Club-for-growth launches PAC to keep Trump from winning

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I find it interesting that the left seems to like talking about Trump more than the real life Bernie from weekend at Bernies Joe Biden or cackles Kamala. Seems like you guys would be better served to focus on your own party than Trump.
That is my point. The Trump cult members will not vote for the Republican nominees unless it is Trump.
Trump cult is about Donald Trump, not our country.
You love Progs. And we see just at the airports and flying the love every day. Trump is not George W. And he is not the Progs who help to expand the love we see flying as just one tiny morsel.
Yeah but it's not the "Club for growth". It's some organization that someone named Condi Mondeaux thinks is tied to "Club" but if it's on the internet it must be true.
Trump scares a lot of true conservatives. Trump scares a lot of independents.
Trump braindead cult members, like you, try to put all anti-Trumpers in the same box. They are not.
Trump received more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016 WITHOUT ballot harvesting.

The only ones scared of Trump are little liberal pussies like you.

Have an ice cold Bud Light to fortify your nerves. :lmao:
Trump received more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016 WITHOUT ballot harvesting.

The only ones scared of Trump are little liberal pussies like you.

Have an ice cold Bud Light to fortify your nerves. :lmao:
The thinking of a Trump minion cult member.
All anti-Trumpers are liberal - WRONG
All liberals are pussies - WRONG
The type of beer you drinl determines if you are a real man or not - WRONG

A true man is not subserviant to any politician like you are subserviant to Trump. A real man does not feel what beer he drinks, determines what kind of man they are. A real man does not feel manhood is determined by your politics..
You have no idea what it takes to be a real man because you are a sorry example of a man.
The thinking of a Trump minion cult member.
All anti-Trumpers are liberal - WRONG
All liberals are pussies - WRONG
The type of beer you drinl determines if you are a real man or not - WRONG

A true man is not subserviant to any politician like you are subserviant to Trump. A real man does not feel what beer he drinks, determines what kind of man they are. A real man does not feel manhood is determined by your politics..
You have no idea what it takes to be a real man because you are a sorry example of a man.
You can tell how close to home I hit.

It's going to be ok...there's hope for you.

Start transitioning today.

Look at how it has helped mediocre athletes become top contenders.

This could be you.


Good luck on your journey.

Also ... Club for Growth will support Trump when he is the nominee.
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You can tell how close to home I hit.

It's going to be ok...there's hope for you.

Start transitioning today.

Look at how it has helped mediocre athletes become top contenders.

This could be you.

View attachment 804569

Good luck on your journey.

Also ... Club for Growth will support Trump when he is the nominee.
Plewase read again. It may sink in.
As a man, I get irritated by fake men who think things like owning a gun, the kind of beer they drink, the politician they support, the religion they belong to, determines if they are a man.

A true man takes care of their responsibilites. They take care of their family, they take care of themselves without depending on government and others. A true man does not depend on a President to make their world better. A true man does not blame others for their problems. A true man will face the challenges of life and make the best of them for their family and themselves. They don't depend on a President to take the challenges away. A true man realizes life is not always fair. A real man does not depend on any President to make life fair.
No true man worships any politician as if they were a god.

A true man is not subserviant to any politician like you are subserviant to Trump. A real man does not feel what beer he drinks, determines what kind of man they are. A real man does not feel manhood is determined by your politics..
You have no idea what it takes to be a real man because you are a sorry example of a man.
They take care of their family, they take care of themselves without depending on government and others.
If your family is on welfare, you're not a man?

If you take government healthcare, you're not a man?

If you vote based on what the government does for you... you're not a man?

If your family relies on government housing, food stamps, snap benefits... You're not a man?

If you abandon your baby mommas and don't support your kids... you're not a man.

That's a spicy hot take for a liberal.

Sure you don't want to walk that back?

You might get cancelled for espousing those beliefs.

And what does this have to do with the OP?

Try to stay on topic and not insult and offend so many Democrat voters.

Club for Growth will back Trump when he is the Nominee. That's a fact.
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The thinking of a Trump minion cult member.
All anti-Trumpers are liberal - WRONG
All liberals are pussies - WRONG
The type of beer you drinl determines if you are a real man or not - WRONG

A true man is not subserviant to any politician like you are subserviant to Trump. A real man does not feel what beer he drinks, determines what kind of man they are. A real man does not feel manhood is determined by your politics..
You have no idea what it takes to be a real man because you are a sorry example of a man.
Ummm, you being the the OPoster of this thread, why don't you try and stay on topic
and not derail your own thread. just sayin'
Trump scares a lot of true conservatives. Trump scares a lot of independents.
Trump braindead cult members, like you, try to put all anti-Trumpers in the same box. They are not.
Trump doesn't scare true conservatives, he scares swamp critters.
What scares independents is that if Biden were to win the presidential election, then die,
America would be stuck with Kam. That's what scares independents.
Don't be an idiot
This thread is Locked. It has been going off the rails with more posts off-topic and responding to off-topic more than anything else, since July 7 and the OP is part of what took it off of discussion of his supposed subject a Club for Growth possibly working against DJT.
I would clean it up, but it is not worth the time and trouble. Thread Locked.
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