CNN Claims Winter Snowstorm Is More Proof of Global Warming

Rossby waves in the jet stream are the direct cause of the Polar Vortex that brings Arctic air into the American midwest. And the cause of Rossby Waves is the diminution of the temperature difference between the North Pole and the Equator. The cause of that diminution is global warming. You people are fucking idiots.
Blah blah blah

How does atmospheric CO2 heat the deep ocean?

lol.......Crick has been lecturing us for years. Problem is, all his stuff is pure speculation based upon computer models which the IPCC said decades ago are useless. But we're the "fucking idiots" :2up:
' But why does the vortex weaken? Now it gets interesting. More and more Arctic sea ice is melting during summer months. The more ice that melts, the more the Arctic Ocean warms. The ocean radiates much of that excess heat back to the atmosphere in winter, which disrupts the polar vortex. '

' But why does the vortex weaken? Now it gets interesting. More and more Arctic sea ice is melting during summer months. The more ice that melts, the more the Arctic Ocean warms. The ocean radiates much of that excess heat back to the atmosphere in winter, which disrupts the polar vortex. '

What a poorly written article that was.

We had a greater number of Polar Vortex's in the 1960's-1970's than in this decade, while the Arctic sea ice cover was much higher in the summer. Not only that Winter Sea ice nearly covers the waters during the winters normally as it has this winter, which BLOCKS the easy loss of warm air from the waters.
Rossby waves in the jet stream are the direct cause of the Polar Vortex that brings Arctic air into the American midwest. And the cause of Rossby Waves is the diminution of the temperature difference between the North Pole and the Equator. The cause of that diminution is global warming. You people are fucking idiots.
Ooooh another uberelitist lecturing us on diminution....I think his pelosi is diminuted
' But why does the vortex weaken? Now it gets interesting. More and more Arctic sea ice is melting during summer months. The more ice that melts, the more the Arctic Ocean warms. The ocean radiates much of that excess heat back to the atmosphere in winter, which disrupts the polar vortex. '

What a poorly written article that was.

We had a greater number of Polar Vortex's in the 1960's-1970's than in this decade, while the Arctic sea ice cover was much higher in the summer. Not only that Winter Sea ice nearly covers the waters during the winters normally as it has this winter, which BLOCKS the easy loss of warm air from the waters.

The Sea Ice Maximum is trending steadily downward


We need a War on Vortexii ! Gimme 60.666 billion. I'll hire some family as consultants and get started on it !
Rossby waves in the jet stream are the direct cause of the Polar Vortex that brings Arctic air into the American midwest. And the cause of Rossby Waves is the diminution of the temperature difference between the North Pole and the Equator. The cause of that diminution is global warming. You people are fucking idiots.
Blah blah blah

How does atmospheric CO2 heat the deep ocean?

lol.......Crick has been lecturing us for years. Problem is, all his stuff is pure speculation based upon computer models which the IPCC said decades ago are useless. But we're the "fucking idiots" :2up:
Computer models.
Like just two weeks to flatten the curve.
' But why does the vortex weaken? Now it gets interesting. More and more Arctic sea ice is melting during summer months. The more ice that melts, the more the Arctic Ocean warms. The ocean radiates much of that excess heat back to the atmosphere in winter, which disrupts the polar vortex. '

What a poorly written article that was.

We had a greater number of Polar Vortex's in the 1960's-1970's than in this decade, while the Arctic sea ice cover was much higher in the summer. Not only that Winter Sea ice nearly covers the waters during the winters normally as it has this winter, which BLOCKS the easy loss of warm air from the waters.

The Sea Ice Maximum is trending steadily downward

View attachment 455074

Another warmist/alarmist inability to read their own charts. Since 2006, the decline stopped and stabilized at the lower level from previous decades.


During the WINTER most of the Arctic ocean are covered over with ice, thus little effect on Polar Vortex's are possible, that is what SA article flubbed on so badly.

The video is presenting a misleading narrative as usual.





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' But why does the vortex weaken? Now it gets interesting. More and more Arctic sea ice is melting during summer months. The more ice that melts, the more the Arctic Ocean warms. The ocean radiates much of that excess heat back to the atmosphere in winter, which disrupts the polar vortex. '

Tell me again why the DWCR (Deep Water Cold Return) has dropped 3.6 deg C. It sure as hell isn't due to warming... Cold is returning to the poles and so is the ice mass..
It's 18 below zero during the day in Fargo. Are we still supposed to believe that the ice floes are melting and the polar bears are homeless?
Check it out. Another denier circle jerk of stupidity.

It comforting how some things never change.
Check it out. Another denier circle jerk of stupidity.

It comforting how some things never change.

Too bad you blew your chance to point it out in detail, thus you ended up saying nothing at all.


Meanwhile here is a published paper saying it all with actual evidence in it:

Journal Nature Refutes PIK’s Fantasy-Rich Science That A Warmer Arctic Causes Extreme Cold Snaps

The polar vortex theory takes a beating: The claim a warm Arctic is behind the brutally cold winter conditions at the mid latitudes is shown by a Nature study to be scientifically baseless.
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Let's do an accounting of beliefs:
Liberals think the ice age was global warming,
That destroying energy jobs creates more jobs,
That releasing criminals and legalizing drugs and removing Ice and defunding police and allowing ms-13 members back into the country lessens crimes, that calling black republicans white supremacist will bring them back to the Democrat party, that electing Biden and his cabinet being made of other corrupted China money grabbers is gonna make us safe and uninfluenced by foreign entities, that you can breath with tripple masks.
Is this an audition for The sequal to the movie Idiocracy?
This is some bizarro world opposite logic right there.

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