CNN faced $100M lawsuit over botched Russia story


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It just got serious. This will put a quick end to fake news, and some careers as it were.

The specter of a $100 million libel suit scared CNN into retracting a poorly reported story that slimed an ally of President Trump’s — and forcing out the staffers responsible for it, The Post has learned.

The cable network’s coverage of Trump transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci came amid federal scrutiny of corporate parent Time Warner’s pending purchase by AT&T — and the widespread belief among media execs that CNN President Jeff Zucker can’t survive a merger.

CNN immediately caved after Scaramucci, a financier and frequent network guest, cried foul and threatened to take legal action, sources said Tuesday.

Scaramucci got an unusual public apology but still hired a top Manhattan lawyer to put further pressure on CNN and “look after [his] interests in this matter,” one source said.

Sources also said the three journalists responsible for the retracted story — reporter Tom Frank, editor Evan Lichtblau and Lex Haris, who headed the CNN Investigates unit — were urged to resign.

“They called them in and said they’d pay out their contracts, but they should leave immediately,” one source said.

Zucker was afraid of facing a high-profile suit from Scaramucci while the US Justice Department weighs the proposed $85.4 billion media merger.

Meanwhile, a CNN insider said staffers are furious at “having lost the moral high ground because of this story.” Sources said Zucker tried to rally his staff during a Tuesday morning conference call.
Palin is now suing the NYT. Going to put the thread up now. Hit the SOB's in the pocketbook. Scaramucci was ready to lawyer up right away.
Palin is now suing the NYT. Going to put the thread up now. Hit the SOB's in the pocketbook. Scaramucci was ready to lawyer up right away.

The equalizer to all the fake news, slander lawsuits. Some of them certainly overdue.
Palin is now suing the NYT. Going to put the thread up now. Hit the SOB's in the pocketbook. Scaramucci was ready to lawyer up right away.

The equalizer to all the fake news, slander lawsuits. Some of them certainly overdue.

With several of these cases now proceeding, it will be or should be a wake up call to the media. I always wondered why there were not more slander/libel cases brought against the media until I saw a great old film called Absence of Malice with Sally Field and Paul Newman. Media can basically nuke a person's reputation as long as they can prove that was not their intent.

Both Scarammuci and Palin especially stand a good chance of a big win because there is no doubt that the intention was to smear them.
It just got serious. This will put a quick end to fake news, and some careers as it were.

The specter of a $100 million libel suit scared CNN into retracting a poorly reported story that slimed an ally of President Trump’s — and forcing out the staffers responsible for it, The Post has learned.

The cable network’s coverage of Trump transition-team member Anthony Scaramucci came amid federal scrutiny of corporate parent Time Warner’s pending purchase by AT&T — and the widespread belief among media execs that CNN President Jeff Zucker can’t survive a merger.

CNN immediately caved after Scaramucci, a financier and frequent network guest, cried foul and threatened to take legal action, sources said Tuesday.

Scaramucci got an unusual public apology but still hired a top Manhattan lawyer to put further pressure on CNN and “look after [his] interests in this matter,” one source said.

Sources also said the three journalists responsible for the retracted story — reporter Tom Frank, editor Evan Lichtblau and Lex Haris, who headed the CNN Investigates unit — were urged to resign.

“They called them in and said they’d pay out their contracts, but they should leave immediately,” one source said.

Zucker was afraid of facing a high-profile suit from Scaramucci while the US Justice Department weighs the proposed $85.4 billion media merger.

Meanwhile, a CNN insider said staffers are furious at “having lost the moral high ground because of this story.” Sources said Zucker tried to rally his staff during a Tuesday morning conference call.
Hopefully it will drive them out of business.
Good. CNN is doing what it should to maintain quality control.
Maintain quality? What quality is there in lies, propaganda and vicious personal attacks against anyone they don't like, Jake? It's time that CNN and the rest of them were shut down. Put them out of business.

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