CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

Jun 9, 2012
Harry Reid Romney Tax Tipster 'Is A Credible Person,' New Source Tells CNN (VIDEO)

There are times [Reid] says things off the cuff that make his aides wince, like talking about smelly tourists in the Capitol -- I'm not making this up. This is not one of those times. This is one of those times he knows exactly what he's doing. He's doing it on purpose, he is doing it for political reasons, because he wants this issue -- Romney's taxes -- talked about on programs like yours, wants it to be headlines in newspapers and wants Mitt Romney to respond on this issue which they think is a negative for Romney, as opposed to issues Romney wants to talk about.

Seriously. Why doesn't Mitt just release the tax forms? It should be fairly clear to them by now that the story isn't going away, and it's picked up some steam since Pelosi has backed Reid. If there's nothing to be ashamed of, he's made a massive error in not releasing them. If there is something to be ashamed of, he's made it a million times worse by not releasing them.
There is no reason to refuse to release the returns unless he's hiding something or he perhaps hopes to release them closer to the election to embarrass Obama.
Harry Reid Romney Tax Tipster 'Is A Credible Person,' New Source Tells CNN (VIDEO)

There are times [Reid] says things off the cuff that make his aides wince, like talking about smelly tourists in the Capitol -- I'm not making this up. This is not one of those times. This is one of those times he knows exactly what he's doing. He's doing it on purpose, he is doing it for political reasons, because he wants this issue -- Romney's taxes -- talked about on programs like yours, wants it to be headlines in newspapers and wants Mitt Romney to respond on this issue which they think is a negative for Romney, as opposed to issues Romney wants to talk about.

Seriously. Why doesn't Mitt just release the tax forms? It should be fairly clear to them by now that the story isn't going away, and it's picked up some steam since Pelosi has backed Reid. If there's nothing to be ashamed of, he's made a massive error in not releasing them. If there is something to be ashamed of, he's made it a million times worse by not releasing them.

"Apparently we're supposed to be more angry with what Mitt Romney did with his money--than what Obama did with ours!"

The point is Romney could release 50 years of income tax returns and it wouldn't satisfy Harry Ried or the left in this country. This is all they've got to run on. Obama doesn't have a record that would in anyway qualify him to run for a second term. He has been a dismal failure.

And as Ronald Reagan stated: "If it isn't true--IGNORE it.


"If you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama
A second source, said to be "close to Senator [Harry] Reid," has told CNN's Dana Bash that Reid's original a credible person

oh, well, if the second anonymous source is saying the first anonymous source is "a credible person", i say we hang romney.


I heard there was another credible source that vouched for the first two.

Seriously? Does anyone believe this crap? Reid needs to reveal his source or resign in disgrace.
A second source, said to be "close to Senator [Harry] Reid," has told CNN's Dana Bash that Reid's original a credible person

oh, well, if the second anonymous source is saying the first anonymous source is "a credible person", i say we hang romney.


Well my 4th cousin removed--(can't remember his name) aunt who's 3rd cousin's friend of a friend told her that Obama never went to Harvard.

Huff PO......BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA any information before or after that is null and void......
The point is Romney could release 50 years of income tax returns and it wouldn't satisfy Harry Ried or the left in this country.

And that is exactly Romney's (and your own) political miscalculation. He's allowing Reid and the left control the debate. He doesn't have to satisfy them. He needs to satisfy the electorate, particularly the people who are undecided and can be swayed (and right now ARE being swayed) based on how the discussion pans out. Romney won't satisfy Reid and the left, you're right. But if he released the past 10 years of tax returns, it WOULD satisfy the electorate. And if he did this, and Reid and the left continued to babble on about it and try to move the goal post, it would work to Romney's favor among the undecideds.

I've been saying it for months, Romney has turned out to be the GOP equivalent of candidate Kerry in 2004. Kerry spent so much time letting Bush frame the discussion about how Kerry "voted for the $87 billion before I voted against the $87 billion" (not to mention a few other things) that Kerry never really got the chance to talk about what he wanted. Kerry insisted that he had to take the time to win everyone over, and didn't focus on winning the the real decision makers over. The closer we get to November, the more this election appears to be a repeat of 8 years ago. A weak sitting President wins reelection because of the combination of a weak opposition candidate, and the ridiculousness of mule headed hyper-polarized partisan politics.
A second source, said to be "close to Senator [Harry] Reid," has told CNN's Dana Bash that Reid's original a credible person

oh, well, if the second anonymous source is saying the first anonymous source is "a credible person", i say we hang romney.


I heard there was another credible source that vouched for the first two.

Seriously? Does anyone believe this crap? Reid needs to reveal his source or resign in disgrace.

Reid is running scared--he knows that his majority leadership is going to change hands in November and that Obama is in serious trouble. So he's pushing the panic button.

Change the focus from 8.3% unemployment or real unemployment at 11% when you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits--and 47 million Americans on food stamps today--to Romney's income tax returns--with a wild claim from the senate floor that he didn't pay taxes for 10 years--based on NOTHING.

You're right he is an absolute DISGRACE.


"When you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama
Enough with the taxes. Unless Obama is going to release his college transcripts I don't give two shits about Romney's taxes. We all know the Obama administration is a bunch of tax cheats along with many Dems in congress. So at best Romney is only as bad as the Dems but isn't a Hypocrite about it. How is that a winner? In reality Romney paid taxes ... then end.
Harry Reid Romney Tax Tipster 'Is A Credible Person,' New Source Tells CNN (VIDEO)

There are times [Reid] says things off the cuff that make his aides wince, like talking about smelly tourists in the Capitol -- I'm not making this up. This is not one of those times. This is one of those times he knows exactly what he's doing. He's doing it on purpose, he is doing it for political reasons, because he wants this issue -- Romney's taxes -- talked about on programs like yours, wants it to be headlines in newspapers and wants Mitt Romney to respond on this issue which they think is a negative for Romney, as opposed to issues Romney wants to talk about.

Seriously. Why doesn't Mitt just release the tax forms? It should be fairly clear to them by now that the story isn't going away, and it's picked up some steam since Pelosi has backed Reid. If there's nothing to be ashamed of, he's made a massive error in not releasing them. If there is something to be ashamed of, he's made it a million times worse by not releasing them.
Reid and pelosi, two of the three stooges. Who cares what they think.
All Romney has to do to make Harry Reid's source look like a lying fool - is to release his tax returns!
Harry Reid Romney Tax Tipster 'Is A Credible Person,' New Source Tells CNN (VIDEO)

There are times [Reid] says things off the cuff that make his aides wince, like talking about smelly tourists in the Capitol -- I'm not making this up. This is not one of those times. This is one of those times he knows exactly what he's doing. He's doing it on purpose, he is doing it for political reasons, because he wants this issue -- Romney's taxes -- talked about on programs like yours, wants it to be headlines in newspapers and wants Mitt Romney to respond on this issue which they think is a negative for Romney, as opposed to issues Romney wants to talk about.

Seriously. Why doesn't Mitt just release the tax forms? It should be fairly clear to them by now that the story isn't going away, and it's picked up some steam since Pelosi has backed Reid. If there's nothing to be ashamed of, he's made a massive error in not releasing them. If there is something to be ashamed of, he's made it a million times worse by not releasing them.

Harry knows the source is credible, he met him in a truck stop bathroom.
I have no doubt that Romney has paid taxes of "some kind" - but did he pay any "income taxes" for 10 years.
All Romney has to do to make Harry Reid's source look like a lying fool - is to release his tax returns!

Yes but that would be the rational thing to do, best to let people think you're hiding something raher than prove them right.
Harry Reid Romney Tax Tipster 'Is A Credible Person,' New Source Tells CNN (VIDEO)

There are times [Reid] says things off the cuff that make his aides wince, like talking about smelly tourists in the Capitol -- I'm not making this up. This is not one of those times. This is one of those times he knows exactly what he's doing. He's doing it on purpose, he is doing it for political reasons, because he wants this issue -- Romney's taxes -- talked about on programs like yours, wants it to be headlines in newspapers and wants Mitt Romney to respond on this issue which they think is a negative for Romney, as opposed to issues Romney wants to talk about.

Seriously. Why doesn't Mitt just release the tax forms? It should be fairly clear to them by now that the story isn't going away, and it's picked up some steam since Pelosi has backed Reid. If there's nothing to be ashamed of, he's made a massive error in not releasing them. If there is something to be ashamed of, he's made it a million times worse by not releasing them.

Harry knows the source is credible, he met him in a truck stop bathroom.

Did he tap his foot?
A second source, said to be "close to Senator [Harry] Reid," has told CNN's Dana Bash that Reid's original a credible person
oh, well, if the second anonymous source is saying the first anonymous source is "a credible person", i say we hang romney.


I heard there was another credible source that vouched for the first two.

Seriously? Does anyone believe this crap? Reid needs to reveal his source or resign in disgrace.
What a Dowager busybody Harry Reid is. :rolleyes:

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