Club Q Shooter 'Non-Binary'

The term “non binary” is another recent media made up phrase. Collusion, hearsay, venting, evidence, trans identification, personal choice identification, and other silly make pretends are all part of the Feelings First movement being forced upon Americans.
Pretty much the entire Covid hoax was and still is a fear (feelings) inspired assault on thinking health practices and thinking Americans
Well, Let's say I'm a Marxist, whatever that means, why should I want to transgender my child? Forget left or right, I'm talking of common sense here.
No! A Marxist wouldn’t transgender their own child, just everyone else’s child!!
Want some videos of Joe molesting children? Surely a president that does that only inspires child molesters, right?
It is Extremely odd to place both hands on the ears of a less than 10 year old girl to hold her head in place so you can firmly plant a kiss on her lips.
Yet Biden does this again and again to girls not related to him. Even related to him would also be wrong.

Very very wrongful doings.
You do realize that Joe Biden was Vice President when 50 queers were murdered and 49 more were injured in the largest mass murder of homosexuals in the history of the United States? Now that Biden is the President just a few isnt enough to be a statistic, so no big deal to him.

Hmmm, interesting. He was also VP when Russia invaded Crimea.
Anderson Aldrich is a kook, pure and simple. Raised by a drug addled mother and a loony porno actor father. They are the result of the liberal-leftist 'Utopia.' Unfortunately, the leftist liberals have hamstrung our courts when perps plead insanity. I'd vote to kill this crazy motherfucker.
Hate to disappoint you but drugs and porn are a result of the conservative rightist utopia.

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