CNN Heralds Biden Foreign Trip Victory to Americans, But CNN’s European Readers See: ‘Putin Got Exactly What He Wanted’


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Amazing. Here we see what propagandists CNN is at home for the Democratic Party.


A sample of headlines, as pointed out by the website Panda Tribune:

  • Biden finds his comfort zone on the world stage in first international trip as president
  • After showdown abroad, Biden faces one at home
  • 5 takeaways from the summit between Biden and Putin
  • President Biden on historic Putin summit: ‘I did what I came to do’

Meanwhile, this is what European readers of the World section see:


The headline: “Putin got exactly what he wanted from Biden in Geneva.” A number of key passages provide a remarkable contrast to the pro-Biden narrative that is boilerplate on the “news” network.

“The optics of the summit were almost tailored to suit Putin’s domestic needs,” CNN World reported. “The meetings were requested by the US, which as far as the Kremlin is concerned, confirms that Putin is a leader of similar stature to the US President.”

“This is exactly what the Kremlin wants. To talk to the US as equals and in such a way that the other side does not demand a change of position as a condition of dialogue,” says Oleg Ignatov, Crisis Group’s senior Russia analyst based in Moscow.

“There is no doubt that Putin will continue to test Biden if the dialogue deadlocks or develops in a direction that is disadvantageous to Moscow. This is not yet the beginning of the normalization of relations. It is a pause in their further deterioration,” he added.

Another remark further underscores that Putin ‘got what he wanted’ from the summit.

“His robust response both to softball questions from tame Russian media and to challenges from foreign journalists will win points at home from those Russians who share his conviction that it is the West who is the dangerous, unpredictable, aggressive partner in the relationship,” said Keir Giles, Senior Consulting Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House.


Amazing. Here we see what propagandists CNN is at home for the Democratic Party.

It's a sad fact now that other countries are better informed with far more accurate and transparent news about the USA than our media affords us. Americans are being lied to and kept from the facts at a pace never before seen in my life. It is pretty bad when you can look to other countries, other world leaders, even BAD ones, and find they are far more TUNED INTO REALITY than our own media, government and POTUS. Whatever else you might say about him, Putin GETS IT.


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