Clown lie: Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

Such a big deal was made about Obama's "you can keep your coverage" so how is Trump going to dissappear his huuuuge promise to provide insurance for everybody - cheaper and beautiful he promised?
It'll probably have the same effect on trump it had on Obama, at least we hope it does right?
You mean mass losses of seats in the House and Senate?
That's Obama's fault? if you would like to pin that on him I won't give you an argument, but I strongly disagree, those folks lost their seats because they were not Obama, and he would have won re-election if he could have run...trump may very well have the opposite effect, lose the presidency while the GOP increases its majority in both houses because those folks are not trump while adding a heavily right leaning scotus...I'm not kidding about any of that, including Obama winning can pretend the right is as stupid as you need them to be, but they are steamrolling the left who just can't get enough of trying to convince themselves of how smart they are for laying down in front of that steamroller.
I would love to know how much they make and what their monthly premium is.

They are obviously people who could not afford insurance before the ACA including those with preexisting conditions. Millions can afford it now. So what else do you need to know?
Crap Sunni. We pay twice as much per citizen as most industrial nations for our medical system, and get far poorer results than they do.
Sad but true OR

That's why I'm hoping Trump can really make a difference and give us a 1st rate health care system for our citizens. ... :cool:
Frankeneinstein, post: 16673587
trump may very well have the opposite effect, lose the presidency while the GOP increases its majority in both houses because those folks are not trump

They are Trump now. Trump's healthcare promise is their promise. They have to help Trump keep his promise or lose their majority's big time.

But if they help Trump keep his promise they are giving the country universal healthcare. Dems are winners and Americans are better served.

I don't think you have thought this through very well.
Will this be Trumpty Dumpty's fall off the wall campaign promise lie?

((When he was running for president, Trump told “60 Minutes” in 2015 that everyone would win from his health care replacement.

“I am going to take care of everybody,” Trump said. “I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

More recently, in January, Trump vowed “insurance for everybody,” but congressional Republicans have taken to guaranteeing “access” to health care, rather than health care itself, meaning if individuals have the money to pay for insurance, they can get it.))

White House Refuses To Guarantee People Won't Lose Health Insurance From Repeal | The Huffington Post

Such a big deal was made about Obama's "you can keep your coverage" so how is Trump going to dissappear his huuuuge promise to provide insurance for everybody - cheaper and beautiful he promised?

Well Yabut, even the RWNJ tractors know President Obama didn't lie bad stupid as the right is, they know it was insurance companies that lied to them.

And we all know drumpf lies s LOT more than he tells the truth.

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Obama destroyed America's medical infrastructure.

Trump is rebuilding it and making it better than ever.

All citizen's should be extremely thankful we have Trump as our leader. ...... :thup:

You're known for saying really REALLY REALLY stupid stuff, but wow - this sets a new record.

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Slave2the$, post: 16673623,
I don't know.....maybe an answer to my question.

Your question could be answered if you did a little research. That is if you really want to know the answer.

Signups to the ACA were going well this past year until Trump won. But signups are based upon income levels and family size.

The great news is that preexisting conditions cannot be factored into the rates.

So your answer should be reasonably simple to get some statistical data on income, family size, and out of pocket costs.
WheelieAddict, post: 16673681
Trump has no health plan, he lied.

I know. Republicans don't either.

But I love the way the Clown has painted Republicans into a corner by promising beautiful universal health care.

I don't think Republicans will bluff and fake news their way out of this one.
Frankeneinstein, post: 16673587
trump may very well have the opposite effect, lose the presidency while the GOP increases its majority in both houses because those folks are not trump

They are Trump now. Trump's healthcare promise is their promise. They have to help Trump keep his promise or lose their majority's big time.

But if they help Trump keep his promise they are giving the country universal healthcare. Dems are winners and Americans are better served.

I don't think you have thought this through very well.
Slave2the$, post: 16673623,
I don't know.....maybe an answer to my question.

Your question could be answered if you did a little research. That is if you really want to know the answer.

Signups to the ACA were going well this past year until Trump won. But signups are based upon income levels and family size.

The great news is that preexisting conditions cannot be factored into the rates.

So your answer should be reasonably simple to get some statistical data on income, family size, and out of pocket costs.
So my premium went up 300% and I have a new $12000 deductible so that the poor and people with preexisting conditions can get cheap costing healthcare. Socialism. The medical industry and insurance companies just rigged the lottery in their favor. Obama and congress have the medical industry a blank check signed by the middle class of America.Nice job fucking up my financial life and millions of other Americans. They took money from me and gave to other people. Money I could have used for hundreds of different things to improve my life and the lives of my children. But I guess if I suffer just enough I'll have to vote democrat eventually so I can get some free shit.
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So my premium went up 300% and I have a new $12000 deductible so that the poor and people with preexisting conditions can get cheap costing healthcare.

Went up 300% from what. Are you young? No severe health problems?

What did your one year policy give you if your kid is diagnosed with cancer?

Your were not insured for life. Did you think you were.

Because if health catastrophe hits you or your loved ones before the ACA you lose your house and everything you have to save their life.

And The ACA did not increase the costs of healthcare. It mostly changed the previous system where in the hospital you were charged $20 bucks for an aspirin to defray the cost for treating the uninsured poor that have no assets to lose.

You are self employed obviously. You were paying for medical treatment for the poor all the way.

You aren't fooling anyone with your gripe. You want cheap premiums that covered no risk and hope you and family stay healthy and I guess all die quietly in your beds at a ripe old age.

Or you want cheap premiums while young and heathy but want the rest to pay your bills if something bad happens when you get older.

Do you want poor and people with unaffordable preexisting conditions to just die and put in the landfill.

What is your true wish?
Will this be Trumpty Dumpty's fall off the wall campaign promise lie?

((When he was running for president, Trump told “60 Minutes” in 2015 that everyone would win from his health care replacement.

“I am going to take care of everybody,” Trump said. “I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

More recently, in January, Trump vowed “insurance for everybody,” but congressional Republicans have taken to guaranteeing “access” to health care, rather than health care itself, meaning if individuals have the money to pay for insurance, they can get it.))

White House Refuses To Guarantee People Won't Lose Health Insurance From Repeal | The Huffington Post

Such a big deal was made about Obama's "you can keep your coverage" so how is Trump going to dissappear his huuuuge promise to provide insurance for everybody - cheaper and beautiful he promised?

For some unfathomable reason that seems to defy both conventional wisdom and common sense, the liars who tell the biggest lies have good reason to believe that they can tell virtually any whopper they please and plenty of people will believe them without question.

Take televangelists, for example. Not only are the airwaves full of them, there are new ones coming along all the time. In fact, they've been around for generations. And even though they routinely get caught in both financial and sexual scandals, it doesn't seem to stop people from sending them what little money they have which allows the televangelists to live in opulence even as their believers barely manage to scrape by.

Look at Bernie Madoff. He wasn't some guy who misappropriated a couple of hundred thousand dollars. No, he cheated people to the tune of around $18 BILLION.

Look at Enron. It was a Texas company with a stellar reputation which had revenues in 2000 of over a hundred billion dollars. It was also a massive fiction and a fraud perpetrated by men at the highest levels of the company. They had everyone fooled.

How about the Iraq War. Yup, Iraq had WMDs, and it was SUCH a clear and present danger to the USA that we just HAD to attack despite the fact that they had no blue water navy, no ICBMs, no long range bombers, and there was no real proof that they had WMDs. Yet, despite a no fly zone which had existed over most of Iraq since the first Gulf War, Bush, Cheney et. al. managed to convince enough people that Iraq was such a profound threat to America.that we actually invaded the country to put a stop to a threat that didn't truly exist even as we turned our collective backs on the ones who attacked America barely a year and a half earlier. Who could believe that?

Individual people get duped all the time in their personal lives. They get cheated in business. They routinely believe false advertising. And every once in a while, a big enough fraud comes along that it can take in millions of people. Unfortunately, in a presidential election year, because almost half of all eligible voters sit out the election, the winning candidate only needs to convince about 25-26% of eligible voters to either pull the lever for him or vote against his opponent, and he can win even when, like in 2000 and 2016, he looses the popular vote.

It wouldn't be so bad if the con job ended on election day. But alas, as if to add insult to injury, or perhaps in an effort to convince us that we're really sleeping and are perhaps having a dream pushed along by a TV with a malfunctioning sleep timer, it has continued since with one outrageous false claim being made by Trump, one right after the other in such quick succession that we don't even have the opportunity to catch our collective breath from one outrageous lie to the next and incorporate them into our consciousness before a few more lies come along. Consequently, we're living in what can best be described as the never ending con, or, at the very least, a con job with no end in sight. Yeah, that really IS a nightmare.
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Slave2the$, post: 16673748
But I guess if I suffer just enough I'll have to vote democrat eventually so I can get some free shit.

If you can't handle it get a job and get your insurance through an employer.

It's amazing how Republicans never have health related catastrophes.
So my premium went up 300% and I have a new $12000 deductible so that the poor and people with preexisting conditions can get cheap costing healthcare.

Went up 300% from what. Are you young? No severe health problems?

What did your one year policy give you if your kid is diagnosed with cancer?

Your were not insured for life. Did you think you were.

Because if health catastrophe hits you or your loved ones before the ACA you lose your house and everything you have to save their life.

And The ACA did not increase the costs of healthcare. It mostly changed the previous system where in the hospital you were charged $20 bucks for an aspirin to defray the cost for treating the uninsured poor that have no assets to lose.

You are self employed obviously. You were paying for medical treatment for the poor all the way.

You aren't fooling anyone with your gripe. You want cheap premiums that covered no risk and hope you and family stay healthy and I guess all die quietly in your beds at a ripe old age.

Or you want cheap premiums while young and heathy but want the rest to pay your bills if something bad happens when you get older.

Do you want poor and people with unaffordable preexisting conditions to just die and put in the landfill.

What is your true wish?
I have insurance through my employer. I want the medical industry to stop charging us an arm and a leg then health insurance would be affordable.
I have insurance through my employer. I want the medical industry to stop charging us an arm and a leg then health insurance would be affordable.

What was the $12,000 deductible bs. My insurance costs through my employer have barely risen at all.

Sounds like your employer is ripping you off.

And if you think voting Republican will reign in the medical industry you are nuts.
"Taken care of"? Maybe the rhetoric should say "taken advantage of". The Hussein administration put middle class families in debit because they couldn't afford the mandatory insurance packages or the $10,000 deductible. Farm families live with cuts and scrapes and broken bones that used to be covered by insurance and a modest two or three hundred dollar deductible but now they have to learn to set bones and stitch up wounds because Hussein made a visit to the emergency room too expensive. In the mean time the illegal parasites on the economy get free visits to the E.R. for obesity related illnesses.
Not to mention that if you make $18,000 dollars or less you don't even qualify for the subsidies under O'care
I have insurance through my employer. I want the medical industry to stop charging us an arm and a leg then health insurance would be affordable.

What was the $12,000 deductible bs. My insurance costs through my employer have barely risen at all.

Sounds like your employer is ripping you off.

And if you think voting Republican will reign in the medical industry you are nuts.
Are you in denial of Obamacare's death spiral?
Meister, post: 16674114
Are you in denial of Obamacare's death spiral?

Are you aware of RINOCare's death spiral if it passes. Just listen to Mark Levin.

Trump's pushing the biggest deficit exploding entitlement package ever in US History according to Levin.

ObamaCare is better than what Trump Ryan an McConnell are pushing.

Fortunately the Senate won't pass it if it makes it through the House.

Only need 3 GOP Senators to oppose it.

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