CNN gets a new Senior Political Commentator... Guess Who???

If a sissy cries in the forest and no one sees it....

Is his pussy still wet?

I get it... the runt has been thoroughly embarrassed and needs total anonymity. He's found it.

kinz cry 66.jpg
If Trump appears to have shifted to the left, just imagine how far left you people look now.

He only appears that way to you loons

He is what he always was. An opportunist

Are you just now realizing it?
He only appears that way to you loons

He is what he always was. An opportunist

Are you just now realizing it?

Trump made me realize a lot of things. In particular, just who you leftists are, what makes you tick, and your endgame. He literally forced you to rip off your masks, exposing to the world just who and what you were underneath them. He also exposed those "Republicans" who disgrace themselves by aligning themselves with your leftist policies.

I will always thank him for that. But his endorsement of McCarthy means it's time to move even farther to the the right.
Well, he considers you a "satanic fuck" for wanting to kill babies and sell their body parts.

The only thing you two have in common is the TDS mental illness... unless you're a runt too....
Haha, ok, thanks for the observation and piss poor analysis 👎
You’re just saying that because he rallied against Trump the RINO… have you ever actually looked at his resume and voting record? I think not

He's a fucking pedo supporter, required by the democrat party.

gotta keep jan 6th alive

That is not the worst thing -
I read today that there has been a 13% increase in the idea that there was fraud going on that needed to be addressed on Jan 6th. before the votes were certified.
The 13% increase was within The Democrat Party.
Support nationwide has doubled following the January 6th Infomercial.

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