Close the gap between Rich and Poor Americans.

It takes time to turn around the Reaganist, pander to the greedy rich Pubs, Pub bs propaganda machine, refuse to invest in the country, POS new bs GOP USA, hater dupe...but thanks for the total 9/11 incompetence, stupidest and longest wars EVER, AND WRECKING THE WORLD.
Turning things around is quite different than outright taking a wrong turn and staying there. Obama has made things worse. It shouldn't be as bad as it is. We should have seen a faster recovery, but instead of helping the country get back on course, he gave us the biggest job-killing bill in history. After decreasing the number of tax payers, he increased the burden for the remaining tax payers.
Cut programs and tax code that helps the rich
Increase programs that help the poor and working class
rightwinger does not realize it yet, but the government has adjusted the definition of the word 'rich' to include him.
It takes time to turn around the Reaganist, pander to the greedy rich Pubs, Pub bs propaganda machine, refuse to invest in the country, POS new bs GOP USA, hater dupe...but thanks for the total 9/11 incompetence, stupidest and longest wars EVER, AND WRECKING THE WORLD.

Do not give us this crap. Clinton led a powerful economic boom which led to substantial improvements in very little time. Obama gets no excuse.
Turning things around is quite different than outright taking a wrong turn and staying there. Obama has made things worse. It shouldn't be as bad as it is. We should have seen a faster recovery, but instead of helping the country get back on course, he gave us the biggest job-killing bill in history. After decreasing the number of tax payers, he increased the burden for the remaining tax payers.
ACTUALLY, the extra costs of of bloated big health was killing us economically- adding 2000 to the cost of cars, for instance- and thank god we're on an intelligent course, despite a pile of fear mongering bs from Pubs about the kind of plan they SAID they were for...dupe.
We would have been out of this Pub great recession 3-4 years ago without them blocking a typically bi-partisan jobs act, and the phony debt crises/shutdown threats that cost us 0.6 per cent in growth each time. Look in the mirror, dupe lol.
Cut programs and tax code that helps the rich
Increase programs that help the poor and working class

We've had programs to "help" the poor and working class for 40 years. How has that worked out? What's the definition of insanity? Voting for Democrats over and over hoping for a different outcome.
I find it quite ironic that income inequality has rapidly increased during the presidency of a democrat, especially since part of that presidency included democrat control of both houses of congress.
It's almost as if they purposely advanced income inequality so that they could squeal about it like the pigs that they are.
I like my bacon thick cut.
Increase programs to help the poor and middle class what does that mean exactly? Does that mean programs to help people develop the skills and training necessary to find jobs to lift them out poverty and take them from middle class on up or does that mean expanding things like food stamps welfare benefits and unemployment benefits which just keeps them treading water and staying pretty much right where are?
Here's an idea: quit saddling businesses with mandates that drive up the cost of hiring people. Lower cost to hire>more hiring>more employment>more income>smaller gaps.

But the truth is the Left does not want to raise the poorer people. It wants to bring down the rich people.
Obama is just a corporate shill, which makes rightwingers calling him a socialist who hates rich people even more laughable.
I think its time to ban rich people. We have already determined they are the enemy, so lets deport anyone who makes more than $100,000 a year, then our problem will be solved. The income gap will close and we will live happily ever after.
WHY ??????? is it that whiny, slobbering, runny nosed leftwing nuts hate "RICH" people and want their wealth redistributed to the "POOR", the rich are rich because they put in an effort to become rich, the por are poor because most of them were born into poor families who have been on welfare since LBJ gave them their first welfare check..., BUT !! with a little effort and a will to succeed, a person born into poverty can do what these 18 people done.......,
18 people who went from being poor to mega rich - Business

so get off your lazy asses poor folk who are on the .gov dole and put in a little EFFORT to get out of your ditch. :up:
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One thing I will note, is that the rich expect to be paid well for their work; however, they have all kinds of excuses why the average worker isn't entitled to being rewarded better for the work such perform for the wealthy. I do believe that without the workers and patronage, the wealthy would not be such. And it would be wiser, if a rich person would invest more in their workers than in say a bigger house, fancier car, or another luxury yacht.
Obama is just a corporate shill, which makes rightwingers calling him a socialist who hates rich people even more laughable.

Half of his economic policies look like Mussolini's, and the other half look like Marx wrote them.

I agree that this is unusual. It is probably the Chicago in him.
Obama is just a corporate shill, which makes rightwingers calling him a socialist who hates rich people even more laughable.

Oh so now Obama is a corporate shill? I have news for you: all Democrats are corporate shills, and most Republicans. Corporations are an important part of this society. THey will always have influence because, cue it, corporations are people, my friend.

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