond with any of those, so you're fine.
the alternative media was reporting this a long time ago that she had been executed along with many actors in Hollywood and other music artists fir being involved in child trafficking and pedophile and that what we are seeing is clones.I thought thst was too good to be true at the time but now I’m is stranger than fiction.

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