CNN and Black Lives Matter go off the rails


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
lol What do you mean "off the rails" they've been off the rails from the get/go...

CNN and Black Lives Matter go off the rails.
August 18, 2017

Joseph Klein

The hate-Trump liberal media continues to exploit the Charlottesville tragedy to serve its ideological agenda. They are maliciously distorting President Trump’s comments in response to the tragedy in order to paint him and his supporters as racists. Although President Trump has condemned neo-Nazis, the KKK and white supremacists as racists whose views do not represent American values, he did not do enough as far as the hate-Trump media is concerned. Moreover, the president had no business mentioning that some counter-protesters were also violent, according to these determiners of the official “truth.”

CNN’s Don Lemon declared that President Trump’s comments were “disgusting,” “un-American," and “racist.” Michael Moore, appearing as a guest on Lemon’s show, branded all Trump supporters as racists.


"Hate speech, which is what we're seeing coming out of white nationalists groups, is not protected under the First Amendment rights," Patrisse Cullors, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter, claimed during an MSNBC interview last Monday. "I think what is important at this moment is white nationalists are actually fighting to take away people's rights. Black Lives Matter and groups like Black Lives Matter are fighting for equality."

Apparently, Ms. Cullors forgot about the Black Lives Matter activists who hatefully chanted “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” as they marched in Minnesota two years ago in an anti-police protest. Did she also forget about the Black Lives Matter protesters in New York chanting “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!” in response to the death of Eric Garner? Does she excuse the Black Lives Matter protester who said the “Only good white man is a dead white man?” How does she square the segregated black only events sponsored by Black Lives Matter groups with her claim that Black Lives Matter is fighting for “equality?”


The Left’s Exploitation of Charlottesville Tragedy Continues
Fuck them. :dunno:

I ain't gonna say hang them or anything, but if them fuckers wanna break bad, come get some!

I have a distinct feeling hangings are coming back to America, as it seems it's long overdue.
lol What do you mean "off the rails" they've been off the rails from the get/go...

CNN and Black Lives Matter go off the rails.
August 18, 2017

Joseph Klein

The hate-Trump liberal media continues to exploit the Charlottesville tragedy to serve its ideological agenda. They are maliciously distorting President Trump’s comments in response to the tragedy in order to paint him and his supporters as racists. Although President Trump has condemned neo-Nazis, the KKK and white supremacists as racists whose views do not represent American values, he did not do enough as far as the hate-Trump media is concerned. Moreover, the president had no business mentioning that some counter-protesters were also violent, according to these determiners of the official “truth.”

CNN’s Don Lemon declared that President Trump’s comments were “disgusting,” “un-American," and “racist.” Michael Moore, appearing as a guest on Lemon’s show, branded all Trump supporters as racists.


"Hate speech, which is what we're seeing coming out of white nationalists groups, is not protected under the First Amendment rights," Patrisse Cullors, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter, claimed during an MSNBC interview last Monday. "I think what is important at this moment is white nationalists are actually fighting to take away people's rights. Black Lives Matter and groups like Black Lives Matter are fighting for equality."

Apparently, Ms. Cullors forgot about the Black Lives Matter activists who hatefully chanted “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” as they marched in Minnesota two years ago in an anti-police protest. Did she also forget about the Black Lives Matter protesters in New York chanting “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!” in response to the death of Eric Garner? Does she excuse the Black Lives Matter protester who said the “Only good white man is a dead white man?” How does she square the segregated black only events sponsored by Black Lives Matter groups with her claim that Black Lives Matter is fighting for “equality?”


The Left’s Exploitation of Charlottesville Tragedy Continues
I think they are the cause of the hatred that grows in your country. Because by always laugh in the people face a specialty of CNN and the leftists.They are rejected and hates by intelligent people
As they say, you reap what you sow
lol What do you mean "off the rails" they've been off the rails from the get/go...

CNN and Black Lives Matter go off the rails.
August 18, 2017

Joseph Klein

The hate-Trump liberal media continues to exploit the Charlottesville tragedy to serve its ideological agenda. They are maliciously distorting President Trump’s comments in response to the tragedy in order to paint him and his supporters as racists. Although President Trump has condemned neo-Nazis, the KKK and white supremacists as racists whose views do not represent American values, he did not do enough as far as the hate-Trump media is concerned. Moreover, the president had no business mentioning that some counter-protesters were also violent, according to these determiners of the official “truth.”

CNN’s Don Lemon declared that President Trump’s comments were “disgusting,” “un-American," and “racist.” Michael Moore, appearing as a guest on Lemon’s show, branded all Trump supporters as racists.


"Hate speech, which is what we're seeing coming out of white nationalists groups, is not protected under the First Amendment rights," Patrisse Cullors, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter, claimed during an MSNBC interview last Monday. "I think what is important at this moment is white nationalists are actually fighting to take away people's rights. Black Lives Matter and groups like Black Lives Matter are fighting for equality."

Apparently, Ms. Cullors forgot about the Black Lives Matter activists who hatefully chanted “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” as they marched in Minnesota two years ago in an anti-police protest. Did she also forget about the Black Lives Matter protesters in New York chanting “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!” in response to the death of Eric Garner? Does she excuse the Black Lives Matter protester who said the “Only good white man is a dead white man?” How does she square the segregated black only events sponsored by Black Lives Matter groups with her claim that Black Lives Matter is fighting for “equality?”


The Left’s Exploitation of Charlottesville Tragedy Continues
Dude you need to get a fuckin life....I would bet my last fuckin dollar, your a white boy virgin, pissed that all the nigga's are taking all the mops from you, and working a shit job where women dominate and are probaolly your boss...typical white Aryan nation ass ho.
lol What do you mean "off the rails" they've been off the rails from the get/go...

CNN and Black Lives Matter go off the rails.
August 18, 2017

Joseph Klein

The hate-Trump liberal media continues to exploit the Charlottesville tragedy to serve its ideological agenda. They are maliciously distorting President Trump’s comments in response to the tragedy in order to paint him and his supporters as racists. Although President Trump has condemned neo-Nazis, the KKK and white supremacists as racists whose views do not represent American values, he did not do enough as far as the hate-Trump media is concerned. Moreover, the president had no business mentioning that some counter-protesters were also violent, according to these determiners of the official “truth.”

CNN’s Don Lemon declared that President Trump’s comments were “disgusting,” “un-American," and “racist.” Michael Moore, appearing as a guest on Lemon’s show, branded all Trump supporters as racists.


"Hate speech, which is what we're seeing coming out of white nationalists groups, is not protected under the First Amendment rights," Patrisse Cullors, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter, claimed during an MSNBC interview last Monday. "I think what is important at this moment is white nationalists are actually fighting to take away people's rights. Black Lives Matter and groups like Black Lives Matter are fighting for equality."

Apparently, Ms. Cullors forgot about the Black Lives Matter activists who hatefully chanted “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” as they marched in Minnesota two years ago in an anti-police protest. Did she also forget about the Black Lives Matter protesters in New York chanting “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!” in response to the death of Eric Garner? Does she excuse the Black Lives Matter protester who said the “Only good white man is a dead white man?” How does she square the segregated black only events sponsored by Black Lives Matter groups with her claim that Black Lives Matter is fighting for “equality?”


The Left’s Exploitation of Charlottesville Tragedy Continues
I think they are the cause of the hatred that grows in your country. Because by always laugh in the people face a specialty of CNN and the leftists.They are rejected and hates by intelligent people
As they say, you reap what you sow
Oh, so its the left that's taken over the white house, its the left that marched on Char., its the left that gave Obama's 8 years in office pure hell, its the left out here voting for racist GOP politicians....get your fuckin facts straight or shut the fuck up!!

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