CNN host calls Trump ‘piece of sh*t’ over renewed call for travel ban after UK Terror Attack

The travel ban isn't going to save you, my paranoid little morons. It's the TSA of immigration policy - it's all for show.
then why are you afraid of it?
Because it will harm us dumb ass.
how exactly?
By making us 1. Into assholes because it's so arbitrary (nations where Trump does business aren't included) and 2. making us look like an enemy of Islam (which we are not).
huh and huh. doesn't do either. so you're just confused on what the president is doing. He is the president of these United States, and not the islamic world. So, to that point, you're confused. And next you'd have to tell me how we are enemies of a religion. I didn't know religion had a state or country.

Figured it out. You really are that dumb. Nobody could pretend to be that dumb.
The travel ban isn't going to save you, my paranoid little morons. It's the TSA of immigration policy - it's all for show.
then why are you afraid of it?
Because it will harm us dumb ass.
how exactly?

Really? As many times as you have been told, you're still asking why? I'm not sure if you're really that dumb, or just like pretending that you're that dumb. Why would you want to insult and piss off millions of Muslims that haven't harmed us, and have no intention of harming us , and give them reason to believe that the evil ones who have harmed us are right? Why would you want to recruit more for our enemies?
look at the countries on the list. It's simple.
then why are you afraid of it?
Because it will harm us dumb ass.
how exactly?
By making us 1. Into assholes because it's so arbitrary (nations where Trump does business aren't included) and 2. making us look like an enemy of Islam (which we are not).
huh and huh. doesn't do either. so you're just confused on what the president is doing. He is the president of these United States, and not the islamic world. So, to that point, you're confused. And next you'd have to tell me how we are enemies of a religion. I didn't know religion had a state or country.

Figured it out. You really are that dumb. Nobody could pretend to be that dumb.
so you can't explain. thanks,
The travel ban isn't going to save you, my paranoid little morons. It's the TSA of immigration policy - it's all for show.
then why are you afraid of it?
Because it will harm us dumb ass.
how exactly?

Really? As many times as you have been told, you're still asking why? I'm not sure if you're really that dumb, or just like pretending that you're that dumb. Why would you want to insult and piss off millions of Muslims that haven't harmed us, and have no intention of harming us , and give them reason to believe that the evil ones who have harmed us are right? Why would you want to recruit more for our enemies?
look at the countries on the list. It's simple.

You'll note that countries doing business with Trump were somehow left off the list.
Because it will harm us dumb ass.
how exactly?
By making us 1. Into assholes because it's so arbitrary (nations where Trump does business aren't included) and 2. making us look like an enemy of Islam (which we are not).
huh and huh. doesn't do either. so you're just confused on what the president is doing. He is the president of these United States, and not the islamic world. So, to that point, you're confused. And next you'd have to tell me how we are enemies of a religion. I didn't know religion had a state or country.

Figured it out. You really are that dumb. Nobody could pretend to be that dumb.
so you can't explain. thanks,

I have explained TO YOU many times. I can't help it if you want to play dumb.
Snowflakes are seriously, mentally confused. A President who seeks to protect US citizens and ensure our Natl Security is not a 'POS'.

A 'Piece of $h!t' is a President who finances, supplies, arms, trains, defends, and protects terrorists, who drags the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to aid them, and who treasonously warns them of impending attacks by coalition forces after terrorists conduct the largest attack on that coalition nation since WWII.

A 'Piece of $h!t' is a President who drags the US into an Un-Constitutional and Un-Conscionable War to actually help the terrorist group, as was done in Libya, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans over 10 years earlier.

A 'Piece of $h!t' is a President who makes excuses for a terrorist attack that results in the deaths of American citizens, calling it a 'Case of Workplace violence' instead of what it was - a terrorist attack - so as not to offend those who want us dead.

A 'Piece of $h!t' is a President who MOCKS Americans abroad for their concerns for our national security and their safety right before the terrorist to whom he gave a visa and welcomed into the US murders 7 Americans in a terrorist attack...and never apologizes for mocking Americans.

A 'Piece of $h!t' is a President who, after that terrorist attack that results in the murder of 7 Americans, sends out his US AG to threaten any American who exercises their Constitutionally protected Freedom of Speech by condemning Islamic Extremism so as not to offend those Islamic Extremists who seek to kill us.

A 'Piece of $h!t' is a President who, in order to protect his own re-election bid, blames a video for a terrorist attack he KNEW was coming and the needless deaths of 4 Americans he could have a President who vowed to arrest and jail the video maker for exercising his Constitutional Right of Free Speech BEFORE ever vowing to bring the terrorists to justice in an attempt to appease those who killed 4 Americans, and who ensured the video maker remained in jail while he released the 'mastermind' behind the terrorist attack that murdered 4 include the 1st US Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years!

A 'Piece of $h!t' is a President who fails to heed the warnings given to him by foreign Intel about 2 terrorist brothers, who allows them to conduct a terrorist attack that maims and murders American citizens, and then places their pictures on TV asking the public to help identify them WHEN THEY ALREADY DAMN-WELL KNEW WHO THEY WERE in an attempt to make the public believe they had NOT f*ed up and allowed terrorists to murder more Americans when they / he could have prevented it.

A 'Piece of $h!t' is a President who puts his own views and goals of multiculturalism, Globalism, and Islamic Extremist Sympathizing above our national security and the safety of American citizens.
then why are you afraid of it?
Because it will harm us dumb ass.
how exactly?

Really? As many times as you have been told, you're still asking why? I'm not sure if you're really that dumb, or just like pretending that you're that dumb. Why would you want to insult and piss off millions of Muslims that haven't harmed us, and have no intention of harming us , and give them reason to believe that the evil ones who have harmed us are right? Why would you want to recruit more for our enemies?
look at the countries on the list. It's simple.

You'll note that countries doing business with Trump were somehow left off the list.
it was the same list obummer used. Are you saying obummer was doing business with Trump?
how exactly?
By making us 1. Into assholes because it's so arbitrary (nations where Trump does business aren't included) and 2. making us look like an enemy of Islam (which we are not).
huh and huh. doesn't do either. so you're just confused on what the president is doing. He is the president of these United States, and not the islamic world. So, to that point, you're confused. And next you'd have to tell me how we are enemies of a religion. I didn't know religion had a state or country.

Figured it out. You really are that dumb. Nobody could pretend to be that dumb.
so you can't explain. thanks,

I have explained TO YOU many times. I can't help it if you want to play dumb.
so still nothing. figures. just more useless spewing from a libturd.
Because it will harm us dumb ass.
how exactly?

Really? As many times as you have been told, you're still asking why? I'm not sure if you're really that dumb, or just like pretending that you're that dumb. Why would you want to insult and piss off millions of Muslims that haven't harmed us, and have no intention of harming us , and give them reason to believe that the evil ones who have harmed us are right? Why would you want to recruit more for our enemies?
look at the countries on the list. It's simple.

You'll note that countries doing business with Trump were somehow left off the list.
it was the same list obummer used. Are you saying obummer was doing business with Trump?

Idiot see #230
You keep trying to pretend Trump is doing as Obama did, WRONG!!!!
Obama's list as based on specific identified threats at the time. Trump's isn't.
Obama's own Intel Agency declared ISIS has infiltrated the ranks of the 'refugees'. That has not changed...and the repercussions of ignoring that, as the UK has just learned by multiple attacks in several weeks is evidence of that.

Nice try, but fail.
how exactly?

Really? As many times as you have been told, you're still asking why? I'm not sure if you're really that dumb, or just like pretending that you're that dumb. Why would you want to insult and piss off millions of Muslims that haven't harmed us, and have no intention of harming us , and give them reason to believe that the evil ones who have harmed us are right? Why would you want to recruit more for our enemies?
look at the countries on the list. It's simple.

You'll note that countries doing business with Trump were somehow left off the list.
it was the same list obummer used. Are you saying obummer was doing business with Trump?

Idiot see #230
is it the same list yes or no? it's simple.
Really? As many times as you have been told, you're still asking why? I'm not sure if you're really that dumb, or just like pretending that you're that dumb. Why would you want to insult and piss off millions of Muslims that haven't harmed us, and have no intention of harming us , and give them reason to believe that the evil ones who have harmed us are right? Why would you want to recruit more for our enemies?
look at the countries on the list. It's simple.

You'll note that countries doing business with Trump were somehow left off the list.
it was the same list obummer used. Are you saying obummer was doing business with Trump?

Idiot see #230
is it the same list yes or no? it's simple.

I'm talking about crazies who shouldn't have guns. What the hell are you talking about?
look at the countries on the list. It's simple.

You'll note that countries doing business with Trump were somehow left off the list.
it was the same list obummer used. Are you saying obummer was doing business with Trump?

Idiot see #230
is it the same list yes or no? it's simple.

I'm talking about crazies who shouldn't have guns. What the hell are you talking about?
So you know who they are? LOL. Again, what's the difference between the obummer list?
CNN host calls Trump ‘piece of sh*t’ over renewed call for travel ban

CNN ought to know for they are the Piece Of Shit Network. They will not fire this person, they condone the language. Only a matter of time before Stephen Colbert is next.

Kind of rewarding seeing the Left come unglued at the ongoing actions of a president supported by the thirty states they don't live in. I wonder what they will tell their viewers in 4 years when all this stuff they've been railing against night and day starts to actually work and pay dividends?

I guess they ought to be glad I'm not president: Islam is a POLITICAL SYSTEM based on Sharia that is incompatible with our society. If I were in charge I would:

A). Close all mosques.
B). People of Islamic persuasion would need to undergo reeducation to become Americans and adopt American ways or be deported.
C). Non-citizens from Islamic nations would have to be vetted before being allowed to enter.

I'm basically a practical engineer and I take the direct route to any problem: last I checked, Islamic people were at the heart of every conflict around the planet! Solution: quit being politically correct, get the Islamists out. All these judges and organizations who keep trying to fight it saying it is "unconstitutional," arrest them for sedition.

I'm not saying I'm happy about this. I'm not saying it is a perfect solution or innocent people won't be affected, but this crap has gone on too long too far; ultimately, the blame lies with Islamic people for tolerating, permitting and looking the other way on so many of their radicalized brethren.

Ultimately, the president has the final authority on who enters the country. Islamists have shown that they are not well-equipped to enter the 21st century. They do not handle autonomy well, they do not handle wealth well. They use their freedom and wealth born from oil to fight and kill and destroy, so, those who cannot exist in a civil way need occupied, controlled, and suppressed. Their wealth taken from them and managed, and they be educated in a way that does not train children from birth to want to be jihadists blowing themselves up half a world away.

There is no room on this planet for a culture which thinks that being a free, open, civil society is the root of all evil to be brutally massacred. Unfortunately, the only practical solution I see now calls for us to be a bit less than civil ourselves for a while.
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Total Horseshit. The Ban does not protect us, it ENDANGERS us by slapping muslims in the face and giving Islamists easy propaganda material about how America is waging a war on Islam.

There wasn't EVEN ONE American death as a result of million or so people that traveled to United States from the countries listed in the Travel ban.

Terrorism and Trump's Travel Ban -

American death did happen as a result of this:

What country do we need to ban travel from in response?
You are full of shit. Do not open the door for anyone who threatens to break the door down or has already said "I intend on destroying you once I enter into your house".


We have a rigorous background check process SPECIFICALLY TO DO THAT.
Obviously those have not been used properly by whomever was in charge.

To repeat - NOT ONE DEATH in America as a result of travels from the 7 countries in the Travel ban.

You left out a key word: "YET!"

Are you withholding something from Authorities? :rolleyes:
You are full of shit. Do not open the door for anyone who threatens to break the door down or has already said "I intend on destroying you once I enter into your house".


We have a rigorous background check process SPECIFICALLY TO DO THAT.
Obviously those have not been used properly by whomever was in charge.

To repeat - NOT ONE DEATH in America as a result of travels from the 7 countries in the Travel ban.

You left out a key word: "YET!"

Are you withholding something from Authorities? :rolleyes:

No. The question is why you don't expect something to happen from some of those refugees when we know there are ISIS cells implanted in those groups?

We have a rigorous background check process SPECIFICALLY TO DO THAT.
Obviously those have not been used properly by whomever was in charge.

To repeat - NOT ONE DEATH in America as a result of travels from the 7 countries in the Travel ban.

You left out a key word: "YET!"

Are you withholding something from Authorities? :rolleyes:

No. The question is why you don't expect something to happen from some of those refugees when we know there are ISIS cells implanted in those groups?

Nonsence - if we KNEW there were ISIS cells implanted in refugees being processed administration would have no problem presenting such a case to the courts, because that would give grounds to urgency. They didn't, because what you just said is not true.
Obviously those have not been used properly by whomever was in charge.

To repeat - NOT ONE DEATH in America as a result of travels from the 7 countries in the Travel ban.

You left out a key word: "YET!"

Are you withholding something from Authorities? :rolleyes:

No. The question is why you don't expect something to happen from some of those refugees when we know there are ISIS cells implanted in those groups?

Nonsence - if we KNEW there were ISIS cells implanted in refugees being processed administration would have no problem presenting such a case to the courts, because that would give grounds to urgency. They didn't, because what you just said is not true.

We can't identify who they are but ISIS has told us they are sneaking people through!

The reason for the ban is that there is no way to vet these people in the first place!

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