CNN gets a new Senior Political Commentator... Guess Who???

Haha, you’re a moron. You don’t even know how he voted on actual issues…. Which was conservatively

He supports the change to "minor attracted" as a for instance.

In other words, he's a pedo, and one of yours.
I read today that there has been a 13% increase in the idea that there was fraud going on that needed to be addressed on Jan 6th. before the votes were certified.
The 13% increase was within The Democrat Party.

Whereja read it?
"Don't worry your cult won't ever see it."

Good poster can be honest with us here. We are all friends. But, didja just make up that story in order to have something to post? To insert your poor avatar into the conversation?
Every single Republican who doesn't drink the Trump Cult Kool-Aid is a RINO

And the rubes think they're "conservative"

Yeah, it's not cool for any American to think independently out of the party propaganda, huh. That's why govt isn't serving the people.
Well, that is really cool. Re-assuring.
But, you know, gurlfriend......this is Adult Swim.
If you assert it...allege it...claim it.....well, you gotta prove it.

So, saddle up Skinnyjeans, show us what your little pony can do.
Well, that is really cool. Re-assuring.
But, you know, gurlfriend......this is Adult Swim.
If you assert it...allege it...claim it.....well, you gotta prove it.

So, saddle up Skinnyjeans, show us what your little pony can do.

Poor baby
Could you not find it?
Adam “ The Crying Game “ Kinzinger is from the Eyepatch McCain Socially Liberal Veterans wing of the GOP
Adam “ The Crying Game “ Kinzinger is from the Eyepatch McCain Socially Liberal Veterans wing of the GOP
Not really, he’s from the Midwest and the military, not a seasoned politician and one of the few that had the balls to call out Trump on his lies while still staying try to conservative values. Look at his voting record. The only reason why y’all call him names is because he stood up to trump. That’s pretty weak


Tucker Carlson's prediction comes true: Kinzinger hired by CNN as "Senior Political Analyst"

5 Jan 2023 ~~ By Karen Townsend

If you watched Tucker Carlson’s show Wednesday night, you know that he enjoyed saying, “I told you so.” At the end of the hour, Tucker delivered a little update on the career of Adam Kinzinger. Kinzinger, the former congressman from Illinois, is now a senior political analyst for CNN.
This is not a surprise. Kinzinger, despite cozying up to Democrats during the Trump years, including being chosen by Nancy Pelosi as a member of the hyper-partisan January 6 committee, was redistricted out of his congressional seat. Going to CNN as a contributor was Tucker’s prediction for Kinzinger in December. Kinzinger landed an even better spot as a senior political analyst. I imagine other Never-Trump Republicans already at the network as political contributors must have raised an eyebrow or two at the favoritism shown to the former congressman.
A former colleague of mine at NewBusters described how Erin Burnett made the big announcement on her show yesterday. She gushed.
As I said, Kinzinger’s career move was predictable. Some former congressmen and women become lobbyists in Washington. Others go to cable news networks to cash in. Kinzinger chose the latter. Is CNN really making changes to strike a more balanced political tone?

Tucker nailed this turn coat turd correctly.
I wonder if Kinzinger will become emotional and cry on CNN prime time?
“Kinzinger was first elected to the House 12 years ago, and for the bulk of his time in office, he served utterly without distinction, in virtual anonymity,” Carlson said on his Fox News show.

Tucker Carlson's prediction comes true: Kinzinger hired by CNN as "Senior Political Analyst"

5 Jan 2023 ~~ By Karen Townsend

If you watched Tucker Carlson’s show Wednesday night, you know that he enjoyed saying, “I told you so.” At the end of the hour, Tucker delivered a little update on the career of Adam Kinzinger. Kinzinger, the former congressman from Illinois, is now a senior political analyst for CNN.
This is not a surprise. Kinzinger, despite cozying up to Democrats during the Trump years, including being chosen by Nancy Pelosi as a member of the hyper-partisan January 6 committee, was redistricted out of his congressional seat. Going to CNN as a contributor was Tucker’s prediction for Kinzinger in December. Kinzinger landed an even better spot as a senior political analyst. I imagine other Never-Trump Republicans already at the network as political contributors must have raised an eyebrow or two at the favoritism shown to the former congressman.
A former colleague of mine at NewBusters described how Erin Burnett made the big announcement on her show yesterday. She gushed.
As I said, Kinzinger’s career move was predictable. Some former congressmen and women become lobbyists in Washington. Others go to cable news networks to cash in. Kinzinger chose the latter. Is CNN really making changes to strike a more balanced political tone?

Tucker nailed this turn coat turd correctly.
I wonder if Kinzinger will become emotional and cry on CNN prime time?
“Kinzinger was first elected to the House 12 years ago, and for the bulk of his time in office, he served utterly without distinction, in virtual anonymity,” Carlson said on his Fox News show.

It would be awesome if he followed up on all his predictions. He can work on that while he has a Jason Chaffis or Trey Goudy or Tulsi Gabbard cover his show again
They only chose him on account of the fact that Che Guevara is deceased.

Now, don't get me wrong - the deceased are a VERY important part of the Democrat constituency, but this job requires a warm body unaffected by rigor mortis or tissue decay.

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