CNN EXPERT Unsure if Chattanooga Shooter ‘MUHAMMAD Abdulazeez’ is Muslim

Everyone knows exactly what this was - even if they won't admit it.

The media is just making itself look even more absurd and biased.

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14 years of cnn, the msm and libs defending the religion of pieces since 9-11. But why? Do they hate Christians that much?
Yup. Progressives are all in with Islam. They will be with them until the end.
Know Their Names, Honor Their Lives.


These are the Marines Killed in the Chattanooga Attack - Breitbart

Interesting. They're all white.
Hence whoopdeedoo no big deal response from our President.
If that ain't bad enough the AP news agency and Obama's press secretary seem puzzled about the motive. They called the murder of 13 Soldiers at the hands of a jihad maniac at Ft. Hood a "workplace shooting". God help us in the last year of Barry Hussein's circus.
You can bet no federal death penalty will be inflicted on a Muslim while Obama is in office.
The insanity of political correctness has no bounds. This is proof that liberalism is a disease.

CNN EXPERT Unsure if Chattanooga Shooter MUHAMMAD Abdulazeez is Muslim - The Gateway Pundit
I know. It's why I don't watch CNN or any of the liberal network news shows. These dumb fucks can't understand what is the motive behind that asshole shooting up our military recruiting stations. They just don't know what motivated him. I hope the hell this is the last liberal black president this country ever elects. The news media is afraid to go against what he thinks. They might be called racist if they do.
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How difficult would it be for an American president to ask Facebook and Twitter to close down and bar jihadist recruiting websites? What are they going to
Obama would be the one who could convince the CEO of Twitter to do that. The Facebook and Twitter heads would gladly drop to their knees before him.
Funny how you ignore the audio recording.

LBJ at his finest. Not.

From Robert Dallek, Johnson's biographer-
Johnson explained his decision to nominate Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying, “when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”
From his chaffeurs book Capitol in Black and White-
The racism of Lyndon Johnson is on full display in this book as Robert Parker offers up several fascinating LBJ anecdotes that illustrate his boorish cruelty.- LBJ told Parker just shut up and pretend you are a piece of GD furniture.

You are seriously blind and purposely so, then. His racism was recognized by all. Even nbc admits it.

Now, you can try to say the shooter may not be muslim all you want, just as you say LBJ didn't say those things, but the truth is there for all to see.

Bogus? You know better.
The insanity of political correctness has no bounds. This is proof that liberalism is a disease.

CNN EXPERT Unsure if Chattanooga Shooter MUHAMMAD Abdulazeez is Muslim - The Gateway Pundit

Actually it's proof that proof is necessary before ass-uming things.

Like those bogus quotes in your sigline for instance.

I sure do. That's why I keep posting "bogus".
Bogus? You know better.
The insanity of political correctness has no bounds. This is proof that liberalism is a disease.

CNN EXPERT Unsure if Chattanooga Shooter MUHAMMAD Abdulazeez is Muslim - The Gateway Pundit

Actually it's proof that proof is necessary before ass-uming things.

Like those bogus quotes in your sigline for instance.

I sure do. That's why I keep posting "bogus".

Funny you cut off the next sentence of the book, which notes about that comment:

The attorney never heard him speak about blacks that way again and felt that Johnson was playing a part and trying to create a kind of rapport between two "good old Southern boys".
It's called "mirroring", and we all do it with our speech depending on whether we're talking to our boss, our dog, our spouse, our kids, a stranger, etc.

--- now why would you leave that part out? It's right here, page 100. And the pages immediately preceding it put the lie to your inane idea that vocabulary makes racism. Words don't make racism; actions do. And by the way that's NOT Thurgood Marshall he's referring to, which speaks volumes about reading comprehension.

NOR is it any of the quotes in Steve McRacist's sigline anyway,
so what you have here is a nonworking red herring that you didn't even bother to fully read. I suggest you do so, starting at the beginning of that chapter.
No, it's out of fear. They believe if they speak the truth, retribution will follow.
14 years of cnn, the msm and libs defending the religion of pieces since 9-11. But why? Do they hate Christians that much?
While you liberals are unsure if the terrorist named Mohammed was a Muslim along with the news media, the fifth hero finally succumed to his injuries today. Randall Smith, a U.S. sailor and hero passed away this morning.

Shame on the liberal news media Obama ass-kissers and liberal supporters.
i fucking swear; every day that goes by I feel truly that the libs are just as much America's enemy as islam and terrorism. You may not like him, but Savage was right- the enemy within.
i fucking swear; every day that goes by I feel truly that the libs are just as much America's enemy as islam and terrorism. You may not like him, but Savage was right- the enemy within.

They don't want riots over this. That's why Obama hasn't been impeached

i fucking swear; every day that goes by I feel truly that the libs are just as much America's enemy as islam and terrorism. You may not like him, but Savage was right- the enemy within.

They don't want riots over this. That's why Obama hasn't been impeached

I would rather see cities burn then to endure Obama in office for one more day.

LBJ at his finest. Not.

From Robert Dallek, Johnson's biographer-
Johnson explained his decision to nominate Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying, “when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”
From his chaffeurs book Capitol in Black and White-
The racism of Lyndon Johnson is on full display in this book as Robert Parker offers up several fascinating LBJ anecdotes that illustrate his boorish cruelty.- LBJ told Parker just shut up and pretend you are a piece of GD furniture.

You are seriously blind and purposely so, then. His racism was recognized by all. Even nbc admits it.

Now, you can try to say the shooter may not be muslim all you want, just as you say LBJ didn't say those things, but the truth is there for all to see.

Bogus? You know better.
Actually it's proof that proof is necessary before ass-uming things.

Like those bogus quotes in your sigline for instance.

I sure do. That's why I keep posting "bogus".
Bogus? You know better.
Actually it's proof that proof is necessary before ass-uming things.

Like those bogus quotes in your sigline for instance.

I sure do. That's why I keep posting "bogus".

Funny you cut off the next sentence of the book, which notes about that comment:

The attorney never heard him speak about blacks that way again and felt that Johnson was playing a part and trying to create a kind of rapport between two "good old Southern boys".
It's called "mirroring", and we all do it with our speech depending on whether we're talking to our boss, our dog, our spouse, our kids, a stranger, etc.

--- now why would you leave that part out? It's right here, page 100. And the pages immediately preceding it put the lie to your inane idea that vocabulary makes racism. Words don't make racism; actions do. And by the way that's NOT Thurgood Marshall he's referring to, which speaks volumes about reading comprehension.

NOR is it any of the quotes in Steve McRacist's sigline anyway,
so what you have here is a nonworking red herring that you didn't even bother to fully read. I suggest you do so, starting at the beginning of that chapter.

Oh, so because some attorney never heard him say it again, then it must be true. You know, since obviously that attorney was present every time LBJ ever spoke to anyone in private, and also because the attorney would never lie.

This is just proof that when liberals are exposed for what they really are, it doesn't matter. They will just ignore the evidence and keep pushing the Agenda.

Getting hung up on shiny objects again? "Never heard him talk that way again" means exactly what it says. It doesn't say he was present forevermore. Plug in much bullshit?

The fact remains it IS the very next line in the book and it IS NOT part of Steve McRacist's sigline anyway, therefore irrelevant here, and there's not a goddam thing in the world you can do about that.

14 years of cnn, the msm and libs defending the religion of pieces since 9-11. But why? Do they hate Christians that much?
Yup. Progressives are all in with Islam. They will be with them until the end.

It is Bush's fault.

If he had acted towards Muslims in America as FDR acted towards Japanese, instead of blabbering about "Islam is a religion of peace", all the Islam promoting politically correct assholes would be in concentration camps along with the Muslims.

America would be safer and the world would be a better place.

Would have been no need for war in Afghanistan an Iran.
Would have been no ISIS.
CNN's poor Fredricka Whitfield really put some genuine effort into this topic just a few minutes ago, trying valiantly to come up with a reason why a male Muslim teenager might want to shoot and kill as many American servicemen as possible.

With the utmost journalistic integrity, curiosity and honesty, she brightly posited that a recent DUI arrest may be the reason the young man went on his murderous rampage.

We could get angry or just laugh. I think I'll just laugh.

Shooting psy-ops: As usual initially more than one face is presented as the shooter.
Chattanooga shooter: one of the actors also featured in ad "Unique Method May Regrow Lost Hair"
Currently the two photos, "news" headlines and ad, almost as close as it gets here:
Yahoo News - Latest News Headlines
Now that it's been proven that he was a devout Muslim, the next farce they're promoting is that he did it because of mental illness and depression.
CNN's poor Fredricka Whitfield really put some genuine effort into this topic just a few minutes ago, trying valiantly to come up with a reason why a male Muslim teenager might want to shoot and kill as many American servicemen as possible.

With the utmost journalistic integrity, curiosity and honesty, she brightly posited that a recent DUI arrest may be the reason the young man went on his murderous rampage.

We could get angry or just laugh. I think I'll just laugh.


It must have been that tequila he had a few months ago. It had hallucinogenic properties. That's exactly why I never get drunk on Tequila.


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