Closure of Border Patrol stations across four states triggers alarm

The Obama administration closed them? Where does it give reasoning for that?

Every time a member of the government take a piss, is Obama holding his dick?

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection have closed it... and they're moving them to high-priority areas closer to the border. WHERE'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM? That's what they see fit to do, that's what they're doing.

first paragraph retard.

The Obama administration is moving to shut down nine Border Patrol stations across four states, triggering a backlash from local law enforcement, members of Congress and Border Patrol agents themselves

Read more: Closure of Border Patrol stations across four states triggers alarm | Fox News

Ah....FOX NEW huh?

Glad you found an "unbiased, credible" source :lol:

The only people bitching about this are the agents in the areas being affected because they don't want to have to relocate, PERIOD!

Meanwhile the TRUTH of the matter is further down in the story. Did you even bother to read it all?

"These deactivations are consistent with the strategic goal of securing America's borders, and our objective of increasing and sustaining the certainty of arrest of those trying to enter our country illegally," CBP spokesman Bill Brooks said in a statement. "By redeploying and reallocating resources at or near the border, CBP will maximize the effectiveness of its enforcement mandate and align our investments with our mission."

Read more: Closure of Border Patrol stations across four states triggers alarm | Fox News
So they are moving border agents from hundreds of miles away from the border to on the border and you have a problem with this? Is there really a problem with the border between texas and Oklahoma? I understand oklahoma's concerns about allowing the human scum that lives in texas able to freely cross the border into their state, but this should make you guys happy.

Oh wait, it was done by a black person, now i see the problem.

Texans.....human scum.....

So they are moving border agents from hundreds of miles away from the border to on the border and you have a problem with this? Is there really a problem with the border between texas and Oklahoma? I understand oklahoma's concerns about allowing the human scum that lives in texas able to freely cross the border into their state, but this should make you guys happy.

Oh wait, it was done by a black person, now i see the problem.

Texans.....human scum.....


Good, you caught on to the sarcasm. Of course Oklahomans have no reason to fear Texans. The two give each other reacharounds all the time. Two proud backwards states. And I live in one of them. Ugh.
So they are moving border agents from hundreds of miles away from the border to on the border and you have a problem with this? Is there really a problem with the border between texas and Oklahoma? I understand oklahoma's concerns about allowing the human scum that lives in texas able to freely cross the border into their state, but this should make you guys happy.

Oh wait, it was done by a black person, now i see the problem.

Leave it to you to play the race card
I love it, He wants us to Compromise on Immigration Reform, but not only will be not talk about securing the Border, it appears he is actively making it less secure.

Did you miss the part about how this is all designed to transfer more resources directly to the border? Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is the best approach. We need to expand the resources devoted to border patrol, not just move it around. But this should be opposed based on the expectation that it won't be successful, not on some invented malice.
So they are moving border agents from hundreds of miles away from the border to on the border and you have a problem with this? Is there really a problem with the border between texas and Oklahoma? I understand oklahoma's concerns about allowing the human scum that lives in texas able to freely cross the border into their state, but this should make you guys happy.

Oh wait, it was done by a black person, now i see the problem.

Leave it to you to play the race card
Is there another reason for them to dislike a move that secured the US mexico border better?
Border Insecurity: Heavily-Armed Texas Gunboats Now Patrolling the Rio Grande

The border is “safer than ever”. So says DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. Again and again.
Barack Obama has mocked those who say the border is unsafe: “Maybe they’ll need a moat. Maybe they’ll want alligators in the moat. They’ll never be satisfied.”

Several times last year and again this past March, Texas DPS and Rangers have come under fire from the Mexican side, or from cartel boats right on the river. The cartels have grown increasingly bold and are more heavily armed every few months, as the battle continues to intensify.
In the Rio Grande Valley, in addition to the ranchers arming with AK’s, several Afghan nationals were also detained this past February, as border crossing traffic from potential terrorists, as well as human smugglers shifts to Texas in the wake of Arizona’s crackdown. Texas has become a “hot zone” for escalating border dangers.
Meanwhile, in D.C., Obama and Big Sis say “What Me Worry?” as Texas deals with the abject failure that is this administration border insecurity.

Border Insecurity: Heavily-Armed Texas Gunboats Now Patrolling the Rio Grande | Stand With Arizona

I guess the Obama administration thinks people don't watch the news or hear about the violence spilling over the border. It's a fucking war zone with the drug cartels heavily armed and ready to kill anyone who gets in their way. We needed more border security, not less. Obama has proven that he doesn't care about Texas, Arizona or any other Americans. He's all about helping the illegals suck us dry and arming the drug cartels who don't value life.
So they are moving border agents from hundreds of miles away from the border to on the border and you have a problem with this? Is there really a problem with the border between texas and Oklahoma? I understand oklahoma's concerns about allowing the human scum that lives in texas able to freely cross the border into their state, but this should make you guys happy.

Oh wait, it was done by a black person, now i see the problem.

Leave it to you to play the race card
Is there another reason for them to dislike a move that secured the US mexico border better?

the first questioon is why are they doing it Janet N assured us all the Borders were safer now than ever before? SO if they are safe why are they moving them?

Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano visited the U.S.-Mexico border on Thursday to ensure Americans that it's safe to travel and conduct business across the border, but Republicans from the Southwest suggested the Obama administration isn't doing enough to keep the region secure.

"There is a perception that the border is worse now than it ever has been," Napolitano said at the Bridge of The Americas border crossing in El Paso, Texas, the Associated Press reports. "That is wrong. The border is better now than it ever has been."
Leave it to you to play the race card
Is there another reason for them to dislike a move that secured the US mexico border better?

the first questioon is why are they doing it Janet N assured us all the Borders were safer now than ever before? SO if they are safe why are they moving them?

Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano visited the U.S.-Mexico border on Thursday to ensure Americans that it's safe to travel and conduct business across the border, but Republicans from the Southwest suggested the Obama administration isn't doing enough to keep the region secure.

"There is a perception that the border is worse now than it ever has been," Napolitano said at the Bridge of The Americas border crossing in El Paso, Texas, the Associated Press reports. "That is wrong. The border is better now than it ever has been."
Always room for improvement?
Border Insecurity: Heavily-Armed Texas Gunboats Now Patrolling the Rio Grande

The border is “safer than ever”. So says DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. Again and again.
Barack Obama has mocked those who say the border is unsafe: “Maybe they’ll need a moat. Maybe they’ll want alligators in the moat. They’ll never be satisfied.”

Several times last year and again this past March, Texas DPS and Rangers have come under fire from the Mexican side, or from cartel boats right on the river. The cartels have grown increasingly bold and are more heavily armed every few months, as the battle continues to intensify.
In the Rio Grande Valley, in addition to the ranchers arming with AK’s, several Afghan nationals were also detained this past February, as border crossing traffic from potential terrorists, as well as human smugglers shifts to Texas in the wake of Arizona’s crackdown. Texas has become a “hot zone” for escalating border dangers.
Meanwhile, in D.C., Obama and Big Sis say “What Me Worry?” as Texas deals with the abject failure that is this administration border insecurity.

Border Insecurity: Heavily-Armed Texas Gunboats Now Patrolling the Rio Grande | Stand With Arizona

I guess the Obama administration thinks people don't watch the news or hear about the violence spilling over the border. It's a fucking war zone with the drug cartels heavily armed and ready to kill anyone who gets in their way. We needed more border security, not less. Obama has proven that he doesn't care about Texas, Arizona or any other Americans. He's all about helping the illegals suck us dry and arming the drug cartels who don't value life.

This is actually old news. It's been happening for years. I read articles about this back when I was still living in Texas. It's quite a shame that this kind of stuff doesn't disperse into the public even after all this time. We have armed foreign nationals patrolling border waters, and we don't think that we need to do something about immigration policy?
The Obama administration closed them? Where does it give reasoning for that?

Every time a member of the government take a piss, is Obama holding his dick?

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection have closed it... and they're moving them to high-priority areas closer to the border. WHERE'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM? That's what they see fit to do, that's what they're doing.
Image means everything.

He says he's not going to enforce immigration laws, then he starts closing down Border-Patrol stations.

Looks bad to the normal person. Maybe he could wait a few more months before he opens the flood-gates to illegals.

Course to the Obamabots this all above board. Nothing he does looks suspicious to them.
The Obama administration closed them? Where does it give reasoning for that?

Every time a member of the government take a piss, is Obama holding his dick?

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection have closed it... and they're moving them to high-priority areas closer to the border. WHERE'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM? That's what they see fit to do, that's what they're doing.
Image means everything.

He says he's not going to enforce immigration laws, then he starts closing down Border-Patrol stations.

Looks bad to the normal person. Maybe he could wait a few more months before he opens the flood-gates to illegals.

Course to the Obamabots this all above board. Nothing he does looks suspicious to them.

It's hard to get a liberal to focus innit?
obama is very clever. He's cunning. He can honestly say deportations are up, but only because the borders are wide open. Many more get in than are stopped. Even without closure of Border Patrol stations, the BP was already ordered to run away and hide. If they can't run away or hide, they can defend themselves with bean bag guns. But, deporations are up.

obama gives with one hand and takes with the other, but he always takes more than he gives. This is exactly the same kind of flim-flam that enables obama to say he cut taxes 19 times. He cut taxes by 2% over here, and raised them by 16% over there, but no one could deny that he cut taxes.

I call this the Indian Casino method of governing. If you have ever played the slots in an Indian Casino you know what I mean. You win every time, EVERY TIME. You play 45 cents on a 20 line machine and win on 3 lines. You have "won" six cents. If you win on every game, how come you have still lost your $20.00? This is the obama plan. Rubes from Ohio go to Pechanga and are happy because they won every time, they just ultimately lost the bundle.
Willow Joyce & mudmissile on the same page (literally)? Fascinating.
The Obama administration closed them? Where does it give reasoning for that?

Every time a member of the government take a piss, is Obama holding his dick?

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection have closed it... and they're moving them to high-priority areas closer to the border. WHERE'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM? That's what they see fit to do, that's what they're doing.
Image means everything.

He says he's not going to enforce immigration laws, then he starts closing down Border-Patrol stations.

Looks bad to the normal person. Maybe he could wait a few more months before he opens the flood-gates to illegals.

Course to the Obamabots this all above board. Nothing he does looks suspicious to them.

Special cases only....but you knew that.

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