CNN Anchor Demands Americans "Stop Swooning Over Putin"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
As I have said, yes...... its this bad in America and it falls squarely on Obama's shoulders and I hold him personally responsible..


We’ll just put this bluntly: when you, as a country, do something incredibly stupid from a foreign policy perspective, you open the door for your global critics and adversaries to i) call you out on it publicly, and ii) use your gross incompetence and general disregard for anything that even approximates common sense, to their geopolitical advantage.

And make no mistake, in Syria, Washington, Riyadh, and Doha did something incredibly stupid.

They financed, armed, and trained a hodgepodge of Sunni extremists in Syria in an attempt to destabilize a regime that was deemed to be unfriendly to the interests of the West and its regional allies.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but from the perspective of human suffering, the results have been simply horrific: hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced.
In other news of interest

The Fall Of The Unipower: Russia Is Defeating More Than ISIS In Syria

The distinguished and knowledgeable international commentator William Engdahl, in a superb statement, has expressed the view I gave you that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech on September 28 at the 70th anniversary of the United Nations changed the balance of power in the world. Until Putin’s speech the world was intimidated by the Washington Bully. Resistance to Washington brought swift retribution. In the Middle East and Africa it brought economic sanctions and military invasions that destroyed entire countries. In France and other US vassal states it brought multi-billion dollar confiscations of bank net worth as the price of not following Washington’s policies toward other countries.

Other countries felt powerless in the face of the arrogant hegemonic Unipower, which from time to time replied to noncompliance with threats, such as US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage delivered to Pakistan, to bomb noncompliant countries “back to the stone age.”

President Putin of Russia brought all that to end on September 28. He stood up before the world in the presence of the overflowing hubris of the hegemon and belled the cat.
As I have said, yes...... its this bad in America and it falls squarely on Obama's shoulders and I hold him personally responsible..


We’ll just put this bluntly: when you, as a country, do something incredibly stupid from a foreign policy perspective, you open the door for your global critics and adversaries to i) call you out on it publicly, and ii) use your gross incompetence and general disregard for anything that even approximates common sense, to their geopolitical advantage.

And make no mistake, in Syria, Washington, Riyadh, and Doha did something incredibly stupid.

They financed, armed, and trained a hodgepodge of Sunni extremists in Syria in an attempt to destabilize a regime that was deemed to be unfriendly to the interests of the West and its regional allies.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but from the perspective of human suffering, the results have been simply horrific: hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced.
This cannot end well.... that is, if it ever ends.

Russia is still an enemy to peace and truth. They are magog, they will continue to act in their diabolical ways. And godless communist China is another powerful malevolent force.

Islam was destined to be an avowed enemy of the Jews and the truth. No need to blame all of their millions of adherents who know no better, but the higher ups are well aware of their duplicitous ways. They lie and they follow their perverse interpretations of a muhammadan ideology (already flawed to begin with).

It will all end at Armageddon, but that may be decades away.
As I have said, yes...... its this bad in America and it falls squarely on Obama's shoulders and I hold him personally responsible..


We’ll just put this bluntly: when you, as a country, do something incredibly stupid from a foreign policy perspective, you open the door for your global critics and adversaries to i) call you out on it publicly, and ii) use your gross incompetence and general disregard for anything that even approximates common sense, to their geopolitical advantage.

And make no mistake, in Syria, Washington, Riyadh, and Doha did something incredibly stupid.

They financed, armed, and trained a hodgepodge of Sunni extremists in Syria in an attempt to destabilize a regime that was deemed to be unfriendly to the interests of the West and its regional allies.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but from the perspective of human suffering, the results have been simply horrific: hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced.
This cannot end well.... that is, if it ever ends.

Russia is still an enemy to peace and truth. They are magog, they will continue to act in their diabolical ways. And godless communist China is another powerful malevolent force.

Islam was destined to be an avowed enemy of the Jews and the truth. No need to blame all of their millions of adherents who know no better, but the higher ups are well aware of their duplicitous ways. They lie and they follow their perverse interpretations of an ideology (already flawed to begin with).

It will all end at Armageddon, but that may be decades away.

Lets hope so

Watch when Obama finally moves out. The sun will shine like it's been behind the clouds for 8 years.

As I have said, yes...... its this bad in America and it falls squarely on Obama's shoulders and I hold him personally responsible..


We’ll just put this bluntly: when you, as a country, do something incredibly stupid from a foreign policy perspective, you open the door for your global critics and adversaries to i) call you out on it publicly, and ii) use your gross incompetence and general disregard for anything that even approximates common sense, to their geopolitical advantage.

And make no mistake, in Syria, Washington, Riyadh, and Doha did something incredibly stupid.

They financed, armed, and trained a hodgepodge of Sunni extremists in Syria in an attempt to destabilize a regime that was deemed to be unfriendly to the interests of the West and its regional allies.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but from the perspective of human suffering, the results have been simply horrific: hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced.

CNN Anchor Demands Americans "Stop Swooning Over Putin" | Zero Hedge

true--------the situation has resulted in human suffering as did world war II. ----------but then it was over
and things PINKED up. Things will improve when world war III is OVER
As I have said, yes...... its this bad in America and it falls squarely on Obama's shoulders and I hold him personally responsible..


We’ll just put this bluntly: when you, as a country, do something incredibly stupid from a foreign policy perspective, you open the door for your global critics and adversaries to i) call you out on it publicly, and ii) use your gross incompetence and general disregard for anything that even approximates common sense, to their geopolitical advantage.

And make no mistake, in Syria, Washington, Riyadh, and Doha did something incredibly stupid.

They financed, armed, and trained a hodgepodge of Sunni extremists in Syria in an attempt to destabilize a regime that was deemed to be unfriendly to the interests of the West and its regional allies.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but from the perspective of human suffering, the results have been simply horrific: hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced.

CNN Anchor Demands Americans "Stop Swooning Over Putin" | Zero Hedge

When jihadists are holding pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli shouldn't Washington wake up and smell the coffee?

Obama's foreign policy blunders are freaking 15 on the richter scale.
As I have said, yes...... its this bad in America and it falls squarely on Obama's shoulders and I hold him personally responsible..


We’ll just put this bluntly: when you, as a country, do something incredibly stupid from a foreign policy perspective, you open the door for your global critics and adversaries to i) call you out on it publicly, and ii) use your gross incompetence and general disregard for anything that even approximates common sense, to their geopolitical advantage.

And make no mistake, in Syria, Washington, Riyadh, and Doha did something incredibly stupid.

They financed, armed, and trained a hodgepodge of Sunni extremists in Syria in an attempt to destabilize a regime that was deemed to be unfriendly to the interests of the West and its regional allies.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but from the perspective of human suffering, the results have been simply horrific: hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced.

CNN Anchor Demands Americans "Stop Swooning Over Putin" | Zero Hedge

This dog's breakfast is what you get when Obama in his wisdom allowed the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to pick and choose who got financed and armed for the US, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
CNN Anchor Demands Americans "Stop Swooning Over Putin"

The little KGB prick should be dropped from a plane at 30,000 feet, without a parachute.
Meh. Let 'em swoon. Maybe Vladi will give them an autographed photo if they ask nicely.
Obama has become the doormat of the Western World. He must have welts from all the footprints on his back

CNN Anchor Demands Americans "Stop Swooning Over Putin"

The little KGB prick should be dropped from a plane at 30,000 feet, without a parachute.


And I want you to answer this. When the Chechen terror lord declares his alliance to ISIS 16000 to be exact you don't think Putin has a right to protect his people?

Explain to me why Putin doesn't have a right to defend and protect his people
CNN Anchor Demands Americans "Stop Swooning Over Putin"

The little KGB prick should be dropped from a plane at 30,000 feet, without a parachute.
Why? Because he is showing your man child how to lead? Sad day in america.

From the get go Bagdhadi had his Chechen right arm man. I went ruh roh Spelling out the window today. Partying..... and posting. Chechen terror leader has promised and a blood oath to ISIS.


For all the crap Russia has endured from these vile Chechen fuckers of course Putin is finally going to go "fuck it". He's going to smoke them.

He's skinning his smoke wagons. He's pulled his pistols and he's going to work. He's not going to make speeches about what he is going to do. Instead he's leaving the rhetoric to Obama while he blows the crap out the bad guys.

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