CNN: Death Threats Against Obama Increase By 400 Percent

How many have been arrested for threatening? That is an arrestable offense is it not? I remember reading about one or two.. but up 400%? The arrests should be numerous and often.

The secret service doesn't advertise their investigations.
well we can all see how the right wing wackos are flipping out over having a black president, this is no surprise.

well we can all see how the right wing wackos are flipping out over having a black president, this is no surprise.

So what are you trying to say?

Been to Rudy's?
Isn't it obvious....?



Funny you should post pictures of the ranks of the Democrat Party from the 1940's.
The rate of threats against President Obama is a 400% increase over what was experienced under President Bush.

The book is a fascinating read.
well we can all see how the right wing wackos are flipping out over having a black president, this is no surprise.

So what are you trying to say?

Been to Rudy's?
Isn't it obvious....?



Funny you should post pictures of the ranks of the Democrat Party from the 1940's.

They'd be homeless today if it weren't for the Republican party and the southern strategy.
This is what our government wants us to be now:
[ame=]YouTube - MADtv - Donut Shop[/ame]
400% increase sounds like a huge amount.

But if there had previously been only 1 such threat, and it later jumped to 5, that would be a 400% increase.

In any case, it is wrong to threaten any President. If ya don't like what he's doing, vote him and his supporters the fuck out of office.

So if there were 2 threats, then it would now be 10 threats?

And if there were 20 threats, it is now 100 threats?

And if there were 100 threats, there are now 5000 threats?


I think you accidentally typo'd an extra zero in there...if there were 100 threats, there are now 500.
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How many have been arrested for threatening? That is an arrestable offense is it not? I remember reading about one or two.. but up 400%? The arrests should be numerous and often.

The secret service doesn't advertise their investigations.

they have advertised at least two. I can definitely remember reading of two arrests because someone has threatened him. I'm trying to find out where the 400% figure comes from. They have to have been real threats. and if they know of real threats where are the arrest records?
CNN (Communist News Network) is soo full of Chit! They're about as credible as NBC and the NY Slimes are at this point. Does anyone even care what they think anymore? Just more tired Liberal Media Race-Baiting. What a snoozefest. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

I challenge you...give me a what you condsider a credible news source and I will see what they say about this story. :eusa_angel:

aww shit they caught me :lol::lol::lol:

I read somewhere the SS is under staffed and over worked. oh dear did i say SS ???? :lol:
well we can all see how the right wing wackos are flipping out over having a black president, this is no surprise.

I could give a rats ass what color the president is. It is his far left thinking that worries me! Period!
Funny you should post pictures of the ranks of the Democrat Party from the 1940's.

who after the civil rights act in 1964 moved to the republican party.

No. They stayed with the Dims hoping to change the Democrat Party from within.

They knew the GOP wouldn't tolerate such raciist shit-heads, as the Dims had long done.

yes that explains why the south has been solidly republican since the civil rights act of 1964, before not so much.
So what are you trying to say?

Been to Rudy's?

what i am trying to say is when nuts start buying up guns like crazy and showing up where the president is speaking showing off fire arms you can also expect more threats against him, now not all right wingers are wackos but the wacko ones are getting out of control.

Rudy's? the bar on 44th st and 9th ave? if so i used to go there but now in the daytime its a very old crowd and at night there are too many young people, i used to hang there before it became a popular place, back in the 80's. you know Johnny D***?

and your insinuation that only the "right winger" whackos are getting out of control is simply not true....I recall a left wing whacko murdering an abortion protester only a few days ago.
It was a left wing whacko who murdered Lincoln.
It was a left wing marxist whacko who murdered JFK.
It was a left wing whacko who attempted to murder Reagan.
It was TWO left wing whacko's who attempted to murder Ford. Thats right ya' liberal loons, TWO left wing whacko's attempted to murder Ford on two seperate occasions.
It was a left wing whacko who murdered John Lennon.
It becomes very clear that it is LEFT WINGERS who are the ones we have to worry about!

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