CNBC: Democrats quickly call for tighter gun laws after Las Vegas shooting massacre

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal.
No, they are not illegal, one just has to jump through hoops and pay the tax.
Jumping through hoops is putting it lightly. They dont just let anyone deal guns.
At least not every publication is politicising it.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

LAS VEGAS—In the hours following a violent rampage in Las Vegas in which a lone attacker killed more than 50 individuals and seriously injured 400 others, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded Monday that there was no way to prevent the massacre from taking place. “This was a terrible tragedy, but sometimes these things just happen and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them,” said Iowa resident Kyle Rimmels, echoing sentiments expressed by tens of millions of individuals who reside in a nation where over half of the world’s deadliest mass shootings have occurred in the past 50 years and whose citizens are 20 times more likely to die of gun violence than those of other developed nations. “It’s a shame, but what can we do? There really wasn’t anything that was going to keep these individuals from snapping and killing a lot of people if that’s what they really wanted.” At press time, residents of the only economically advanced nation in the world where roughly two mass shootings have occurred every month for the past eight years were referring to themselves and their situation as “helpless.”
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.

The extremist right is terrified; the first thought of many was NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO....., not realistic but comprehending the horror makes many of us....without words or any desire to think of 'political points'. Not so the extreme right, OBVIOUSLY, threads about the killer being a DNC member, merely a Democrat, and the old stand by, the popular vote winner in 2016, CLINTON, abound. Sad some do not feel the pain of our nation today.
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.

The extremist right is terrified; the first thought of many was NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO....., not realistic but comprehending the horror makes many of us....without words or any desire to think of 'political points'. Not so the extreme right, OBVIOUSLY, threads about the killer being a DNC member, merely a Democrat, and the old stand by, the popular vote winner in 2016, CLINTON, abound. Sad some do not feel the pain of our nation today.

If someone is hell bent on mass murder they will find a weapon.
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.

They're illegal to own.
Not in Las Vegas Pinky.
Well, we will see if Mr. Paddock had a Class 3 license. If he did, then he was perfectly legal to own and carry the weapon.

Or it could have modified
The debate is is HIGHLY illegal to alter firearms in a way that makes them fully auto unless you have acquired the correct license.
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.

They're illegal to own.
Not in Las Vegas Pinky.
Well, we will see if Mr. Paddock had a Class 3 license. If he did, then he was perfectly legal to own and carry the weapon.

Or it could have modified
The debate is is HIGHLY illegal to alter firearms in a way that makes them fully auto unless you have acquired the correct license.

In the light of the events in Las Cegas, no one is doing a "happy dance", especially gun control advocates. We do not traffic in schadenfreude. That despicable trait is the province of those who refuse to recognize the havoc automatic weapons bring to our streets.

What's the purpose of a machine gun? It is not designed for sporting purposes. It is designed exclusively to kill as many humans as quickly as possible. No one can justify their ownership among civilians. Such weapons belong in the hands of a well regulated militia, not on American streets.

Unless specially licensed, machine guns are illegal, ya thick head!
Gee. It must take extensive engineering to modify a semi-automatic firing system to a fully automatic firing system.
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.

The extremist right is terrified; the first thought of many was NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO....., not realistic but comprehending the horror makes many of us....without words or any desire to think of 'political points'. Not so the extreme right, OBVIOUSLY, threads about the killer being a DNC member, merely a Democrat, and the old stand by, the popular vote winner in 2016, CLINTON, abound. Sad some do not feel the pain of our nation today.

If someone is hell bent on mass murder they will find a weapon.
True but if you make automatic weapons and their ammo harder to acquire that will cut down on deaths.
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.

The extremist right is terrified; the first thought of many was NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO....., not realistic but comprehending the horror makes many of us....without words or any desire to think of 'political points'. Not so the extreme right, OBVIOUSLY, threads about the killer being a DNC member, merely a Democrat, and the old stand by, the popular vote winner in 2016, CLINTON, abound. Sad some do not feel the pain of our nation today.

If someone is hell bent on mass murder they will find a weapon.
True but if you make automatic weapons and their ammo harder to acquire that will cut down on deaths.

It's next to impossible to acquire an automatic now. Did you mean semi automatic? Or a scary looking gun?
Even though it sucks, Cali is requiring a BG before you can purchase ammo.
Everyone keep pretending you have the solution to this problem. More guns
Fewer guns. More laws. Fewer laws. If that makes you feel better, good for you.
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.

The extremist right is terrified; the first thought of many was NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO....., not realistic but comprehending the horror makes many of us....without words or any desire to think of 'political points'. Not so the extreme right, OBVIOUSLY, threads about the killer being a DNC member, merely a Democrat, and the old stand by, the popular vote winner in 2016, CLINTON, abound. Sad some do not feel the pain of our nation today.

If someone is hell bent on mass murder they will find a weapon.
True but if you make automatic weapons and their ammo harder to acquire that will cut down on deaths.

It's next to impossible to acquire an automatic now. Did you mean semi automatic?
You are naive. Its extremely easy to get one. I can have a fully automatic weapon in my possession in 45 minutes tops.
Libnutt Logic: There is a mass murder of innocent people sooooo let's disarm the innocent people so that they will be completely defenseless the next time it happens


One has to wonder what the fucking leftardz next move would be after they succeeded in repealing the 2nd amendment and banning all guns and despite all their leftarded intentions, another mass shooting takes place any way.

Hey Leftardz!

Then what?

Not being a dick but, say you were there and you had what ever gun you would normally have on your person. How would you have Sen able to protect your self in this situation? I mean, you ever see what lake city 62gr green tip does to flesh? You would see bits flying before you knew shooting was going on as the man was quite far away . How would you have located this fella from the ground? Sound would be deceiving as all the sorounding buildings would echo all over and just confuse you. And would you return fire? Waste of ammo as any hand gun one would have would lack the needed to take the guy out. Then all the people running, I heard a news report that the lions share of injuries came from being trampled and a few were pedestrians that were struck by a car. No gun in any hand in that crowed would have made a lick of difference in the world. Matter of fact, it could have made it worse.So guns being there this time is a moot point and is really just as rediculous as calling for banning guns.
Fucking idiots.

How many laws did the mother fucker already break?

Why do they suppose none of THOSE laws were able to stop him?

That means you come up with effective laws.

I'm just curious how someone thinks that abortion can be banned but doesn't think guns can be...

Here's a hint. No country has ever effectively banned abortion. Lots of countries have banned guns.
Gun control is for pussies...

Front sight acquire fire is gun control.

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