
Republicans should block every Democrat nominee for ANY court from now on. Never let those motherfuckers get another judge or justice.
No more filibuster on judicial nominees (thanks to the Reid-McConnell Cabal of Evil), so in order to do what you suggest the Republicans would need to hold onto the majority in the Senate.... FOREVER.

The probability of that happening is somewhere between 0 and very, very unlikely.
Or, accuse everyone of rape, murder, racism, and fascism. Demand 25 FBI investigations with 300 or more witnesses.

In other words you want the Republicans to mimic and escalate the recent Democrat unethical scumbaggery? o_O

Isn't the Republican Crime Family already unethical and underhanded enough for you without having them sink even further down into the muck with the Democrats?

"An eye for an eye making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
It's easy.
We don't even have to make up a bunch of shit to blow liberal judges out of the water.
Just focus on their records and their social media accounts.

IMHO There is nothing wrong with that as long as the accusation(s) are supported by corroborative evidence and not just some unsubstantiated bullshit accusations published solely for political purposes (like it appears happened with Kavanaugh).
Flake will vote "yes" to confirm.

Now we're down to Collins and/or Manchin.

Manchin is the one in the tough spot. I mean real tough spot.
He could be the 50th vote (Pence would be the tiebreaker)

But then again Manchin may have the easiest position. If Collins
is a "No" at 3pm...Manchin could hold the Trump card over Schumer.

Now if Collins says "no" than they will come after Manchin. Does
he give up his seat, because they will vote him out...or does he
threaten back and tell them he'll vote with his state and if he wins
his election, he may switch parties?

He could have a strong position by doing that.
Yes a very aggressive posture, Lisa Murkowski should have pushed Dianne Feinstein out of the way and she's 85 going on 86, might of got lucky and the old Communist thug could have had a heart attack or stroked out or whatever.
Well a smart GOP chairman stops feeding her money.

It's real simple, merdock if you don't vote yes, you're done with the GOP. see ya, and then let her constituents run her sorry ass to unemployment.

I agree if she votes no again then whatever money Alaska gets should be dramatically reduced and also whatever money she gets from the Republican National Committee should be stopped completely, she also should be removed from whatever Senate Committee's she is on and then when she's up for reelection they should get someone to challenge her in the Primary.

Are you trying to advocate "vote the party line regardless of what you think or whether or not it compromises your principles or we'll use state and party power to punish you" system of governance?

If that's what you want you'd have been right at home in the former Soviet Union.

"To rely upon conviction, devotion, and other excellent spiritual qualities; that is not to be taken seriously in politics." -- Vladimir Lenin

For very important votes yes, if you have a Senator and/or Senators who in very important votes is going to vote with the opposition in a deliberate attempt to fuck things up then yes they should be threatened to fall in line, if you consistently have one or two who you can never rely on they should be threatened or told to GTFO and join the other party and they will be replaced.

Er..ummm.. so is your thesis that Senators should only vote their principles and/or conscience for unimportant votes?

I don't know if you're aware of the fact that Senators are *SUPPOSED TO BE* first and foremost beholden to the best interests of their constituents not their political party and that they're elected by those constituents in part because the voters believe in the soundness of the Senators judgement and the value of his/her principles.
well actually, I believe a senator votes the way the constituents from which they represent wants them to vote. I guess you don't.
Well a smart GOP chairman stops feeding her money.

It's real simple, merdock if you don't vote yes, you're done with the GOP. see ya, and then let her constituents run her sorry ass to unemployment.

I agree if she votes no again then whatever money Alaska gets should be dramatically reduced and also whatever money she gets from the Republican National Committee should be stopped completely, she also should be removed from whatever Senate Committee's she is on and then when she's up for reelection they should get someone to challenge her in the Primary.

Are you trying to advocate "vote the party line regardless of what you think or whether or not it compromises your principles or we'll use state and party power to punish you" system of governance?

If that's what you want you'd have been right at home in the former Soviet Union.

"To rely upon conviction, devotion, and other excellent spiritual qualities; that is not to be taken seriously in politics." -- Vladimir Lenin

For very important votes yes, if you have a Senator and/or Senators who in very important votes is going to vote with the opposition in a deliberate attempt to fuck things up then yes they should be threatened to fall in line, if you consistently have one or two who you can never rely on they should be threatened or told to GTFO and join the other party and they will be replaced.

Er..ummm.. so is your thesis that Senators should only vote their principles and/or conscience for unimportant votes?

I don't know if you're aware of the fact that Senators are *SUPPOSED TO BE* first and foremost beholden to the best interests of their constituents not their political party and that they're elected by those constituents in part because the voters believe in the soundness of the Senators judgement and the value of his/her principles.
well actually, I believe a senator votes the way the constituents from which they represent wants them to vote. I guess you don't.
that way the people actually vote. deflecting from the constituents is unamerican.
Republicans should block every Democrat nominee for ANY court from now on. Never let those motherfuckers get another judge or justice.
No more filibuster on judicial nominees (thanks to the Reid-McConnell Cabal of Evil), so in order to do what you suggest the Republicans would need to hold onto the majority in the Senate.... FOREVER.

The probability of that happening is somewhere between 0 and very, very unlikely.
Or, accuse everyone of rape, murder, racism, and fascism. Demand 25 FBI investigations with 300 or more witnesses.

In other words you want the Republicans to mimic and escalate the recent Democrat unethical scumbaggery? o_O

Isn't the Republican Crime Family already unethical and underhanded enough for you without having them sink even further down into the muck with the Democrats?

"An eye for an eye making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
It's easy.
We don't even have to make up a bunch of shit to blow liberal judges out of the water.
Just focus on their records and their social media accounts.

IMHO There is nothing wrong with that as long as the accusation(s) are supported by corroborative evidence and not just some unsubstantiated bullshit accusations published solely for political purposes (like it appears happened with Kavanaugh).

I agree. If they had good witnesses and proof then the whole thing would have made sense and BK wouldn't be named to the SC.

Instead they had a 36 year old case with no witnesses and no proof. It was a he said. She said and that's all it was. The two witnesses Ford put forth both said that they weren't even at that party.

The Dems pushed for this and got just what they deserve.
Flake will vote "yes" to confirm.

Now we're down to Collins and/or Manchin.

Manchin is the one in the tough spot. I mean real tough spot.
He could be the 50th vote (Pence would be the tiebreaker)

But then again Manchin may have the easiest position. If Collins
is a "No" at 3pm...Manchin could hold the Trump card over Schumer.

Now if Collins says "no" than they will come after Manchin. Does
he give up his seat, because they will vote him out...or does he
threaten back and tell them he'll vote with his state and if he wins
his election, he may switch parties?

He could have a strong position by doing that.
/----/ Collins is doing the right thing and voting yes on Kav. democRATs fail again.
Flake will vote "yes" to confirm.

Now we're down to Collins and/or Manchin.

Manchin is the one in the tough spot. I mean real tough spot.
He could be the 50th vote (Pence would be the tiebreaker)

But then again Manchin may have the easiest position. If Collins
is a "No" at 3pm...Manchin could hold the Trump card over Schumer.

Now if Collins says "no" than they will come after Manchin. Does
he give up his seat, because they will vote him out...or does he
threaten back and tell them he'll vote with his state and if he wins
his election, he may switch parties?

He could have a strong position by doing that.
/----/ Collins is doing the right thing and voting yes on Kav. democRATs fail again.

Okay so if Collins votes yes and Jeff Flake votes yes, it is apparent that Lisa "Blackmailed/Threatened" Murkowski is going to vote no, then it would be Vice President Michael Pence who would be the deciding vote, that is if that West Virginia Democrat doesn't vote yes, his vote would cancel out Murkowski's no, this is all on what the RINO Jeff Flake votes, if he votes no, then well....
Flake will vote "yes" to confirm.

Now we're down to Collins and/or Manchin.

Manchin is the one in the tough spot. I mean real tough spot.
He could be the 50th vote (Pence would be the tiebreaker)

But then again Manchin may have the easiest position. If Collins
is a "No" at 3pm...Manchin could hold the Trump card over Schumer.

Now if Collins says "no" than they will come after Manchin. Does
he give up his seat, because they will vote him out...or does he
threaten back and tell them he'll vote with his state and if he wins
his election, he may switch parties?

He could have a strong position by doing that.
/----/ Collins is doing the right thing and voting yes on Kav. democRATs fail again.

The West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin has said he is voting yes, so then if the RINO Jeff Flake votes no with Lisa "Blackmailed/Threatened" Murkowski, with Collins voting yes it's then 52-48 and no need for Vice President Michael Pence. This would be a mega victory for The Donald and for ALL Conservatives, the Unhinged Left have done everything to derail this, they have gone lower than lower with their ugly, vicious, heinous and vile accusations and PERSONAL SLANDER. IMHO Brett Kavanaugh should sue EVERY ONE of the leaders of this Feinstein, Ford, Ramirez, Debra Katz, Michael Bromwich etc
Last edited:
Flake will vote "yes" to confirm.

Now we're down to Collins and/or Manchin.

Manchin is the one in the tough spot. I mean real tough spot.
He could be the 50th vote (Pence would be the tiebreaker)

But then again Manchin may have the easiest position. If Collins
is a "No" at 3pm...Manchin could hold the Trump card over Schumer.

Now if Collins says "no" than they will come after Manchin. Does
he give up his seat, because they will vote him out...or does he
threaten back and tell them he'll vote with his state and if he wins
his election, he may switch parties?

He could have a strong position by doing that.
/----/ Collins is doing the right thing and voting yes on Kav. democRATs fail again.

The Tomorrow Stand By: Open violence from the Unhinged Left when it's announced that Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed. Hopefully The Donald and the American Federal Government Law Enforcement are ready and it will be a Zero Tolerance approach, batons, water cannons to disable the Unhinged Left Mob then mass arrests of them.
Flake will vote "yes" to confirm.

Now we're down to Collins and/or Manchin.

Manchin is the one in the tough spot. I mean real tough spot.
He could be the 50th vote (Pence would be the tiebreaker)

But then again Manchin may have the easiest position. If Collins
is a "No" at 3pm...Manchin could hold the Trump card over Schumer.

Now if Collins says "no" than they will come after Manchin. Does
he give up his seat, because they will vote him out...or does he
threaten back and tell them he'll vote with his state and if he wins
his election, he may switch parties?

He could have a strong position by doing that.
/----/ Collins is doing the right thing and voting yes on Kav. democRATs fail again.

That Lisa Murkowski could be replaced with Sarah Palin, Palin could challenge her for that Alaska seat.
Pray for Frankenstein to stay away from Collins!
/----/ A lot can happen in 24 hours.
Flake will vote "yes" to confirm.

Now we're down to Collins and/or Manchin.

Manchin is the one in the tough spot. I mean real tough spot.
He could be the 50th vote (Pence would be the tiebreaker)

But then again Manchin may have the easiest position. If Collins
is a "No" at 3pm...Manchin could hold the Trump card over Schumer.

Now if Collins says "no" than they will come after Manchin. Does
he give up his seat, because they will vote him out...or does he
threaten back and tell them he'll vote with his state and if he wins
his election, he may switch parties?

He could have a strong position by doing that.
/----/ Collins is doing the right thing and voting yes on Kav. democRATs fail again.

That Lisa Murkowski could be replaced with Sarah Palin, Palin could challenge her for that Alaska seat.
/---/ If it looks like Kav will be confirmed expect the DINOs to vote yes to save their seat. And Palin would be a tough candidate to beat now that she doesn't have McLame hanging around her neck like an albatross.
Flake will vote "yes" to confirm.

Now we're down to Collins and/or Manchin.

Manchin is the one in the tough spot. I mean real tough spot.
He could be the 50th vote (Pence would be the tiebreaker)

But then again Manchin may have the easiest position. If Collins
is a "No" at 3pm...Manchin could hold the Trump card over Schumer.

Now if Collins says "no" than they will come after Manchin. Does
he give up his seat, because they will vote him out...or does he
threaten back and tell them he'll vote with his state and if he wins
his election, he may switch parties?

He could have a strong position by doing that.
/----/ Collins is doing the right thing and voting yes on Kav. democRATs fail again.

That Lisa Murkowski could be replaced with Sarah Palin, Palin could challenge her for that Alaska seat.
/---/ If it looks like Kav will be confirmed expect the DINOs to vote yes to save their seat. And Palin would be a tough candidate to beat now that she doesn't have McLame hanging around her neck like an albatross.

If confirmed then a very important victory for not only American Conservatives but also for Worldwide Conservatives, the MSM Worldwide was united in TOTAL opposition to Judge Brett Kavanaugh, they were as disgusting as the American MSM in their licking of Christine Ford's buttocks. This then tomorrow would be another win for Rightism and another defeat for Leftism which again has illustrated that when you think Leftists cannot go lower they go to the absolute bottom of Vomitsville to destroy a DECENT family man, a DECENT WHITE CHRISTIAN man, so ALL Conservatives wait for this important vote.

Yes bizarro to think Sarah Palin at one point John McInsane thought Sarah Palin was appropriate for him and thinking about this in 2008 it would have been more appropriate for him to have picked Hillary to run with considering how the Leftists went on to WORSHIP that psychopath John McInsane.
Yep - It's all over but the final vote and placement of a hyper-partisan, belligerent, vindictive, drunken asshole on SCOTUS
Kavanaugh Clears Key Procedural Vote on Way to Supreme Court
Are ewe still suffering? Good! I hope he is seated.

In the immortal words of Bart: "What goes around, comes around" :wink:
It sure does! Like it?

It ain't over till it's over Orangeling. Dems take the House early next year - subpoenas fly and investigations commence
Also, well .. you know :)

Imma not think so! Buzzard. You can dream though. Dreams of ..............
mansion is an aye

Stupid murkowski is a no

Chelsea Clinton hypocrite on Brett Kavanaugh and Juanita Broaddrick tells about the way her allegations of Bill Clinton raping her were treated.

The duration of the interview is five minutes and nine seconds.

No more filibuster on judicial nominees (thanks to the Reid-McConnell Cabal of Evil), so in order to do what you suggest the Republicans would need to hold onto the majority in the Senate.... FOREVER.

The probability of that happening is somewhere between 0 and very, very unlikely.
Or, accuse everyone of rape, murder, racism, and fascism. Demand 25 FBI investigations with 300 or more witnesses.

In other words you want the Republicans to mimic and escalate the recent Democrat unethical scumbaggery? o_O

Isn't the Republican Crime Family already unethical and underhanded enough for you without having them sink even further down into the muck with the Democrats?

"An eye for an eye making the whole world blind" -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
It's easy.
We don't even have to make up a bunch of shit to blow liberal judges out of the water.
Just focus on their records and their social media accounts.

IMHO There is nothing wrong with that as long as the accusation(s) are supported by corroborative evidence and not just some unsubstantiated bullshit accusations published solely for political purposes (like it appears happened with Kavanaugh).

I agree. If they had good witnesses and proof then the whole thing would have made sense and BK wouldn't be named to the SC.

Instead they had a 36 year old case with no witnesses and no proof. It was a he said. She said and that's all it was. The two witnesses Ford put forth both said that they weren't even at that party.

The Dems pushed for this and got just what they deserve.
Claudette girl, it’s not even she said/he said, she said and provided four names to corroborate her story, one her best friend, and they all said nope. It didn’t need him to say anything they all said nope! Game set match!

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