CNN: How marginalized communities in the South are paying the price for ‘green energy’ in Europe

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
White environmentalists pat each other on the back for hurting low income black people,.

Absolutely disgusting.

How marginalized communities in the South are paying the price for ‘green energy’ in Europe​

July 9, 2021

Andrea Macklin never turns off his TV. It’s the only way to drown out the noise from the wood mill bordering his backyard, the jackhammer sound of the plant piercing his walls and windows. The 18-wheelers carrying logs rumble by less than 100 feet from his house, all day and night, shaking it as if an earthquake has taken over this tranquil corner of North Carolina. He’s been wearing masks since long before the coronavirus pandemic, just to keep the dust out of his lungs.

Some nights, he only sleeps for two or three hours. Breathing is a chore.

“I haven’t had proper rest since they’ve been here,” he said.

That was eight years ago, when the world’s largest biomass producer, Enviva, opened its second North Carolina facility just west of Macklin’s property in Garysburg. The operation takes mostly hardwood trees and spits out biomass, or wood pellets, a highly processed and compressed wood product burned to generate energy. Enviva is one of nearly a dozen similar companies benefiting from a sustainability commitment made 4,000 miles away, more than a decade ago.

In 2009, the European Union (EU) pledged to curb greenhouse gas emissions, urging its member states to shift from fossil fuels to renewables. In its Renewable Energy Directive (RED), the EU classified biomass as a renewable energy source — on par with wind and solar power. As a result, the directive prompted state governments to incentivize energy providers to burn biomass instead of coal — and drove up demand for wood.

So much so that the American South emerged as Europe’s primary source of biomass imports.

Earlier this year, the EU was celebrated in headlines across the world when renewable energy surpassed the use of fossil fuels on the continent for the first time in history.
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Yet, Magnificent Merkel signs an agreement with Mother Russia to build a pipeline with enough oil to fill the Great Lakes and China is building 100s of new coal plants "but Hey, let's pretend that America is the problem. We can just fix it by burning some wood!".

We've had our own unfair smackdown of the oil industry in Canada out West. A company spends billions to get their process far cleaner and acceptable extraction and they still get punished. It boggles my mind how some play politics with industries.

Instead of employing 1000s of people in good paying jobs and helping the economy while keeping prices low, we just leave the oil in the ground. Not only does Western Canada (and all of Canada from a revenue standpoint) pay a price, so does Texas and the American consumer.

Unless the world is going full nuclear or solar, we will still have energy needs. I'd love to see solar technology perfected, it would be great to see every battery on earth charged via the sun. We aren't there yet though.
Um, people have always chopped down trees.

Sure they have. You think that is the solution to the worlds energy needs? Cars, trains, airplanes, heating your home?

My house used to have a fireplace, some in my neighbourhood still use it. It's not practical for everyone that's for certain. Nor should it be if we have better delivery methods.

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