CNN Botches Major Bombshell - Again


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
CNN Botches Major ‘Bombshell’ Alleging Contacts Between Don Jr. And WikiLeaks

CNN misreported key details of an offer made to Donald Trump Jr. last year of a batch of stolen Wikileaks documents.

The story, which CNN published on Friday and covered extensively on TV, was touted as the first evidence that the Trump campaign was given a heads-up about documents stolen from Democrats.

But the story appears to have been riddled with errors, while also lacking key context.

Perhaps the most jarring error in the CNN report is the date on which Trump Jr. was sent the email. The network reported that a person named Mike Erickson emailed Trump Jr. and others on the Trump campaign on Sept. 4, 2016, with a link to Wikileaks documents as well as a decryption key to access them.
painfully obvious their bias - as well as most of the trump haters, that it's more or less FUCK TRUTH GET TRUMP AT ALL COSTS and they wonder why people say no to their tantrums.
CNN!!!!!! FACTS FIRST!!!!!!!!
Ya fucking right you assholes!
These CNN Trump-hating pricks are HANDING the 2018/2020 election/s to the REPs.
That's like 3 fuck up this week. If it was air traffic control they'd be banned for awhile.
South Park illustrated this about the media.....

They were spot on as usual
And the fakery continues...........oh.........the top story on DRUDGE right now!!:bye1:

CNN Botches Major ‘Bombshell’ Alleging Contacts Between Don Jr. And WikiLeaks

2:16 PM 12/08/2017

CNN Botches Major ‘Bombshell’ Alleging Contacts Between Don Jr. And WikiLeaks


Kuhhhhh-rist, if they keep this up they'll be nearly saying as much fake shit as Trump.
so if your main source for trump lies is proven to be a known liar...
Well we do have to keep in mind that very few tune into CNN on any given night.........what do they have? About 179 viewers/night? CNN can get away with it of course because the people tuning into that network are the real radical left who froth at the mouth at anything that is related to Trump-hating. No serious person admits to watching CNN in 2017.:deal:
Trump's tweet saying WAPO should fire reporter Dave Weigel -against the law-up to 15 years in prison


Trump's tweet saying WAPO should fire reporter Dave Weigel -against the law-up to 15 years in prison



that's getting extreme but there DOES NEED TO BE ACCOUNTABILITY - period.

the wapo example, while the reporter was using his personal account, it doesn't matter. he saw a pic that fed his hate and he ran with it. as a reporter he should know better.ANY OF US should know better than to believe a simple picture, no matter how much it warms our heart that maybe it could be true.

then said reporter doubled down and said he was tipped off by another man, only that man said he's not talked to said reporter in a year.
WaPo Reporter Tweets Picture Of Empty Trump Speech, Gets Called Out By Trump And Retracts

when do we hold people in this role accountable to the truth, not their emotions? and what penalty should there be for someone lying like this? this isn't being wrong, this is a lie. you can easily check the time of the pics and verify something so simple but when you're in a rush to get your hate on, you don't care.

*we all* need to care again. firing everyone i don't believe is the answer but in a case like this, suspended for 3 days w/o pay to start. do it again, a week. again, a month and eventually you just lie yourself out of a job cause if you keep getting major facts wrong, perhaps journalism isn't for you.
all their stories are propaganda......never the critical facts--just the crap to get readership
Strange that the fake news media never gets stories wrong in favor of Trump. It’s almost like they do it on purpose.

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