“CNN hosts Anderson Cooper, Chris Wallace on the chopping block amid new CEO Mark Thompson”

CNN ratings have absolutely tanked. Everyone is watching people like Tucker, Carlson and Patrick David on outlets like YouTube and X.

The radical left-wing blm feminist agenda of CNN has cost them tons of viewers.

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Cnn, MSNBC, whatever network that allows the view to be on the air and so on are all tools of the current administration. They aren't real news, they are paid agenda contributors.

Thanks to bill Clinton of course because he opened the door for this a while back.

Now fast forward to today where news outlets are owned directly and indirectly by politically motivated individuals and use them to forward their agendas and the government uses them to manipulate information to the public.

George soros recently bought America's 2nd largest broadcasting company. A forienger that's a world economic forum player, major contributor to the democratic party, and a political activist is buying information media sources directly.

Bill gates heavily donated to pbs, and then had them run a lot of pro stories about vaccines during a time when he was pushing vaccines.

Cnn technical director was shown on video admitting that a goal of him and cnn was to keep trump out of office and that they created propaganda in order to achieve that. They weren't reporting on news, they were creating it to keep a president out of office

Nobody watches them so nobody will miss them.

NOV 2020 I turned off TV at home & radio “news” during commute. GP headlines tell the story enough in combination with a few message boards. I know things under Obiden are messed up. I don’t need to hear opinion from rabid Leftist scum.//
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It really is something brother. Anderson Cooper is getting 20 million a year, Wolf blitzer 15 million per year and Jake Tapper $8 million a year. It’s like it’s the payroll the New York Yankees. And nobody is watching the network.

I believe they still claim 800,000 viewers at peak?
I believe they still claim 800,000 viewers at peak?
It could be the case. But they’re getting crushed by people like Tucker Carlson, and Patrick Bet David and alternative media.

Now Megan Kelly has over 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube.

CNN used to do a lot better in the 1990s. They’ve gone to the radical left ever since the election of Trump.

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