CNN calls Joe Biden out on possibly the most despicable lie ever told by a US president

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Among the many lies Biden told at the debate (see the clip below), CNN called him out on the Big One: the lie that no American soldiers died during Biden's administration.

This despicable lie disgraces the memories of the many soldiers who died due to Joe Biden's incompetent and cruel foreign policy.

I hope the families of the dead soldiers sue Biden and ensure he apologizes to them, to the entire military, and to our country.

Biden was caught on public vid molesting a girl. If that doesn't change your mind about him, then you are a sick pervert and a groomer.
16 American soldiers have died in overseas attacks during Biden's tenure in the White House, including the 13 in Kabul on Aug. 26, 2021, and another three in Jordan just five months ago. Then there have been numerous deaths during training exercises
Lefties, should Jake and Dana have called out Biden on this lie?

You assholes now blame the mods for Biden shitting the bed. :laughing0301:
Apparently, he doesn't remember checking the time while memorializing the soldiers who died on his watch. You'd think seeing that photo on every front page would have made an impact.
Among the many lies Biden told at the debate (see the clip below), CNN called him out on the Big One: the lie that no American soldiers died during Biden's administration.

This despicable lie disgraces the memories of the many soldiers who died due to Joe Biden's incompetent and cruel foreign policy.

I hope the families of the dead soldiers sue Biden and ensure he apologizes to them, to the entire military, and to our country.

What is up with CNN lately? First, the moderators are actually fair during the debate and now they are calling out all of Biden's lies during the debate. Did they finally figure out that their ratings might actually go up by being fair and unbiased? I mean, who in the hell wants MSNBC's ratings?

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