Closer to Armageddon?; China talking war with the US

We are at the beginning of a new world war. We've already had our first casualty in the Syria front
China and the US are no more going to start shooting at each other than the US v USSR were gonna. China's reasonable and atheistic like the Soviets were. So for them there's no glorious death for God incentivizing them to do something really dumb.

Plus we owe them rather a lot of money. Start a war and we might just say 'GFY we owe you nothing.'
"China is not afraid of fighting a war against the United States in the South China Sea, a state-run newspaper with links to the Communist party has claimed.

Twenty-four hours after Washington challenged Beijing’s territorial claims in the region by deploying a warship to waters around the disputed Spratly archipelago, the notoriously nationalistic Global Times accused the Pentagon of provoking China."

Ever heard 'consider the source?' President Xi makes that sort of decision. Not a newspaper.
No one's talking about war. Buncha women this thread.

Not paying attention to the news? The administration has been talking about more ground troops in Iraq to deal with Syria.

China may be sabre rattling but considering the excessive male population they have there I wouldn't be at all surprised I'd they started wars just to keep them from rebelling.
No one's talking about war. Buncha women this thread.

Not paying attention to the news? The administration has been talking about more ground troops in Iraq to deal with Syria.

China may be sabre rattling but considering the excessive male population they have there I wouldn't be at all surprised I'd they started wars just to keep them from rebelling.

We take as reliable every yahoo who says something for our side? All it is. When Xi says it, buy canned goods. Otherwise...
excessive male population that 'china' has . Maybe some of those excess 'chinese' sailors will get together with the new USA navy with its lady sailors , gay men , transgenders and 'peace' will be achieved Avatar
We take as reliable every yahoo who says something for our side? All it is. When Xi says it, buy canned goods. Otherwise...

Lol...looks like you missed something in the article...hint: foreign ministry spokesperson's words...
Been following startegic assesment sites for over 20 years. It's not time to worry yet. I'll let ya know when it is. :)
We take as reliable every yahoo who says something for our side? All it is. When Xi says it, buy canned goods. Otherwise...

Lol...looks like you missed something in the article...hint: foreign ministry spokesperson's words...

No more significant than how we use the Vice-President as a 'pitbull.' It's diplomatic posturing at best. And more likely it's intended more for public effect than actual diplomatic effect. Behind closed doors Xi and Obama are playing grabass with each other laughing like '3 little maids from school.' :)
No more significant than how we use the Vice-President as a 'pitbull.' It's diplomatic posturing at best. And more likely it's intended more for public effect than actual diplomatic effect. Behind closed doors Xi and Obama are playing grabass with each other laughing like '3 little maids from school.' :)

Lolololol...the China expert in the article said:

“I think these freedom of navigation missions may play into the hands of the hardliners in the [Chinese] military or in the regime … It will be harder for moderates in the regime to say no to People’s Liberation Army hawks and others if the Americans are [seen as] being provocative...”

The expert says that a war could come moron LOLOL
China isn't ready for a military v miltary fight with the US. And though the US isn't good at battling insurgents like in Iraq and Afganistan since our military isn't built around that kind of threat, we are good at ship v ship, plane v plane 'proper' warfare. China's modernizing, but far from ready. My reading list comes from sources not including the world press. Kinda surprised it's civilian accessible actually.
Wanna scare yourself into an early grave you go right ahead. Been through this before with Soviet fear-mongering. And when it's some religious whackjob who probably thinks it's the end-times, it's really more about that that anything real-world.

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