CNN either lies or is just stupid...falsely claims there is a high school shooting


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Never, ever trust the media wing of the democrat party....especially their CNN branch....This story points out how they claim there was a high school shooting...relying on everyone assuming they mean a traditional high school...which we all understand...but it isn't....

AT NEAR WHATEVER CNN Other Media Manufactures School Shooting In Portland Oregon - Bearing Arms

It would perhaps help to paint a more accurate picture if CNN were honest and admitted that Rosemary Anderson HS is an “alternative” school shoved into a storefront location serving young adults that have what can charitably called “issues.” Most of the student body was expelled from traditional schools, or were drop-outs. There are something less than 190 students, according to the school’s web site.

The shooting was a total of five shots fired at teens standing in front of the building, and appears to be gang-related.

The story isn’t remotely what they claimed, but the reality of another gang-related shooting in a liberal paradise isn’t going to sell near the advertising that a “school shooting” would on a relatively slow news day.

Notice the gang ties to this shooting....of the 8-9,000 gun murders each year in the U.S. 80% are committed by gangs....
Words still mean things, right?

Right, to mislead again. Agenda drive by reporting.
Remember when ABC reporter Brian Ross falsely reported James Holmes was a member of the Tea Party? I mean you could just see it, couldn't you? The liberal mob in the ABC news room, sees the name James Holmes belonging to the Tea Party. Oh, my oh my they just jumped and reported it, didn't they? Could you imagine the excitement in their stupid liberal heads?

The fucking morons on the left, to this second equates the Tea Party to the KKK or the nazis.

This story is just all too related to everything that sucks about the lying piece of shit media.
What exactly doesn't make this a high school? The fact that the student body consists of 190 or that it is in a store front? The awning on the building even states High School.

If it isn't a high school what should it be called?
What exactly doesn't make this a high school? The fact that the student body consists of 190 or that it is in a store front? The awning on the building even states High School.

If it isn't a high school what should it be called?

For this guy, an "inconvenience".
Stupid liberals would call a shanking in the prison laundry work place violence.

In other words stupid _____s (whatever you are) prefer to make linguistic exceptions whenever the facts don't fit the Bubble Story (hereinafter "BS").

Good to know for future ref.

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