CNN Cheering For A Brutal Dictator. Why?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

It's amazing how our media consistently sides with murderers and despots at the same time they attack American patriots.

During the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics CNN has been literally gushing over the sister of brutal dictator Kim Jong-un.

Well here is the real situation in N. Korea today: Report: North Korean Defector Reveals Secret Kim Jong-un Atrocities

"CNN is facing a backlash for publishing an article about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, which critics claim paints her family’s repressive regime in a positive light.

The piece, which was published Saturday, is headlined: “Kim Jong Un’s sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics.”

The article does contain analysis on the dire situation faced by many citizens in North Korea, and references how Kim Jong Un “has ruled with an iron fist since coming to power.” It also likens Kim Yo Jong, who is currently attending the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, to U.S. first daughter Ivanka Trump.

Its headline could be interpreted as solely being about the fervor that Kim Yo Jong has generated since she arrived at the Games.

But its initial framing have not gone over well with many. Critics including Russian chess legend and political activist Garry Kasparov have claimed the article is “propaganda.” CNN did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment."
Tweeters Criticize CNN Over 'Propaganda' Piece On Kim Jong Un's Sister | HuffPost


It's amazing how our media consistently sides with murderers and despots at the same time they attack American patriots.

During the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics CNN has been literally gushing over the sister of brutal dictator Kim Jong-un.

Well here is the real situation in N. Korea today: Report: North Korean Defector Reveals Secret Kim Jong-un Atrocities

"CNN is facing a backlash for publishing an article about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, which critics claim paints her family’s repressive regime in a positive light.

The piece, which was published Saturday, is headlined: “Kim Jong Un’s sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics.”

The article does contain analysis on the dire situation faced by many citizens in North Korea, and references how Kim Jong Un “has ruled with an iron fist since coming to power.” It also likens Kim Yo Jong, who is currently attending the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, to U.S. first daughter Ivanka Trump.

Its headline could be interpreted as solely being about the fervor that Kim Yo Jong has generated since she arrived at the Games.

But its initial framing have not gone over well with many. Critics including Russian chess legend and political activist Garry Kasparov have claimed the article is “propaganda.” CNN did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment."
Tweeters Criticize CNN Over 'Propaganda' Piece On Kim Jong Un's Sister | HuffPost

. It's time to create a panel or review board that can interpret as to whether or not we have treasonous/traitorous Americans in our midst. The same criteria for finding potential ISIS recruits or sympathizers could be used. Enough is enough.

It's amazing how our media consistently sides with murderers and despots at the same time they attack American patriots.

During the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics CNN has been literally gushing over the sister of brutal dictator Kim Jong-un.

Well here is the real situation in N. Korea today: Report: North Korean Defector Reveals Secret Kim Jong-un Atrocities

"CNN is facing a backlash for publishing an article about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, which critics claim paints her family’s repressive regime in a positive light.

The piece, which was published Saturday, is headlined: “Kim Jong Un’s sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics.”

The article does contain analysis on the dire situation faced by many citizens in North Korea, and references how Kim Jong Un “has ruled with an iron fist since coming to power.” It also likens Kim Yo Jong, who is currently attending the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, to U.S. first daughter Ivanka Trump.

Its headline could be interpreted as solely being about the fervor that Kim Yo Jong has generated since she arrived at the Games.

But its initial framing have not gone over well with many. Critics including Russian chess legend and political activist Garry Kasparov have claimed the article is “propaganda.” CNN did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment."
Tweeters Criticize CNN Over 'Propaganda' Piece On Kim Jong Un's Sister | HuffPost

Yeah, I noticed that. "Stealing the show" and all that nonsense.

She's a pig, no better than her older brother. Pence was right to blow her off. That CNN is enamored with her is no surprise.
Even if she is kin to Jong Un and a full blown member, bloody hand member of the DPRK party apparatus to the Frankfurt School bred Commies at CNN she stiil represents an 'oppressed class' of persons and therefore that fact trumps all the afore.

If "diplomatic dance" were an event at the Winter Olympics, Kim Jong Un's younger sister would be favored to win gold."

"She's probably one of the most influential people on Kim Jong Un himself,"

"Kim Yo Jong is the perfect counterpart to this," Hwang said. "And it also is a signal that North Korea is not this crazy, weird former Cold War state -- but it too has young women that are capable and are the future leadership."

The cavalcade of the oppressed stops for no one, not even the right hand of a Asian despot.
It's not should be expected from those determined to bring America into line with it's Globalist / Communist agenda.

Communist News Network.......not surprised at all.

Question far are we gonna sit back and let it happen? All the way it appears, unfortunately.

It's amazing how our media consistently sides with murderers and despots at the same time they attack American patriots.

During the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics CNN has been literally gushing over the sister of brutal dictator Kim Jong-un.

Well here is the real situation in N. Korea today: Report: North Korean Defector Reveals Secret Kim Jong-un Atrocities

"CNN is facing a backlash for publishing an article about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, which critics claim paints her family’s repressive regime in a positive light.

The piece, which was published Saturday, is headlined: “Kim Jong Un’s sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics.”

The article does contain analysis on the dire situation faced by many citizens in North Korea, and references how Kim Jong Un “has ruled with an iron fist since coming to power.” It also likens Kim Yo Jong, who is currently attending the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, to U.S. first daughter Ivanka Trump.

Its headline could be interpreted as solely being about the fervor that Kim Yo Jong has generated since she arrived at the Games.

But its initial framing have not gone over well with many. Critics including Russian chess legend and political activist Garry Kasparov have claimed the article is “propaganda.” CNN did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment."
Tweeters Criticize CNN Over 'Propaganda' Piece On Kim Jong Un's Sister | HuffPost

Kim Yo Jong is smirking at our retard

It's not should be expected from those determined to bring America into line with it's Globalist / Communist agenda.

Communist News Network.......not surprised at all.

Question far are we gonna sit back and let it happen? All the way it appears, unfortunately.
You don`t like the first amendment either? Go find yourself a commie country to live in and take orange Hitler with you.
CNN has sunk so low, they are only a notch better than infowars.
Smart people go here for their news.
read:STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All
You really shouldn't go mining for bias confirmation, especially if what you find is a distortion of the truth.........

Facts and Fiction: how one survey was reported in the media

He says is that there is no evidence that watching Fox News makes you dumber. But what the study did find, in statistically significant numbers, is that watching Fox News means you are less informed about current events than if you watched no news. But the findings are complicated.

The survey found that all ideologically slanted opinion TV shows have a “negative impact on people’s current events knowledge,” not just Fox News. Whereas Sunday morning political talk shows, Comedy Central’s The Daily Show and NPR have the most informed audiences.

Cassino acknowledges that knowledge of current events is not just determined by what news you watch, but by personal ideology, education, age and gender. Thus the results of the survey can be self-selecting. Cassino argues that prime time shows on cable networks like “The O’Reilly Factor” are opinion reporting and often provide the least amount of informational context. But, Cassino says, that’s what these viewers want.

Oh and if you really wish to be informed you should read the whole article.

It's amazing how our media consistently sides with murderers and despots at the same time they attack American patriots.

During the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics CNN has been literally gushing over the sister of brutal dictator Kim Jong-un.

Well here is the real situation in N. Korea today: Report: North Korean Defector Reveals Secret Kim Jong-un Atrocities

"CNN is facing a backlash for publishing an article about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, which critics claim paints her family’s repressive regime in a positive light.

The piece, which was published Saturday, is headlined: “Kim Jong Un’s sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics.”

The article does contain analysis on the dire situation faced by many citizens in North Korea, and references how Kim Jong Un “has ruled with an iron fist since coming to power.” It also likens Kim Yo Jong, who is currently attending the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, to U.S. first daughter Ivanka Trump.

Its headline could be interpreted as solely being about the fervor that Kim Yo Jong has generated since she arrived at the Games.

But its initial framing have not gone over well with many. Critics including Russian chess legend and political activist Garry Kasparov have claimed the article is “propaganda.” CNN did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment."
Tweeters Criticize CNN Over 'Propaganda' Piece On Kim Jong Un's Sister | HuffPost

Kim Yo Jong is smirking at our retard


She smirks constantly.
She's saying to herself....."I could have you killed".
Even if she is kin to Jong Un and a full blown member, bloody hand member of the DPRK party apparatus to the Frankfurt School bred Commies at CNN she stiil represents an 'oppressed class' of persons and therefore that fact trumps all the afore.
The cavalcade of the oppressed stops for no one, not even the right hand of a Asian despot.
The Sister of a dictator celebrated as a god by his own people basks in the reflection of her brothers godhood and status.

You dont think that every Nork that meets her is trembling in fear?
Even if she is kin to Jong Un and a full blown member, bloody hand member of the DPRK party apparatus to the Frankfurt School bred Commies at CNN she stiil represents an 'oppressed class' of persons and therefore that fact trumps all the afore.
The cavalcade of the oppressed stops for no one, not even the right hand of a Asian despot.
The Sister of a dictator celebrated as a god by his own people basks in the reflection of her brothers godhood and status.

You dont think that every Nork that meets her is trembling in fear?
At this point, her status is extra-Kim. She is a very high level apparatchik who possesses the power and position matched by only a very few. Therefore, her hands are bloody as well.
However, as I previously stated. In the US she is a protected class and as such receives praise based upon that.

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